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1.5.2 Modpacks:

1.6.4 Modpacks:

1.7.10 Modpacks:

1.12.2 Modpacks:

1.16.5 Modpacks:

1.18.2 Modpacks:


Land Protection:

Legal Agreements:

Permissions & Commands:


Last edited by Lightmare02 · 7 days ago



Gear up and set forth on a campaign worthy of legend, for Hexxit has been unearthed! Dark dungeons, towering spires, weathered ruins and musty tomes lay before you. Lay claim to riches or create your own artifacts, tame beasts and carve out your own story in endless wonder. Alone or with friends, adventure awaits in Hexxit.

Hexxit is a new collection of mods for Minecraft that put adventure above all else, in the style of old Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Exploration is interesting, the dangers are greater and the sense of satisfaction of clearing out a dungeon is intense. The mod-list is full of quality content from some very talented individuals.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

Core Mods:

Banned Items:

  • Chest Transporter
  • Quiver

Banned Mods:

  • Dimensional Doors (Disabled)
  • QCraft (Disabled)

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Ender Pearl
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Glass
  • Glowstone
  • Coal
  • Arrow
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Tin Ingot 
  • Copper Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Reinforced Iron Chest
  • Storage Crate
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ball Of Moss
  • Emerald Shard
  • Berry Medley
  • Bonemeal Bag
  • Carrot Bag
  • Cotton Seed Bag
  • Potato Bag
  • Wheat Seed Bag
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Hydra Chop
  • Ironwood Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Wither Skeleton Skull
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Golden Apple
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Fallen Meteor
  • Steel Ingot
  • Emerald Shard
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Sulfur
  • Nether Wart Bag
  • Golden Carrot
  • Lava Crystal
  • Silky Crystal
  • Ironwood Ingot
  • Naga Scale
  • Hexical Essence
  • Cooked Porkchop

Rare Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Bottle O'Enchanting
  • Frezarite
  • Kreknorite
  • Cicada
  • Lilypad of Fertility
  • Livingmetal Ingot
  • Starstone
  • Manyullyn
  • Necrotic Bone
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Ironwood Ingot
  • Knightmetal
  • Water Essence
  • Poison Essence
  • Ice Essence
  • Fire Essence
  • Darkness Essence
  • Electric Essence
  • Life Essence
  • Magic Essence
  • Wind Essence
  • Hexical Essence

Legendary Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • TIn Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Beacon
  • Skybeam Block
  • Carminite Reactor
  • Steel Ingot
  • Livingmetal Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Sojourner's Staff
  • Fiery Blood
  • Ironwood Ingot
  • Healing Staff
  • Water Staff
  • Poison Staff
  • Ice Staff
  • Fire Staff
  • Dark Staff
  • Electric Staff
  • Wind Staff
  • Hexical Diamond
  • Scale boots
  • Scale Chestpiece
  • Scale Helmet
  • Scale Leggings
  • Thiefs Boots
  • Thiefs Chestpiece
  • Thiefs Hood
  • Thief Leggings
  • Tribal Chestpiece
  • Tribal Helmet
  • Tribal Leggings
  • Tribal Boot

Resource Keys:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • TIn Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Quartz
  • Hexical Essence
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Kreknorite Chip
  • Frezarite Crystal
  • Meteor Chip
  • Torchberries
  • Raven's Feather
  • Lava Bucket
  • Redstone

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 7 days ago


Explore the depths of technological warfare and space exploration in the Voltz Modpack, a thrilling Minecraft experience that combines the best of science, industry, and adventure.

This modpack is a symphony of advanced machinery, powerful weaponry, and cosmic exploration.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

Core Mods:

Banned Items:

  • Red Matter Explosives/Missiles (Corrupts Worlds)
  • Sonic & Supersonic Explosives/Missiles (Overloads Physics)
  • Steve's Stopwatch & Weather Orb (Time & Weather Manipulation. Use /voteday, /votenight or /voterain, /votesun commands)
  • Obsidian TNT (Bypasses land protections)
  • Electric Chests (Corrupts Chunks, Robits are sold in admin shops)

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Block Of Redstone
  • Gold Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Star
  • Reinforced Concrete
  • Uranium Ore
  • ME 1k Storage
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Glowstone Ingot
  • Control Circuit
  • Enriched Iron
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Pink Slimeball
  • Antimatter (125mg)
  • Steel Ingot
  • HV Capacitor
  • Force Field Emitter
  • ME Cable
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)

Uncommon Key:

  • Block of Redstone
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Antimatter (125 mg)
  • Enriched Iron
  • Osmium Ingot
  • ME 4k Storage Cell
  • Reinforced Concrete
  • Diamond
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Basic Circuit
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Glowstone Ingot
  • Filled Fuel Canister
  • Uranium Ore
  • Blaze Rod
  • Emerald
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Steel Ingot
  • Pink Slimeball
  • Control Circuit
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Poison Powder
  • Nether Star

Rare Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Star
  • Universal Cable
  • Reinforced Concrete
  • Uranium Ore
  • Poison Powder
  • Missile Module
  • Redstone
  • ME 16k Storage
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Glowstone Ingot
  • Atomic Core
  • Enriched Iron
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Antimatter (125mg)
  • Advanced Circuit
  • Steel Ingot
  • HV Capacitor
  • Force Field Emitter

Legendary Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Star
  • Universal Cable
  • Uranium Ore
  • Poison Powder
  • Cluster Missile
  • Redstone
  • ME 64k Storage
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Glowstone Ingot
  • Atomic Core
  • Enriched Iron
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Antimatter (1 gram)
  • Elite Circuit
  • Steel Ingot
  • HV Capacitor
  • Force Field Emitter
  • ME Cable
  • Pink Slimeball

Resource Keys:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Certus Quartz
  • Sulfur
  • Uranium Ore
  • Filled Oil Canister
  • Filled Fuel Canister

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 5 days ago


Embark on a sky-high journey of survival, creativity, and resourcefulness in Agrarian Skies 1, the original skyblock adventure that has captured the hearts of Minecraft players worldwide. Stranded on a solitary floating island, you'll face unique challenges and puzzles as you strive to build a thriving civilization from scratch.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List: 

Core Mods:

Banned Items: 

  • Chunk Loader (Loads chunks - Buy one on our shop)
  • Singularity

Banned Mods: 

  • ChickenChunks
  • Tinkers' Mechworks (Crashes)

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Dirt
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • String
  • Iron Chest
  • Seared Bricks
  • Leadstone Energy Cell
  • Portable Tank
  • Compressed Cobblestone (9 blocks)
  • Blood Rune
  • ME 1k Storage
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Plastic Sheets
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Miniature Red Heart
  • Cheeseburger
  • Toast
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Leadstone Energy Conduit
  • Reward Bag (Good)
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Pyrotheum Dust
  • Enderium Dust
  • Nether Quartz

Uncommon Key:

  • Dirt
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Gold Chest
  • Seared Bricks
  • Hardened Energy Cell
  • Hardened Portable Tank
  • Double Compressed Cobblestone
  • Rune Of Self-Sacrifice
  • Rune Of  Sacrifice
  • Speed Rune
  • ME 4k Storage
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Silk Mesh
  • Plastic Sheets
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Necrotic Bone
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ball Of Moss
  • Red Heart Canister
  • Cheeseburger
  • Toast
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Leadstone Energy Conduit
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Wither Skeleton Skull Fragment
  • Reward Bag (Greater)

Rare Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Star
  • Diamond Chest
  • Seared Bricks
  • Redstone Energy Cell
  • Reinforced Portable Tank
  • Triple Compressed Cobblestone
  • Rune Of Augmented Capacity
  • Rune Of The Orb
  • Rune Of Dislocation
  • ME 16k Storage
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Plastic Sheets
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cheeseburger
  • Toast
  • Yellow Heart Canister
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Wither Skeleton Skull Fragment
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Hardened Energy Conduit
  • Reward Bag (Epic)

Legendary Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Rune Of Augmented Capacity
  • Rune Of The Orb
  • Rune Of Dislocation
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Plastic Sheets
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cheeseburger
  • Toast
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Seared Bricks
  • Resonant Portable Tank
  • Resonant Energy Cell
  • Tesseract
  • Quadruple Compressed Cobblestone
  • Redstone Energy Conduit
  • Crystal Chest
  • Wither Skeleton Skull
  • Beacon
  • Nether Iridium Ore
  • ME 64k Storage
  • Reward Bag (Legendary)

Resource Key:

  • Coal
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Apatite
  • Certus Quartz

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 1 day ago


Prepare for an unparalleled Minecraft experience filled with chaotic experiments, zany contraptions, and off-the-wall adventures in "Attack of the B-Team." This modpack was crafted with one singular goal in mind: to unleash the mad scientist within you!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List: 

Core Mods:

Banned Items: 

  • Electric Fence (Corrupts Chunks & Causes Crashes)
  • Magnetic Force (Illegal Teleporting)
  • Backpack (Corrupts Chunks)
  • Safari Net (Duping Items)
  • Solar Panel (Bad math causes server crash)
  • Turtles (Bypasses Claims)

Banned Mods: 

  • Tinkers' Mechworks (Crashes)
  • Tropicraft (Memory Leak & Multiple Crashes)
  • Morph (Over 14 issues, disabled on 6/4/2023)

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Glass
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Quartz
  • Gunpowder
  • Blaze Rod
  • Sugar Canes
  • Sign
  • Steak
  • Cake
  • Cactus
  • Fire Charge
  • Conveyor Belt
  • Spanish Moss
  • Steam Dynamo
  • Leadstone Energy Cell
  • Strongbox
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Bin
  • Hamburger
  • Hot Dog
  • "SuperStrawberry" Slurpee
  • Grilled Cheese Sandwich
  • Clay Jar
  • Camoflage Paste
  • Fluiduct
  • Redstone Energy Conduit
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Paper Stack
  • Seared Brick

Uncommon Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Quartz
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Wheat
  • Name Tag
  • Potion Of Regeneration
  • Fire Charge
  • Planter
  • Harvester
  • NASA Workbench
  • Magmatic Dynamo
  • Hardened Energy Cell
  • Hardened Strongbox
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Computer
  • Ritual Chalk
  • Ent Twig
  • Camoflage Paste
  • Redstone Energy Conduit
  • Invar Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Red Heart Canister
  • U.S. Marine Helmet
  • U.S. Marine Bodyarmour
  • U.S. Marine Trousers
  • U.S. Marine Boots

Rare Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Quartz
  • Invar Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Ghast Tear
  • Redstone Energy Conduit
  • Blaze Rod
  • Melon Seeds
  • Nether Star
  • Poisonous Potato
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Silky Jewel
  • Necrotic Bone
  • Lava Crystal
  • Statue Of The Goddess
  • Potion Of Swiftness
  • Deep Storage Unit
  • Reinforced Strongbox
  • Redstone Energy Cell
  • Otherwhere Chalk
  • Mutandis
  • Redstone Soup
  • Machine Frame
  • Yellow Heart Canister
  • Luggage
  • Biofossil
  • Creeper Heart
  • Mystic Unguent
  • Mutandis Extremis
  • Belladonna Flower
  • Mandrake Root
  • Demon Heart
  • Wool Of Bat
  • Water Artichoke Globe
  • Lead Ingot
  • Soul In A Jar

Legendary Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Quartz
  • Invar Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Mutandis Extremis
  • Belladonna Flower
  • Mandrake Root
  • Creeper Heart
  • Water Artichoke Globe
  • Wither Skeleton Skull
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Hot Dog
  • Grilled Cheese Sandwich
  • Lava Fabricator
  • Resonant Energy Cell
  • Resonant Strongbox
  • Tesseract
  • Elevator
  • Golden Egg
  • Analyzer
  • Cultivator
  • Worktable
  • Cheese Curd
  • Raw Meteoric Iron
  • Black Ink Cartridge
  • Printer
  • Entity Mover
  • Ghost Of The Light
  • Soul Of The World
  • Spirit Of Otherwhere
  • Infernal Animus
  • Brew Of Flowing Spirit
  • Mystic Branch
  • Redstone Energy Conduit
  • Resonant Flux Capacitor
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Creative Tool Modifier

Resource Keys:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Nether Quartz
  • Silver Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Filled Oil Canister
  • Amethyst
  • Sapphire
  • Peridot
  • Raw Silicon
  • Salt
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Ender Pearl
  • Nether Brick
  • Blaze Rod
  • Coal
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Bone
  • String
  • Feather
  • Gunpowder
  • Clay
  • Filled Fuel Canister
  • Lava Bucket

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 1 day ago



We have Liftoff! Tekkit has launched into a new era, and with it new frontiers to explore! Dimensions, pockets and planets, it’s all there for you and your friends to exploit and conquer.

Armed with the latest versions of the best mods from the hottest authors, a renewed sense of adventure and a focused drive, Tekkit is set to reignite the same sort of wonder and awe that we all received from booting up Minecraft for the first time. With the skies open, the moon ready to be colonized (by force if need be) and dimensional mysteries to be plied, with tesseracts to be networked, “meat” to be processed, items to be digitized, and power suits to be manufactured, there is virtually limitless engineering projects to be assembled.

Get your gear in order and prepare to blast off on an adventure all your own with Tekkit.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

Core Mods:

Banned Items: 

  • BC Quarry
  • Lux Capacitor (Bypasses TileEntity Limit)
  • Turtles (Bypasses claims)
  • Chunk Loaders
  • Singularity

Banned Mods: 

  • QCraft (Causes many server issues)
  • Dimensional Doors (Creates hundreds of dimensions upon world creation)
  • Mystcraft (Dimension Creation and Crashes)

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Gunpowder
  • Blaze Rod
  • Leadstone Energy Cell
  • Nether Star
  • Fountain
  • ME Cable
  • Atomic Electromagnet
  • Strongbox
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • ME 1k Storage
  • Certus Quartz
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Leadstone Energy Conduit
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Redstone
  • Slimeball
  • Raw Silicon
  • Basic Wafer
  • Advanced Wafer
  • String
  • Feather
  • Gunpowder
  • Carpenter's Hammer
  • Carpenter's Chisel
  • Pyrotheum Dust
  • Cryotheum Dust

Uncommon Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Certus Quartz
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Slimeball
  • ME Cable
  • Atomic Electromagnet
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Hardened Energy Cell
  • Reactor Casing
  • Turbine Housing
  • Hardened Strongbox
  • Drum
  • Light Oxygen Tank
  • Air Lock Frame
  • Hazmat Mask
  • Hazmat Body
  • Hazmat Leggings
  • Hazmat Boots
  • ME 4k Storage
  • Nether Star

Rare Key:

  • Reactor Casing
  • Turbine Housing
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Certus Quartz
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Nether Star
  • ME Cable
  • Atomic Electromagnet
  • Drum
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Pink Slimeball
  • Redstone Energy Cell
  • Reinforced Strongbox
  • Medium Oxygen Tank
  • ME 16k Storage
  • Air Lock Controller
  • Tesseract
  • Hardened Energy Conduit

Legendary Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Certus Quartz
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • ME Cable
  • Atomic Electromagnet
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Nether Star
  • ME Cable
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Tesseract
  • Pink Slimeball
  • Resonant Energy Cell
  • Resonant Strongbox
  • ME 64k Storage
  • Heavy Oxygen Tank
  • Flux-Infused Sword
  • Flux-Infused Pickaxe
  • Antimatter (125mg)
  • Power Fist
  • Power Armor Boots
  • Power Armor Leggings
  • Power Armor Chestplate
  • Power Armor Helmet

Resource Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Raw Silicon
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Certus Quartz
  • Filled Oil Canister
  • Uranium Ore
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Peridot

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 1 day ago



Welcome to the ultimate sandbox of creativity and exploration. "Test Pack Please Ignore" invites you to embark on an extraordinary Minecraft journey filled with an extensive selection of mods that redefine the way you play. Forge your own adventure, construct awe-inspiring structures, and uncover the secrets of a world brimming with possibilities.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

Core Mods:

Banned Items:

  • Nuke
  • PortalGun
  • Chunk Loaders
  • WorldShapers Looking Glass
  • Turtles
  • Dartcraft Bomb
  • Matter Cannon

Banned Mods:

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Blaze Rod
  • Certus Quartz
  • Diamond
  • Ghast Tear
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Bread
  • Golden Carrot
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Glass Bottle
  • Iron Chest
  • Leadstone Energy Cell
  • Portable Tank
  • Mystical White Flower
  • Mystical Orange Flower
  • Mystical Magenta Flower
  • Mystical Light Blue Flower
  • Mystical Yellow Flower
  • Mystical Lime Flower
  • Mystical Pink Flower
  • Mystical Gray Flower
  • Mystical Light Gray Flower
  • Mystical Cyan Flower
  • Mystical Purple Flower
  • Mystical Blue Flower
  • Mystical Brown Flower
  • Mystical Green Flower
  • Mystical Red Flower
  • Mystical Black Flower
  • Steel Ingot
  • Lamp of Growth
  • Solar Generator
  • Wind Turbine
  • Quintuple Compressed Cobblestone
  • Rune of Augmented Capacity
  • ME 1k Storage Cell
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Force Gem
  • Essence Dust
  • Weak Essence
  • Regular Infusion Stone
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Vibrant Alloy
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Gelid Enderium Nuggets

Uncommon Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Ghast Tear
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Golden Carrot
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Glass Bottle
  • Advanced Solar Panel
  • ME Cable
  • Gold Chest
  • Electrical Engine
  • Hardened Energy Cell
  • Hardened Portable Tank
  • Reactor Casing
  • Turbine Housing
  • Steel Ingot
  • Lamp of Growth
  • Ender-Lily Seeds
  • Drum
  • ME 4k Storage Cell
  • Force Gem
  • Coal Coke
  • Regular Essence
  • Strong Infusion Stone
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Vibrant Alloy
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Staff of Traveling
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Builder's Wand
  • Golden Bag of Holding
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Advanced Universal Cable
  • Armored Jetpack
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Luggage
  • Reinforced Slate
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Emzuli Transport Pipe
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Pyrotheum Dust
  • Electrum Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Golden Carrot
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Hybrid Solar Panel
  • Diamond Chest
  • Laser
  • Redstone Energy Cell
  • Reinforced Portable Tank
  • Tesseract
  • Steel Ingot
  • Lamp of Growth
  • Basic Factory (Smelting)
  • Portal to Deep Dark
  • Drum
  • Coal
  • Small Coal Boiler
  • Lava Generator
  • Solar Generator
  • Advanced Miner
  • ME 16k Storage
  • Essence Dust
  • Strong Essence
  • Extreme Infusion Stone
  • Gelid Enderium Ingot
  • Atomic Disassembler
  • Elite Universal Cable
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Necrotic Bone
  • Demonic Slate
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Emzuli Transport Pipe
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Pyrotheum Dust
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Infinity Orb (Red)
  • Battlemage Circlet
  • Battlemage Armor
  • Battlemage Leggings
  • Battlemage Boots

Legendary Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Golden Carrot
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel
  • ME Fuzzy Storage Bus
  • ME Cable
  • Energy Cell
  • ME Fuzzy Import Bus
  • Crystal Chest
  • Lilypad of Fertility
  • Resonant Energy Cell
  • Resonant Portable Tank
  • Lamp Of Growth
  • Elite Factory (Smelting)
  • Elite Factory (Smelting)
  • Octuple Compressed Cobblestone
  • Nether Star Generator
  • ME 64k Storage
  • Extreme Essence
  • Master Infusion Stone
  • Magnalium Ingot
  • Division Sigil
  • Gelid Enderium Ingot
  • Atomic Core
  • Ultimate Universal Cable
  • Imbued Slate
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Emzuli Transport Pipe
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Resonant Flux Capacitor
  • Pyrotheum Dust
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Iridium Ore
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Cross Of Mercy
  • Diamond Helmet
  • Diamond Chestplate
  • Diamond Leggings
  • Diamond Boots

Resource Keys:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Vinteum
  • Chimerite
  • Blue Topaz
  • Moonstone
  • Sunstone
  • Certus Quartz
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lava Bucket
  • Peridot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Iridium Ingot
  • Zinc Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Control Circuit
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 1 day ago


Prepare for an epic adventure like no other with the "Yogscast Complete Pack" (YCC). Immerse yourself in a meticulously crafted Minecraft experience that brings together an extraordinary assortment of mods, curated by the Yogscast team. Whether you're a fan of building, exploration, magic, technology, or combat, this pack has something for everyone.


Mod List: 

Core Mods: 

Banned Items: 

  • Chunk Loaders
  • Turtles (From ComputerCraft)
  • Lux Capacitor (Bypasses Tile Entity Limit)
  • PortalGun (Greifing)
  • Magnetic Force (Illegal Teleporting)
  • Bane Of Pigs
  • Luggage
  • Ritual Stone
  • Singularity

Banned Mods: 

  • Minechem

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ender Pearl
  • Nether Star
  • ME Cable
  • Blood Rune
  • Lamo Of Growth
  • Leadstone Energy Cell
  • Solar Generator
  • ME 1k Storage
  • Certus Quartz
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Steel Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Basic Universal Cable
  • Light Oxygen Tank
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Ethereal Essence (perditio)
  • Ethereal Essence (aqua)
  • Ethereal Essence (Ordo)
  • Ethereal Essence (Ignis)
  • Ethereal Essence (terra)
  • Ethereal Essence (Aer)
  • Camoflage Paste
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Infinity Orb (Blue)
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Glowstone Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Plastic Sheets
  • Blue Topaz

Uncommon Key:

  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ender Pearl
  • Nether Star
  • Electromagnet
  • ME Cable
  • Lamo Of Growth
  • Hardened Energy Cell
  • Reactor Casing
  • Turbine Housing
  • Wind Turbine
  • ME 4k Storage
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Pulsating Iron
  • Conduit Binder
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Advanced Universal Cable
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Medium Oxygen Tank
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Infinity Orb (Green)
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Camoflage Paste

Rare Key:

  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Star
  • Reactor Casing
  • Turbine Housing
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Pulsating Iron
  • Conduit Binder
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • HV Capacitor
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Lamp Of Growth
  • Redstone Energy Cell
  • Advanced Solar Generator
  • Infinity Orb (Red)
  • Heavy Oxygen Tank
  • Gelid Gem
  • Atomic Core
  • Gelid Enderium Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Glowstone Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Elite Universal Cable
  • Atomic Disassembler
  • Staff of Traveling
  • ME 16k Storage

Legendary Key:

  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tinker's Alloy Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Star
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Lamp Of Growth
  • Gelid Enderium Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Gelid Gem
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Pulsating Iron
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz
  • Ultimate Universal Cable
  • Vinteum Dust
  • Blue Topaz
  • Chimerite
  • Ethereal Essence (Terra)
  • Ethereal Essence (Aqua)
  • Ethereal Essence (Fire)
  • Ethereal Essence (Ordo)
  • Ethereal Essence (Perditio)
  • Ethereal Essence (Aer)
  • Speed Rune
  • Rune Of Self-Sacrifice
  • Spiderhook
  • ME 64k Storage
  • Elite Factory (Smelting)
  • Lilypad Of Fertility
  • Resonant Energy Cell

Resource Keys:

  • Ceruclase Ingot
  • Ignatius Ingot
  • Kalendrite Ingot
  • Manganese Ingot
  • Eximite Ingot
  • Meutoite Ingot
  • Adamantine Ingot
  • Astral Silver Ingot
  • Atlarus Ingot
  • Carmot Ingot
  • Deep Iron Ingot
  • Infuscolium Ingot
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Orichalcum Ingot
  • Oureclase Ingot
  • Prometheum Ingot
  • Rubracium Ingot
  • Lumurite Ingot
  • Midasium Ingot
  • Sanguinite Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Vyroxeres Ingot
  • Uranium Ore
  • Certus Quartz
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Sulfur
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Ruby
  • Peridot
  • Sapphire
  • Filled Oil Canister
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Blue Topaz
  • Sunstone
  • Moonstone
  • Chimerite
  • Zinc Ingot
  • Alduorite Ingot
  • Shadow Iron Ingot
  • Vulcanite Ingot

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 8 hours ago



The 1.7.10 Pack brings what others failed to bring; what you've always wanted - and with the best collection of mods. The world is yours, and you can do whatever you want with it. If you want to explore the dimensions, building massive tech multi-blocks, or even performing magic: you can! And all that with optional quests that bring you even more goals. Playing with friends, or alone, it never gets boring.

With over 200 active mods, LiteLoader, HQM Quests, official Sphax patch, Solder and more surprises, The 1.7.10 Pack provides the best playing experience - there's no doubt.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List: 

  • Additional Pipes for Buildcraft
  • Advanced Machines
  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • AE Stuff
  • Another One Bites the Dust
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Attachable Grinder
  • Backpacks
  • Baubles
  • BdLib
  • BeeBetterAtBees
  • BiblioCraft
  • BiblioWoods BoP
  • BiblioWoods Natura
  • Big Reactors
  • Binnie's Mods
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Blood Magic
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • bspkrsCore
  • BuildCraft
  • BuildCraft Compat
  • Carpenter's Blocks
  • Chisel
  • Compact Solars
  • Compacter
  • ComputerCraft
  • Computronics
  • Controlling
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • Death Counter
  • Default Options
  • Default World Generator
  • DefenseTech
  • Dense Ores
  • Ding
  • Doge
  • Dynamic Lights
  • ElectroMagic Tools
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage
  • Ender Zoo
  • EnderCore
  • EnderTech
  • Extra Cells
  • Extra Utilities
  • ExtraPlanets
  • Factorization
  • Fairy Lights
  • FalsePatternLib
  • Fast Leaf Decay
  • Flan's Mod
  • Flat Signs
  • Forbidden Magic
  • Forestry
  • Funky Locomotion
  • Galacticraft
  • Gendustry
  • Gravitation Suite
  • Growthcraft Community Edition
  • Hardcore Ender Expansion
  • Hardcore Questing Mode
  • Hat Stand
  • Hats
  • Hodgepodge
  • IC Nuclear Control
  • IndustrialCraft²
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Iron Chests
  • Iron Tanks
  • It's The Little Things
  • IvToolkit
  • Jabba
  • Jon's Exclusives
  • Logistics Pipes
  • Magic Bees
  • Magical Crops
  • Mekanism Community Edition
  • MFR Magical Crops Compatibility
  • MineFactory Reloaded
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • Modular Powersuits
  • Morph
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  • Mystcraft
  • Natura
  • Nature's Compass
  • Necromancy
  • Nether Ores
  • Not Enough Items
  • Numina
  • ObsidiPlates
  • Open Modular Turrets
  • Open Peripheral AIO
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenComputers
  • OpenEye
  • Pam's Harvestcraft
  • Picture in Picture
  • PneumaticCraft
  • Portal Gun
  • Portal Gun Sounds
  • Progressive Automation
  • Project Red
  • qCraft (Disabled)
  • Railcraft
  • ReAuth
  • Recurrent Complex
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Refined Relocation
  • Reliquary
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • SerializationIsBad
  • SetNow
  • SignPicture
  • Simply Jetpacks
  • Smooth Font
  • Sonomagy
  • SpatialIO Compat
  • Squidless
  • Statues
  • StatuesMod Fix
  • Steve's Addons
  • Steve's Carts
  • Steve's Factory Manager
  • Steve's Workshop
  • Tabby Chat
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumic Energistics Extended Life
  • Thaumic Exploration
  • Thaumic Horizons
  • Thaumic Tinkerer
  • The Pack Configs
  • The Pack Core
  • The Pack Mystcraft Profiling
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • TiC Tooltips
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Tinkers' Mechworks
  • Translocators
  • TreeCapitator
  • True Invisibility
  • UniDict
  • UniMixins
  • Voxel Configurations
  • VoxelCam
  • VoxelMap
  • VoxelMenu
  • VoxelMenu Music
  • Waila Harvestability
  • WAILA Plugins
  • Warp Book
  • What Am I Looking At?
  • Wireless Redstone CBE
  • Witchery
  • WitcheryPatch
  • Zetta Industries

Core Mods:

  • AppleCore
  • Applied Energistics 2 Core
  • ArchaicFix
  • Aroma1997Core
  • BD Lib
  • bspkrs Core
  • Code Chicken Core
  • CoFH Core
  • EnderCore
  • FalsePatternLib
  • FoamFixCore
  • iChunUtil
  • Micdoodle8 Core
  • MrTJPCore
  • OpenModsCore
  • Smooth Font Core

Banned Items: 

  • Galacticraft Space Stations
  • Chunk Loaders

Banned Mods: 

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Mystical Light Blue Flower
  • Mystical Yellow Flower
  • Mystical Gray Flower
  • Mystical Pink Flower
  • Mystical Black Flower
  • Mystical Brown Flower
  • Mystical Purple Flower
  • Mystical Red Flower
  • Mystical Green Flower
  • Mystical Cyan Flower
  • Mystical Blue Flower
  • Mystical Magenta Flower
  • Mystical Orange Flower
  • Mystical White Flower
  • Emerald
  • Nether Wart
  • Blaze Rod
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Ender Pearl
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Lava Bucket
  • Nether Quartz
  • Wool
  • Clay
  • Forest Hive
  • Modest Hive
  • Tropical Hive
  • Nether Hive
  • Rock Hive
  • Tiny Potato
  • Energy Conduit
  • Rubber Sapling
  • Hawthorn Sapling
  • Rowan Sapling
  • Alder Sapling
  • Blood Rune
  • Spawn Villager

Uncommon Key:

  • Emerald
  • Nether Wart
  • Blaze Rod
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Slimeball
  • Silverwood Sapling
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Weak Blood Shard
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Black Lotus
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Redstone Alloy
  • Conductive Iron
  • Basic Capacitor
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • Enhanced Energy Conduit
  • Electronic Circuit
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Uncommon Treasure
  • Augment: Secondary Reception Coil
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Logic Processor
  • Acceleration Card
  • 4k ME Storage Component
  • ME Smart Cable - Fluix
  • ME Storage Bus
  • ME Import Bus
  • ME Export Bus
  • ME Interface
  • ME Drive

Rare Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • ME Storage Bus
  • ME Import Bus
  • ME Export Bus
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Black Lotus
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Double-Layer Capacitor
  • Rare Treasure
  • Overclocker Upgrade
  • Necrotic Bone
  • Primal Charm
  • Engineering Processor
  • ME Dense Cable - Fluix
  • 16k ME Storage Component
  • Acceleration Card
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Cryotheum Dust
  • Tesseract
  • Advanced Circuit
  • Augment: Overclocked Modular Gearbox
  • Division Sigil
  • Ender Energy Conduit
  • Blood Rune
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Earth
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Dusk
  • Demon Blood Shard
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Dawn
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Air
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Fire
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Water
  • Spawn Ghast
  • Spawn Blizz

Legendary Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Dark Steel
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Vibrant Alloy
  • Acceleration Card
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Octadic Capacitor
  • Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot
  • Primordial Pearl
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Black Lotus
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Cryo-Stablized Fluxduct
  • ME Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Dense ME Conduit
  • Lilypad Of Fertility
  • 1k ME Essentia Component
  • ME Drive
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Cursed Earth
  • Magnum Torch
  • Rune Of Augmented Capacity
  • Nether Star
  • Rune Of Sacrifice
  • Rune Of Self-Sacrifice
  • Rune Of Speed
  • Zivicio Essence
  • Deep Hive
  • Infernal Hive
  • Oblivion Hive
  • Delighted Meal

Resource Keys:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Emerald
  • Entropy Shard
  • Order Shard
  • Earth Shard
  • Water Shard
  • Fire Shard
  • Air Shard
  • Diamond
  • Coal

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Dive into a boundless sky filled with endless possibilities in Agrarian Skies 2, the ultimate skyblock adventure modpack for Minecraft. Crafted to test your creativity, ingenuity, and survival skills, this pack takes you on a journey like no other.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List: 

  • Accidentally Circumstantial Events(ACE)
  • AE2 Stuff
  • AppleCore
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Aroma1997Core
  • AromaBackup
  • Automagy
  • AutoPackager
  • Bagginses
  • BdLib
  • Better Questing - Quest Book
  • BiblioCraft
  • BiblioCraft: BiblioWoods Natura Edition
  • Big Reactors
  • Blood Magic
  • Botania
  • Carpenter's Blocks
  • Chisel
  • CodeChickenCore
  • CoFH Core
  • CoFH Lib
  • CompactStorage
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • CraftPresence
  • Enchiridion
  • EnderTech
  • Extra Utilities
  • ExtraTiC
  • Fast Leaf Decay
  • FlatSigns
  • Forbidden Magic
  • Forestry
  • Forge Multi Part
  • Gendustry
  • Guide-API
  • Headcrumbs
  • Hunger Overhaul
  • Iguanas Tinker Tweaks
  • Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only]
  • Jabba
  • Jaded Maps
  • Jaded Menu
  • Jaded NEI
  • Jaded OceanSpawns
  • JadedLibs
  • Jadeds Shinies
  • JourneyMap
  • LetsEncryptCraft
  • Magic Bees
  • Mantle
  • Minefactory Reloaded
  • MineTogether
  • MineTweaker3
  • ModTweaker
  • NEI Addons
  • NEI Integration
  • NetherOres
  • Nodal Mechanics
  • ObsidiPlates
  • OpenBlocks
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Progressive Automation
  • Rainmaker
  • ReAuth
  • Recall Stones
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Refined Relocation
  • Resource Loader
  • RF Windmills
  • SimpleLabels
  • Simply Jetpacks
  • Solar Flux
  • Special AI
  • Steve's Workshop
  • Storage Drawers
  • Storage Drawers: Natura Pack
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
  • Thaumcraft Node Tracker
  • Thaumic Energistics
  • Thaumic Horizons
  • Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon)
  • Thaumic NEI
  • Thaumic Tinkerer
  • Thermal Casting
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • TiC Tooltips
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Traveller's Gear
  • Waila
  • Waila Harvestability
  • Witching Gadgets

Core Mods:

  • Applied Energistics 2 Core
  • Aroma1997 Core
  • CodeChicken Core
  • OpenModsCore
  • BD Lib
  • Apple Core
  • CoFH Core

Banned Items: 

  • Chunk Loaders
  • Thaumic Tinkerer Fires 

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Cobblestone
  • Dirt
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • ME Smart Cable - Fluix
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Blood Rune
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Bread
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Clay
  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • String
  • Miniatuare Red Heart
  • Leadstone Energy Cell
  • Portable Tank
  • ME 1k Storage Cell
  • Steel Ingot
  • Inscriber Engineering Press
  • Inscriber Calculation Press
  • Inscriber Logic Press
  • Inscriber Silicon Press
  • Black Lotus

Uncommon Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Black Lotus
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Emerald
  • Steel Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • ME Drive
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • ME Dense Cable - Fluix
  • Red Heart Canister
  • Hardened Portable Tank
  • Hardened Energy Cell
  • 4k ME Storage Cell
  • Rune Of Augmented Capacity
  • Rune Of Superior Capacity
  • Speed Rune
  • Rune Of Self-Sacrifice
  • Rune Of Sacrifice
  • Rune Of Acceleration
  • Effciency Rune
  • Toast
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Hardened Fluxduct
  • Overgrowth Seed

Rare Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Emerald
  • Steel Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Cooked Meat Ingot
  • Toast
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • ME Dense Cable - Fluix
  • Blacker Lotus
  • ME Controller
  • 16k ME Storage Cell
  • Redstone Energy Fluxduct
  • Reinforced Portable Tank
  • Redstone Energy Cell
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Yellow Heart Canister

Legendary Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Emerald
  • Steel Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Toast
  • Shiny Ingot
  • ME Dense Cable - Fluix
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Tesseract
  • Resonant Portable Tank
  • Resonant Energy Cell
  • 64k ME Storage Cell
  • Elementium Ingot
  • Nether Star
  • Gaia Spirit Ingot
  • Gaia Spirit                            
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Pixie Dust
  • Dragonstone
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Green Heart Canister

Resource Keys:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Graphite Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Dust
  • Gravel
  • Sand
  • Blaze Rod
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Lapis Lazuli

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


Gigapack is a modpack with something for everyone. Technology, Science, Physics, Flora, Fauna, Magic, Exploration & Adventure, Fantasy, and much more, all carefully selected and set up in a single modpack for perfect compatibility.

On top of the amazing collection of mods we’ve put together, we have customized the pack to the fullest with our own texture packs, sound packs, music, menus, loading screen, and more!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List: 

  • BeeBetterAtBees
  • AncientTrees
  • Arcane Engineering
  • FalsePatternLibrary
  • ArchaicFix
  • False Tweaks
  • MTAT
  • AI Improvements
  • Better Placement
  • Born in a Barn
  • Fast Leaf Decay
  • Smooth Font
  • Squidless
  • Nallar Tweaks
  • Better Achievements
  • Better Foliage
  • Better Loading Screen
  • Dynamic Surroundings
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • It's The Little Things
  • Journey Map
  • NEI Addons
  • NEI Integration
  • Not Enough Keys
  • Not Enough Resources
  • NotEnoughThaumcraftTabs
  • Sound Filters
  • Thaumcraft NEI Plugin
  • Thaumcraft NEI
  • Tinkers Construct Tooltips
  • WAILA Harvestability
  • WAILA Plugins
  • NEI
  • Baubles
  • Animation API
  • AsieLib
  • bdlib
  • Code Chicken Core
  • CoFHCore
  • CookieCore
  • DummyCore
  • Ender Core
  • FoxLib
  • GalacticraftCore
  • Guide API
  • Metallurgy
  • Gilded Games Util:
  • Forge Multipart
  • Forge Relocation
  • Carpenters Blocks Cached Resources
  • ABO
  • Academy Craft
  • Actually Additions
  • Advanced Generators
  • Advanced Genetics
  • Ae2stuff
  • AFSU
  • AOBD
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Aqua culture
  • Architecture Craft
  • ArsMagica 2
  • AttachableGrinder
  • AuraCascade
  • Automagy
  • Avaritia
  • Avaritiaddons
  • Backpack
  • Better Storage
  • BiblioCraft
  • BiblioWoods
  • Big Reactors
  • Binnie mods/Extra Bees
  • BiomesOPlenty
  • Blood Magic
  • BloodArsenal
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • Buildcraft
  • Buildcraft Additions
  • Buildcraft Compact
  • Carpenter's Blocks
  • Chisel
  • Compacter
  • CompactSolars
  • Computronics
  • Decocraft
  • DMTweaks
  • Draconic Evolution
  • Enchiridion 2
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage
  • EnderTech
  • EternalSingularity
  • Extra Cells
  • Extra Utilities
  • ExtraTiC
  • ElectroMagicTools
  • Et Futurum Requiem
  • EnchantingPlus
  • Fluxed Trinkets
  • Forbidden Magic
  • Forestry
  • ForgottenRelics
  • Gadomancy
  • Galacticraft Planets
  • Gendustry
  • Gravi Suit
  • Gravisuite Patcher
  • Growthcraft
  • HeartDrop
  • Hexxit Gear
  • Highlands
  • Highlands Integrator
  • IC2NuclearControl
  • IguanaTinkerTweaks
  • ImmersiveEngineering
  • Industrialcraft 2
  • Industrial Upgrade
  • Iron Chest
  • legendgear
  • logisticspipes
  • Loot Bags
  • Magical Crops
  • Magical Crops Armoury
  • Magical crops Deco
  • Magic Bees
  • Mantle
  • Mariculture Deluxe
  • Mekanism
  • Metallurgy
  • MetallurgyChisel
  • MFFS
  • MFR Compat
  • MineFactoryReloaded
  • MineTweaker3
  • ModularPowersuits
  • Natura
  • NaturalAbsorption
  • NetherOres
  • No More Recipe Conflict
  • NodalMechanics
  • NotEnoughIDs
  • NOVA
  • Numina
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenComputers
  • Ore Dictionary Converter
  • Origin
  • P455w0rdslib
  • Pam's DesertCraft
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Pam's Simple Recipes
  • Player API
  • Pneumatic Craft
  • Primitive Mobs
  • Progressive Automation
  • Project Red
  • Redstone Armory
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Reliquary
  • Sanguimancy
  • Simply Jetpacks
  • Small Boats
  • Soul Shards
  • Tainted Magic
  • Talismans 2
  • Technomancy
  • Thaumaturgical Knowledge
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumcraft Botania Exoflame
  • Thaumcraft Gates
  • Thaumcraft Mob Aspects
  • Thaumic Bases
  • Thaumic Energistics
  • Thaumic Expansion
  • Thaumic Exploration
  • Thaumic Horizons
  • ThaumicInfusion
  • ThaumicRevelations
  • ThaumicTinkerer
  • Thermal Smeltery
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • ThermalShade
  • ThermalSingularities
  • Tinkers' Construct
  • Tinkers' Mechworks
  • Travelers Gear
  • Treecapitator
  • TSteelworks
  • Tube Stuff
  • Twilight Forest
  • Universal Singularities
  • Voltz Engine
  • WarpTheory
  • WirelessCraftingTerminal
  • Witchery
  • Witching Gadgets
  • Ztones
  • The SecretRoomsMod
  • MachineMuse's Modular Powersuits
  • Neodymium

Core Mods:

  • AMCore
  • asielib
  • BD Lib
  • Brandon's Core
  • bspkrsCore
  • CodeChicken Core
  • CoFH Core
  • Cookie Core
  • Dummy Core
  • EnderCore
  • FalsePatternLib
  • GTNH Lib
  • iChunUtil
  • ImmibisCore
  • LambaLib:Core
  • Micdoodle8 Core
  • MrTJPCore
  • OpenModsCore

Banned Items:

  • None

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Blank Slate
  • Ultimate Stew
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Basic Universal Cable
  • Ofanix
  • Terrain Eater
  • Totem Tool
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Chromium Ingot
  • Accio Essence
  • Alumel Ingot
  • Thaumium Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Spinel Ingot
  • Nano Circuit
  • Ferromanganese Ingot
  • Manganese Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Ultimate Stew
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Reinforced Slate
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Advanced Universal Cable
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Void Seed
  • Nether Shard
  • Ender Shard
  • Aum
  • Tarma Root
  • Cerublossom
  • Desert Nova
  • Wakebloom
  • 256k ME Storage Component
  • Crucio Essence
  • Draconic Core
  • Reinforced Alloy

Rare Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Ultimate Stew
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Nether Shard
  • Ender Shard
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Imperio Essence
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Void Plant Seed
  • Wyvern Core
  • Imbued Slate
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Ultimate Control Circuit
  • Elite Universal Cable
  • 1024k ME Storage Component

Legendary Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Ultimate Control Circuit
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Nether Shard
  • Ender Shard
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Demon Blood Shard
  • Weak Blood Shard
  • Demonic Slate
  • Neutron Collector
  • Awakened Core
  • 4096k ME Storage Component
  • Zivicio Essence
  • Chaotic Core
  • Chaotic Energy Core
  • Draconic Energy Core
  • Soul Fragment
  • Awakened Draconium Ingot
  • Ichor
  • Ultimate Universal Cable

Resource Keys:

  • Diamond 
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Minicio Essence
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Ender Pearl
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Entropy Shard
  • Order Shard
  • Earth Shard
  • Water Shard
  • Fire Shard
  • Air Shard
  • Nether Shard
  • Ender Shard
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



You are looking at a big progressive kitchen-sink pack for Minecraft 1.7.10 balanced around the mod GregTech. Over 7 years of development (and still going) have formed a balance and refinement that only a handful of packs can keep up with. We are talking about thousands of recipe tweaks, a massive questbook with custom reward system, unique world generation, custom mods coded for the pack, custom Thaumonomicon pages, and many more.

The main intentions of the pack are a long lasting experience and tying mods together in a progressive fashion, making it feel more like a single game than a compilation of mods thrown together. To reach this goal GT New Horizons is using the tiers (basically ages of technology) from GregTech and allocates content of other mods to a fitting point within the progression. Starting in the stone age you will barely be able to survive until you get your first steam machines and eventually reach electricity. Later on you will have to visit other planets and dimensions to gather important resources and fight mighty bosses to channel their magical power.

If you are fan of expert mode packs and want to take it to the next level this pack will be your friend!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List: 

  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • Adventure Backpacks
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • AE2 Stuff
  • AE2 FC
  • AFSU
  • AmunRa
  • AngerMod
  • ArchitectureCraft
  • Automagy
  • Avaritia
  • Avaritia Addons
  • Backpack
  • Bartworks
  • Battlegear 2
  • Baubles
  • BetterBuildersWands
  • BetterQuesting
  • BiblioCraft
  • BiblioWoods [Biomes O Plenty]
  • BiblioWoods [Forestry]
  • BiblioWoods [Natura]
  • Binnie’s Mods
  • Biomes O Plenty
  • Blood Arsenal
  • Blood Magic
  • Botania
  • Botanic Horizons
  • BuildCraft
  • Carpenter’s Blocks
  • Chisel
  • Chisel Tones
  • CompactKineticGenerators
  • Computronics
  • CookingForBlockHeads
  • Draconic Evolution
  • Electro Magic Tools
  • EnderIO
  • EnderStorage
  • EnderZoo
  • EnhancedLootBags
  • EternalSingularity
  • ExtraUtilities
  • FloodLights
  • ForbiddenMagic
  • Forestry
  • Gadomancy
  • GalacticGreg
  • GalacticCraft 
  • GalaxySpace
  • Gendustry
  • GoodGenerator
  • GraviSuite
  • GraviSuiteNeo
  • GregTech
  • GTPlusPlus
  • GTNH-TCWands
  • GTNH-InterGalactic
  • HardcoreDarkness
  • Hardcore EnderExpansion
  • HarvestCraft
  • HungerOverhaul
  • HydroEnergy
  • IC2 Crop Plugin
  • IC2 Nuclear Control
  • IFU (unsure)
  • IndustrialCraft 2
  • Infernal Mobs
  • InventoryTweaks
  • Iron Chests
  • Iron Chest Minecarts
  • Iron Tanks
  • JourneyMap
  • Kekztech
  • Kubatech
  • LittleTiles
  • LogisticsPipes
  • LootGames
  • MagicBees
  • Malasis’s Doors
  • Natura
  • Nature’s Compass
  • Not Enough Items
  • Nutrition
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenComputers
  • OpenGlasses
  • OpenModularTurrets
  • OpenPrinter
  • OpenSecurity
  • Overloaded
  • Pam’s Harvest the nether
  • Project Blue
  • Project Red
  • RailCraft
  • RandomThings
  • RougeLike
  • SG Craft
  • SleepingBag
  • SpecialMobs
  • SpiceOfLife
  • Steve’s Carts
  • Steve’s Addons
  • Steve’s Factory Manager
  • Storage Drawers
  • TaintedMagic
  • TConstruct
  • TecTech
  • TGregworks
  • ThaumCraft
  • ThaumCraft Machina
  • ThaumicEnergistics
  • ThaumicHorizons
  • ThaumicTinkerer
  • ToroHealth
  • Translocator
  • Traveler’s Gear
  • TwilightForest
  • UniversalSingularities
  • Warp Theory
  • WirelessCraftingTerminal
  • Witchery
  • WitcheryExtras
  • WitchingGadgets
  • ZTones

Banned Items: 

  • None

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Coal Coke
  • Coated Circuit Board
  • Sticky Resin
  • Sulfur Dust
  • Rubber Bar
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Flint
  • Basic Steam Turbine
  • Monster Jerky
  • Baked Potato
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Copper Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Coal         
  • Charcoal
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Bread
  • Cooked Porkchop
  • Cheeseburger
  • Hamburger
  • Wood to Iron Chest
  • Nether Star
  • Steel Ingot
  • Steel Plate
  • Electric Piston (LV)
  • Electronic Circuit
  • Steak
  • Lunch Bag
  • Resistor
  • Vacuum Tube
  • Circuit Board
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Electric Motor (LV)
  • LV Machine Hull
  • Steel Rod

Uncommon Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Coal         
  • Charcoal
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Coal Coke
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Lunch Box
  • Good Electronic Circuit
  • Sensor (MV)
  • Robot Arm (MV)
  • Electric Piston (MV)
  • Electric Motor (MV)
  • Advanced Steam Turbine
  • Iron to Gold Chest Upgrade
  • Small Coal Boiler
  • Simple Solar Boiler
  • Chocolate Bacon
  • PB&J
  • Nutella
  • Fish And Chips
  • Cherry Jelly Sandwich
  • French Toast
  • Neapolitan Ice Cream
  • Hotdog
  • MV Machine Hull

Rare Key:

  • Cooked Porkchop
  • Steak
  • Cheeseburger
  • Hamburger
  • Baked Potato
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Bread
  • Nether Star
  • Copper Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Monster Jerky
  • Iron to Gold Chest Upgrade
  • HV Machine Hull
  • Turbo Steam Turbine
  • High Pressure Coal Boiler
  • High Pressure Solar Boiler
  • Advanced Circuit
  • Steel Rotor
  • Stainless Steel Ingot
  • Conveyor Module (HV)
  • Electric Piston (HV)
  • Robot Arm (HV)
  • Field Generator (HV)
  • Emitter (HV)
  • Sensor (HV)

Legendary Key:

  • Cooked Porkchop
  • Steak
  • Cheeseburger
  • Hamburger
  • Baked Potato
  • Cooked Chicken
  • Bread
  • Cooked Mutton
  • Monster Jerky
  • Gold to Diamond Chest Upgrade
  • Electric Motor (EV)
  • Electric Pump (EV)
  • Conveyor Module (EV)
  • Robot Arm (EV)
  • Field Generator (EV)
  • Emitter (EV)
  • Sensor (EV)
  • EV Machine Hull
  • Quantumprocessor
  • Electric Piston (EV)

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 6 days ago



Now Includes Quests! Infinity Evolved adds game modes! Two modes are currently included; 'normal' and 'expert'. New and existing worlds are automatically in 'normal' mode, to switch to the all-new game mode type the following command (without quotes): "/ftb_mode set expert" At any time you can return to 'normal' to typing the command: "/ftb_mode set normal" These same commands can be executed by server ops either in game or from console. Players joining a server will be switched to the server's game mode upon login automatically. World resets are not required with the update to 2.0.0 but highly suggested if you are planning to play 'expert' mode due to the massive amount of progression changes.

The pack for all people. Infinity is the general all-purpose pack from the FTB team that is designed for solo play as well as small and medium population servers.

This pack contains Fastcraft, by Player. Fastcraft enhances Minecraft with increased performance. Bug reports being made directly to Mod Authors should state Fastcraft is enabled.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Agricraft
  • AdvancedSolarPanels
  • AOBD
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Baubles
  • BiblioCraft
  • BigReactors
  • Binnie's Mods
  • Biomes O Plenty
  • Blood Magic
  • Botania
  • BuildCraft
  • CarpentersBlocks
  • Chisel
  • ComputerCraft
  • DecoCraft
  • DenseOres
  • Draconic Evolution
  • EnderIO
  • EnderStorage
  • EnderTech
  • EnderZoo
  • ExtraCells
  • ExtraTIC
  • ExtraUtilites
  • ForbiddenMagic
  • Forestry
  • Funky Locomotion
  • Gendustry
  • GraviSuite
  • Hats
  • HatStand
  • HeadCrumbs
  • HQM The Journey
  • IC2 Nuclear Control
  • ImmersiveEngineering
  • ImmersiveIntegration
  • IndustrialCraft 2
  • Iron Chests
  • JourneyMap
  • LogisticsPipes
  • Magic Bees
  • Mantle
  • MineFactory Reloaded
  • Morpheus
  • MystCraft
  • Natura
  • NetherOres
  • OpenBlocks
  • Pam’s HarvestCraft
  • ProjectRed
  • RailCraft
  • RedstoneArsenal
  • RFTools
  • RunicDungeons
  • SimplyJetpacks
  • SolarExpansion
  • Springboards
  • Steve’s Carts 2
  • Steve’s Factory Manager
  • Steve’s Workshop
  • StorageDrawers
  • TConstruct
  • ThaumCraft
  • ThaumicExploration
  • ThaumicTinkerer
  • ThaumicEnergistics
  • ThermalFoundation
  • ThermalExpansion
  • ThermalDynamics
  • Translocator
  • TwilightForest
  • Witchery

Banned Items: 

  • Chunk Loaders
  • Florbs & Morbs (Griefing)
  • Buildcraft Quarry

Banned Mods:

  • Mystcraft
  • RFTools
  • PortalGun

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Mystical Light Blue Flower
  • Mystical Yellow Flower
  • Mystical Gray Flower
  • Mystical Pink Flower
  • Mystical Black Flower
  • Mystical Brown Flower
  • Mystical Purple Flower
  • Mystical Red Flower
  • Mystical Green Flower
  • Mystical Cyan Flower
  • Mystical Blue Flower
  • Mystical Magenta Flower
  • Mystical Orange Flower
  • Mystical White Flower
  • Emerald
  • Nether Wart
  • Blaze Rod
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Ender Pearl
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Lava Bucket
  • Nether Quartz
  • Wool
  • Clay
  • Forest Hive
  • Modest Hive
  • Tropical Hive
  • Nether Hive
  • Rock Hive
  • Tiny Potato
  • Energy Conduit
  • Rubber Sapling
  • Hawthorn Sapling
  • Rowan Sapling
  • Alder Sapling
  • Blood Rune
  • Spawn Villager

Uncommon Key:

  • Emerald
  • Nether Wart
  • Blaze Rod
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Slimeball
  • Silverwood Sapling
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Weak Blood Shard
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Black Lotus
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Energetic Alloy
  • Redstone Alloy
  • Conductive Iron
  • Basic Capacitor
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • Enhanced Energy Conduit
  • Electronic Circuit
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Uncommon Treasure
  • Augment: Secondary Reception Coil
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Logic Processor
  • Acceleration Card
  • 4k ME Storage Component
  • ME Smart Cable - Fluix
  • ME Storage Bus
  • ME Import Bus
  • ME Export Bus
  • ME Interface
  • ME Drive

Rare Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • ME Storage Bus
  • ME Import Bus
  • ME Export Bus
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Alumite Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Black Lotus
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Double-Layer Capacitor
  • Rare Treasure
  • Overclocker Upgrade
  • Necrotic Bone
  • Primal Charm
  • Engineering Processor
  • ME Dense Cable - Fluix
  • 16k ME Storage Component
  • Acceleration Card
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Cryotheum Dust
  • Tesseract
  • Advanced Circuit
  • Augment: Overclocked Modular Gearbox
  • Division Sigil
  • Ender Energy Conduit
  • Blood Rune
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Earth
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Dusk
  • Demon Blood Shard
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Dawn
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Air
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Fire
  • Elemental Inscription Tool: Water
  • Spawn Ghast
  • Spawn Blizz
  • Crafting Unit

Legendary Key:

  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Dark Steel
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Vibrant Alloy
  • Acceleration Card
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Octadic Capacitor
  • Mobius "Unstable/Stable" Ingot
  • Primordial Pearl
  • Overgrowth Seed
  • Black Lotus
  • Blacker Lotus
  • Cryo-Stablized Fluxduct
  • ME Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Dense ME Conduit
  • Lilypad Of Fertility
  • 1k ME Essentia Component
  • ME Drive
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Cursed Earth
  • Magnum Torch
  • Rune Of Augmented Capacity
  • Nether Star
  • Rune Of Sacrifice
  • Rune Of Self-Sacrifice
  • Rune Of Speed
  • Zivicio Essence
  • Deep Hive
  • Infernal Hive
  • Oblivion Hive
  • Delighted Meal

Resource Keys:

  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Shiny Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Coal
  • Draconium Dust
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Lava Bucket x5
  • Ruby 
  • Sapphire

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



The ancient power of Tekkit's past returns in this legendary pack! Wield the philosopher's stone, ride the rails, breed the bees, and much, much more! This pack will remind you of what you've always loved about Tekkit, while bringing you new mods to discover and enjoy!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • AOBD
  • Big Reactors
  • BluePower
  • BuildCraft
  • Buildcraft Additional Pipes
  • Buildcraft: Logistics Pipes
  • Carpenter’s Blocks
  • ComputerCraft Immibis’s Peripherals
  • ComputerCraftEdu
  • Computronics
  • EnderStorage
  • Engineer’s Toolbox
  • Forestry
  • Gendustry
  • IC2 Classic
  • IC2 Nuclear Control
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Iron Chests
  • It’s the Little Things
  • Just Another Better Barrel Attempt
  • Map Writer
  • Minetweaker
  • Modular Power Suits
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • NEI Addons
  • NEI Integration
  • Nether Ores
  • Not Enough Items
  • OpenCCSensors
  • Power Converters
  • ProjectE
  • QuiverBow
  • Railcraft
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Remain In Motion
  • Solar Flux
  • Treecapitator (Disabled)
  • Tube Stuff
  • WAILA Harvestability
  • Zetta Industries

Banned Items:

  • BC Quarries

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Cobblestone
  • Tungsten Ore
  • Tin Ore
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Redstone
  • Coal
  • Galena Ore
  • Sapphire
  • Iron Ore
  • Diamond
  • Silver Ore
  • Sticky Resin
  • Uranium Ore
  • Amethyst
  • Teslatite
  • Yellorite Ore
  • Cassiterite Ore
  • Ruby
  • Bauxite Ore

Uncommon Key:

  • Coal
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Reactor Casing
  • Turbing Housing
  • Carpenter's Block
  • Reinforced Stone
  • Gold Chest
  • Energy Collector MK2
  • Energy Condenser
  • Mobius Fuel
  • Repair Talisman
  • Anti-Matter Relay MK2
  • Solar Panel IV
  • Alloy Furnace
  • HV Capacitor
  • Nano Saber
  • Force Field Emitter
  • Flux-Infused Sword
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Brass Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tungsten Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Coal
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Brass Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tungsten Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Refined Uranium Ingot
  • Energy Collector MK3
  • Energy Condenser MK2
  • Anti-Matter Relay MK3
  • Solar Panel V
  • Deflector Generator
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Red Matter
  • Diamond Chest
  • Aeternalis Fuel
  • Mass Fabricator

Legendary Key:

  • Coal
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Brass Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tungsten Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Red Matter
  • Force Field Emitter
  • HV Capacitor
  • Diamond Chest
  • Red Katar
  • Red Morningstar
  • Solar Panel VI
  • Ender Rail Accelerator
  • Uranium Block

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Get ready for the ultimate Minecraft experience with Tekxit 2. This extraordinary modpack seamlessly combines the best of two worlds: the technical wonders of Tekkit and the thrilling adventures of Hexxit, all on the powerful foundation of Minecraft 1.7.10.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Artifice
  • Backpack
  • BackTools
  • Balkon's WeaponMod
  • Battle Towers
  • Baubles
  • Better Storage
  • BiblioCraft
  • BiblioWoods ExtraBiomesXL
  • BiblioWoods Natura Edition
  • Botania
  • Buildcraft
  • Carpenter's Blocks
  • Chest Transporter
  • Chisel
  • Chocolate Quest
  • Clienthax's ChocoCraft
  • Draconic Evolution
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Ender IO
  • EnderStorage
  • Extra Utilities
  • ExtraBiomesXL
  • ExtraTiC
  • Falling Meteors
  • Flesh2Leather
  • Galacticraft Core
  • Galacticraft Planets
  • Hardcore Ender Expansion
  • Hexxit Gear
  • Iguana Tinker Tweaks
  • Immibis's Microblocks
  • IndustrialCraft 2
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Iron Chest
  • JourneyMap
  • MineFactory Reloaded
  • More Bows 2
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  • Natura
  • Nether Ores
  • Not Enough Items
  • ObsidiPlates
  • OpenBlocks
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Power Converters
  • Project Zulu
  • Project E
  • Reliquary
  • Soul Shards: The Old Ways
  • Thaumcraft
  • The SecretRoomsMod
  • The Twilight  Forest
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • TInkers' Construct
  • Wild Caves 3
  • Witchery
  • Waila

Banned Items: 

  • GC Space Stations (Dumb Mathematics & Corruption)
  • Chunk Loaders

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Thaumium Ingot
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Engineering Processor
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Logic Processor
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Draconic Core
  • Steel Ingot
  • Obsidian Ingot
  • Nether Quartz

Uncommon Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Quartz
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Engineering Processor
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Logic Processor
  • Draconic Core
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Shiny Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Quartz
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Engineering Processor
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Logic Processor
  • Wyvern Core
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Shiny Ingot

Legendary Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Mana Diamond
  • Mana Pearl
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Quartz
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel
  • Dark Steel
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Engineering Processor
  • Mixed Crystal Cluster
  • Logic Processor
  • Awakened Core
  • Ferrous Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Shiny Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


The 1.12.2 Pack offers a unique collection of mods – and in the optimal way. Your world is your own – exploring dimensions, performing magic, or building automated tech systems are all possibilities! Playing with friends or alone, it never gets boring.

Featuring a unique collection of mods like AmbientSounds, Galacticraft & ExtraPlanets, Gravitation Suite, Growthcraft, ICBM, Modular Powersuits, Mystcraft, PiP, and Roguelike Dungeons, on top of classics such as IC2, BuildCraft, Twilight Forest, Thermal Expansion, AE2, and their add-ons, you have a lot to expect.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Additional Banners
  • Additional Pipes for Buildcraft
  • Advanced Machines
  • Advanced Machines Patcher
  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • Advanced Solar Panels Patcher
  • Advancement Locator
  • AE Stuff
  • AE Unofficial Extended Life
  • Akashic Tome
  • Ambient Sounds
  • AppleSkin
  • ASMC
  • Backpacks
  • Backups
  • Bad Wither No Cookie Reloaded
  • Baubles
  • Better Ping Display
  • BiblioCraft
  • Binnie's Mods
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Blockcraftery
  • Blood Magic
  • Botania
  • BuildCraft
  • CC: Tweaked
  • Charset Crafting
  • Charset Immersion
  • Charset Lib
  • Charset Storage Barrels
  • ChatFlow
  • Chicken Chunks
  • ChickenASM
  • Chisel
  • Chisels and Bits
  • Comforts
  • Compact Solars
  • Computronics
  • ConfigAnytime
  • ConnectedTexturesMod
  • Construct's Armory
  • Controlling
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • CraftTweaker
  • CreativeCore
  • Crimson Revelations
  • Crimson Warfare
  • Cucumber Library
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Death Counter
  • Default Options
  • Default World Generator
  • Ding
  • Doge
  • Dynamic Lights
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Enchantment Descriptions
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage
  • Ender Zoo
  • EnderCore
  • Entity Culling
  • Extra Cells
  • Extra Utilities
  • ExtraPlanets
  • ExtremeReactors
  • Featured Servers
  • Fluidlogged API
  • Forestry
  • Forge Multipart CBE
  • Funky Locomotion
  • Galacticraft
  • Gendustry
  • Gendustry JEI Addon
  • GooglyEyes
  • Gravitation Suite
  • Gravitation Suite Patcher
  • Growthcraft Community Edition
  • GuideAPI
  • Guidebook
  • GunpowderLib
  • Had Enough Items
  • Hat Stand
  • Hats
  • HelpFixer
  • Hesperus
  • HT's TreeChop
  • Hwyla
  • IC CropBreeding Plugin
  • IC Patcher
  • ICX UUMatter
  • Ichorium Kit
  • iChunUtil
  • IFPatcher
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Industrial Foregoing / OC Compat
  • IndustrialCraft²
  • Integration Foregoing
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Iron Chests
  • It's The Little Things
  • IvToolkit
  • JEI Bees
  • JEI Integration
  • Jon's Exclusives
  • Just Enough Drags
  • Just Enough Energistics
  • Just Enough HarvestCraft
  • Just Enough Pattern Banners
  • Just Enough Reactors
  • Just Enough Recipe Integrations
  • Just Enough Resources
  • Just Enough Throwing In Fluids
  • JustEnoughIDs
  • KleeSlabs
  • LemonLib
  • Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
  • Login Shield
  • Logistics Pipes
  • LoliASM
  • LootTweaker
  • LunatriusCore
  • Main Menu Scale
  • Mantle
  • MCMultiPart
  • Mekanism
  • MekanismGenerators
  • MekanismTools
  • Minor Integrations and Additions
  • MixinBooter
  • Modern Splash
  • ModTweaker
  • Modular Powersuits
  • Modular Routers
  • More Overlays
  • Morph
  • MorphoTool
  • Morpheus
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  • MrTJPCore
  • MTLib
  • Mystical Agriculture
  • MysticalLib
  • Natura
  • Nature's Compass
  • Netherending Ores
  • NetherPortalFix
  • No Recipe Book
  • NoMoreRecipeConflict
  • Numina
  • Open Modular Turrets
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenComputers
  • OpenComputers ICBMClassic Addon
  • OpenEye
  • Pack Crash Info
  • Pages
  • Pam's Harvestcraft
  • Patchouli
  • Picture in Picture
  • Planet Progression
  • Player Plates
  • Plethora Peripherals
  • PlusTiC
  • PneumaticCraft
  • Project Red Base
  • Project Red Compat
  • Project Red Fabrication
  • Project Red Integration
  • Project Red Lighting
  • Project Red Mechanical
  • Project Red World
  • ProxyPort
  • QuantumStorage
  • Quick Leaf Decay
  • Quick Homes
  • Quick Teleports
  • Railcraft
  • RandomPatches
  • ReAuth
  • Reborn Core
  • Reborn Storage
  • Redstone Flux
  • Reliquary
  • Resource Loader
  • Router Reborn
  • Server Tick Monitor
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Solar Expansion
  • SonarCore
  • Sponge
  • Steve's Factory Manager
  • Steve's Factory Manager: Unofficial
  • Steve's Factory Manager A94
  • Storage Drawers
  • Storage Drawers Unlimited
  • Super Multi Drills
  • SwingThroughGrass
  • Tails
  • TellMe
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumcraft / OC Peripherals
  • Thaumcraft 6 Aspects for JEI
  • Thaumcraft Inventory Scanning
  • Thaumic Energistics
  • Thaumic Inventory Scanning
  • Thaumic JEI
  • Thaumic Periphery
  • The One Probe
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Tinkers' Construct
  • Tinkers' Tool Leveling
  • Tips
  • Toast Control
  • Tool Belt
  • Tool Leveling Disable
  • Topography
  • Trade
  • TrashSlot
  • Traveler's Backpack
  • Tree Chopper
  • Trixcraft
  • Twilight Forest / OC Peripherals
  • UCHook
  • UniDict
  • VanillaFix
  • Villager Market
  • Waddles
  • WaitingTime
  • Waila Harvestability
  • WAILA Plugins
  • WAILA Stages
  • WanionLib
  • WebDisplays
  • What Is That
  • Whoops
  • Wireless Redstone CBE
  • Wireless Redstone OC Addon
  • WRCBE Addons
  • WR-CBE Logic
  • WuestUtilities
  • Xaero's Minimap
  • Xaero's World Map
  • ZeroCore

Banned Items:

  • BC Quarry
  • Block Placers & Breakers
  • Charset Crafting
  • Cursed Earth
  • Deep Dark
  • GC Space Stations
  • Infinity Drill
  • Mailbox
  • Railcraft Entities

Banned Mods:

  • ChickenChunks
  • ICBM
  • MystCraft
  • PortalGun
  • Whoosh

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Energy Cell (Basic)
  • Leadstone Fluxduct
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Energy Conduit
  • Hardened Upgrade Kit
  • Seared Brick
  • Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • 1k ME Storage Component
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Clay
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • ME Dense Smart Cable - Fluix
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Item Conduit
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Fluix Crystal
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Enhanced Energy Conduit
  • Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsation Iron Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • ME Dense Smart Cable - Fluix
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Item Conduit
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Reinforced Upgrade Kit
  • Reinforced Conversion Kit
  • 4k ME Storage Component
  • Hardened Fluxduct
  • Upgrade Speed
  • Basic Capacitor Bank

Rare Key:

  • Fluix Crystal
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Energy Conduit
  • Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsation Iron Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • ME Dense Smart Cable - Fluix
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Item Conduit
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Signalum Upgrade Kit
  • Signalum Conversion Kit
  • 16k ME Storage Component
  • Redstone Energy Fluxduct
  • Capacitor Bank

Legendary Key:

  • Fluix Crystal
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Energy Conduit
  • Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsation Iron Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • ME Dense Smart Cable - Fluix
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Item Conduit
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Item Conduit
  • Ender Energy Conduit
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Resonant Upgrade Kit
  • Resonant Conversion Kit
  • Resonant Fluxduct
  • Vibrant Capacitor Bank
  • Terrasteel

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Prepare for an extraordinary adventure that spans realms of magic and technology in the "Dungeons, Dragons, and Space Shuttles" modpack. With 24 months of dedicated development, this pack is meticulously crafted around the concepts of Extended Crafting Tables and Artisan Workshops, delivering a balanced and immersive experience like no other.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Actually Additions
  • Actually Baubles
  • Additional Structures
  • Alchemistry
  • Animania
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Artisan Worktables
  • Artisan Integrations
  • Artisan Automation
  • Architecture Craft
  • Aroma Core
  • Aroma Backup
  • Astralsorcery
  • Akashic Tome
  • AutoRegLib
  • Avaritia
  • B.A.S.E
  • Baubles
  • Better Builders Wands
  • BiblioCraft
  • Binnie's Mods
  • Blockcraftery
  • Blood Arsenal
  • Blood Magic
  • Bookshelf
  • Bonsai Trees
  • Botania
  • Botanic Additions
  • Carrer Bees
  • Ceramics
  • Chameleon
  • Chest Transporter
  • ChickenChunks
  • Chisel
  • Chisel and Bits
  • Chunk Pregenerator
  • Clumps
  • Compact Drawers
  • Compact Machines 3
  • Controlling
  • CookieCore
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  • Corail Tombstones
  • CraftStudio
  • Connected Textures Mod
  • Cucumber
  • CustomStartingGear
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Cyclic
  • Dank Null
  • Doomlike Dungeons
  • Draconic Evolution
  • Dungeon Tactics
  • DiscordCraft
  • Dynamic Surroundings (Disabled)
  • Elulib
  • EnchantingTable
  • Ender Storage
  • Enviromentaltech
  • EvilCraft
  • Exchangers
  • Extended Crafting
  • Extraalechemy
  • Extra Cells
  • Extra Planets
  • Extrautils 2
  • Extreme Reactors
  • Fast Workbench
  • FastLeafDecay
  • Foamfix
  • Forestry
  • Galacticraft Core
  • Galacticraft Planets
  • Galacticraft Tweaker
  • Gendustry
  • Giacomos Fishing Net
  • Guidebook
  • HammerLibCore
  • Hooked
  • Hunger Overhaul
  • Hunting Dimension
  • IceandFire
  • Immersive Engeneering
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Itegration Foregoing
  • Integrated Dynamics
  • Integrated Tunnels
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Iron Chests
  • Journeymap
  • Large Fluid Tanks
  • LagGoggles
  • LibrarianLib
  • Llibrary
  • Loot tweaker
  • Loot Bags
  • LittleTiles
  • Little Opener
  • Magic Bees
  • Malisis Core
  • Malisis Doors
  • ME Capabilities
  • Mekanism
  • Mekanism Generators
  • Mekanism Tools
  • Mekanism Ores
  • MobsPropretiesRandomness
  • Moreplates
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • Mowziesmobs
  • Morpheus
  • Modular Machinery
  • Mr. Crayfishs Furnitures
  • MrTJPCore
  • MTLib
  • Multimob
  • Mystical Agriculture
  • Mystical Aggriditions
  • Natura
  • Nature's Compass
  • NetherEx
  • NotEnoughID's
  • Nuclearcraft
  • Omlib
  • OnlinePictureFrame
  • OpenComputers
  • OpenModulaPassiveDefence
  • Openblocks
  • OpenModsLib
  • OpenModularTurrets
  • Overloaded
  • PackagedAuto
  • PackagedAutoEX
  • Pam's Harvestcraft
  • Pams' Cookables
  • Phosphorus
  • Pickle Tweaks
  • Placebo
  • PlusTiC
  • Pneumaticcraft Repressurized
  • Primitive Mobs
  • Progressive Bosses
  • Project Red Base
  • Project Red Compact
  • Project Red Fabrication
  • Project Red Integration
  • Project Red Lightning
  • Project Red Mechanical
  • Project Red World
  • Quark
  • Random Patches
  • Reauth
  • Reborn Core
  • Reborn Storage
  • Redstone Flux
  • Refined Storage
  • Refined Storage Addons
  • Refined Avaritia
  • Resource Loader
  • RFTools
  • RFToolsctrl
  • RFToolspower
  • Rockhounding Chemistry
  • Rockhounding Core
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • RoughMobs2
  • Ruins
  • Rustic
  • Sledgehammer
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Simply Backpacks
  • Smooth Font
  • Solar Flux Reborn
  • Spice of Life Carrot Edition
  • Stargate Networks
  • Steves Carts
  • Storage Drawers
  • Storage Drawers Extras
  • StorageTech
  • Storage Cabinet
  • Sound Reloader
  • TAIGA (Tinkers Alloy Addon)
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Tech Reborn
  • The One Probe
  • Thermal Cultivation
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Thermal Innovation
  • Tinker Tool Leveling
  • Toast Control
  • Torchmaster
  • Topaddons
  • Traverse
  • Twilight Forest
  • Underground Biomes
  • Useful Railroads
  • Vies Craft
  • Vulcanite
  • Worley Caves
  • Wireless Crafting Terminal
  • Xnet
  • Zero Core
  • Zoesteria Biomes [special thx to Valoeghese!]

Banned Items:

  • Cursed Earth (Player Abuse)
  • Block Breakers & Placers (TPS Killers)
  • Tombstone (Conflicts with plugins - You cant break your grave)
  • GC Space Stations (Dumb Mathematics and corruption)
  • BC Quarry
  • ALL Creative Items (Abuse)

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Sand
  • Gravel
  • Clay
  • Coal
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • String
  • Circuit Plate
  • Copper Coil
  • Electrotine Alloy Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Electrotine                                                            
  • Black Quartz
  • Blank Pattern
  • Aquamarine
  • Magic Apatite
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Solar Panel 1
  • Poison Cell
  • Coal Generator
  • Transistor
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Silicone Cell
  • Super Glue Cell

Uncommon Key:

  • Redstone
  • Electrotine Alloy Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine
  • Magic Apatite
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Transistor
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Diamond
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Reinforced Upgrade Kit
  • Reinforced Conversion Kit
  • Hardened Fluxduct
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Fluix Crystal

Rare Key:

  • Fluix Crystal
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Diamond
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Redstone
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine
  • Magic Apatite
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Signalum Upgrade Kit
  • Signalum Conversion Kit
  • Redstone Energy Fluxduct
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal

Legendary Key:

  • Fluix Crystal
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Diamond
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Resonant Fluxduct
  • ME Controller
  • 64k ME Storage Cell
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • Cable
  • 64k Storage Disk
  • ME Drive
  • Disk Drive
  • Controller
  • Resonant Upgrade Kit
  • Resonant Conversion Kit

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



New dark dungeons, towering spires, weathered ruins and musty tomes lay before you. Will you lay claim to riches, or create your own artifacts? Discover remnants of travelers old, clash swords with pirates? Perhaps you will tame steeds and carve a new home from the dungeons and castles you have conquered, and freed from tyranny. Your adventure awaits once more. The only question is: shall you take up the mantle, equip yourself, and venture forth to what lays undiscovered?

Others have tried before. Do you have what it takes?

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Akashic Tome
  • Additional Banners
  • Had Enough Items
  • Quark
  • Backpack
  • BackTools
  • Battle Towers
  • Baubles
  • Beast Slayer
  • Better Builder's Wands
  • YUNG's Better Mineshafts
  • Bibliocraft
  • Bird's nests
  • Blockcraftery
  • Capsule
  • Chest Transporter
  • CTM
  • Chisel
  • Chisels & Bits
  • ChocoCraft Plus
  • Chocolate Quest Repoured
  • Redstone Flux
  • Combustive Fishing
  • Colytra
  • Comforts
  • Mowzie's Mobs
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Tinkers' Construct
  • Construct's Armory
  • CosmeticArmorReworked
  • Culinary Construct
  • Deadly World
  • Debark
  • Traverse
  • DrZhark's Mo'Creatures Extended
  • Elementary Staffs
  • Elenai Dodge
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Exchangers
  • Eyes in the Darkness
  • Fairy Lights
  • Farming for Blockheads
  • Fish's Undead Rising
  • Googly Eyes
  • Hexxit Gear
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Hexxit World
  • Iron Chest
  • Jon's Exclusives
  • Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather Mod
  • KleeSlabs
  • Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
  • Lost Books II
  • Natura
  • Deep Below
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • More Bows Restrung
  • Nature's Compass
  • PlusTiC
  • Netherending Ores
  • Nyx
  • Openblocks
  • Oreberries
  • Shield Parrying
  • Player Plates
  • Project: Vibrant Journeys
  • Rare Ice
  • Recurrent Complex
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • Secret Rooms 5
  • Schematica
  • Skewers
  • SlimyBoyos
  • Soul Shards Respawn
  • Special Mobs
  • Storage Drawers
  • Tinkers Tool leveling
  • Tinkers' Addons
  • TorchMaster
  • Translocators
  • HT's TreeChop
  • Tumbleweed
  • Waystones
  • Wolf Armor and Storage
  • Gravel Ores
  • CyclopsTek

Banned Items:

  • None

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Clay
  • Flint
  • Nether Quartz
  • Leather
  • Ender Pearl
  • Sugar Canes
  • Steak
  • Golden Carrot
  • Pufferfish
  • Cactus
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Glistering Melon
  • Rabbit's Foot
  • Aluminum Brass
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Concentrated Essence Berry
  • Seared Brick
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Diamond

Uncommon Key:

  • Diamond
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Aluminum Brass
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Magma Cream
  • Emerald
  • Heart Piece
  • Fallen Star
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Fermented Spider Eye
  • Eye Of Ender
  • Fire Charge
  • Corrupted Essence
  • Vile Dust
  • Frozen Pearl
  • Lilypad of Fertility
  • Golden Apple
  • End Crystal

Rare Key:

  • Diamond
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Aluminum Brass
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Magma Cream
  • Emerald
  • Heart Piece
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Corrupted Essence
  • Vile Dust
  • Golden Apple
  • End Crystal
  • Frozen Pearl
  • Nether Star
  • Seared Bricks
  • Unbound Soul Shard
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Pigiron Ingot

Legendary Key:

  • Diamond
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Nether Star
  • Seared Bricks
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Magma Cream
  • Glistering Melon
  • Blaze Rod
  • Ghast Tear
  • Eye Of Ender
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Clay
  • Totem of Undying
  • Name Tag
  • Diamond Horse Armor
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Nether Wart
  • Combustive Cod
  • Full Honey Comb
  • Heart Canister
  • Meteor Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Reminisce the feeling of exploring (and fearing) the world of Minecraft with your friends? Hexxit Updated consists of not only mods from the original Hexxit, but re-imagined with numerous dimensions and dungeons to satiate the feelings of wanderlust. This modpack revolves around the nostalgia of Hexxit, but Hexxit Updated's true colors will reveal itself to travelers who are willing to discover the world for themselves, as there is no story ingrained into Hexxit.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Just Enough Items
  • AbyssalCraft
  • CTM
  • Chisel
  • Quark
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Tinkers' Construct
  • The Aether
  • Atum 2
  • Battle Towers
  • BiblioCraft
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Chisels & Bits
  • ChocoCraft 3
  • Chocolate Quest Repoured Mod
  • Construct's Armory
  • Doomlike Dungeons
  • DungeonTactics
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Erebus
  • Hexxit Gear
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Iron Chest
  • Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather Mod
  • JourneyMap
  • Loot Bags: Patched
  • Lost Aether Content
  • MalisisDoors
  • Malisis Switches
  • Natura
  • Recurrent Complex
  • Reliquary
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • Rough Mobs Revamped
  • Soul Shards Respawn
  • Spartan Shields
  • Storage Drawers
  • Tinkers' Complement
  • Tree Chopper
  • Wearable Backpacks
  • Worley's Caves
  • The Betweenlands

Banned Items:

  • None

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Apple
  • Blaze Rod
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Spider Eye
  • Ink Sac
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Lootbag
  • Seared Brick
  • Clay
  • Fire Charge
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Mom's Spaghetti
  • Steak

Uncommon Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Apple
  • Blaze Rod
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Spider Eye
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Clay
  • Fire Charge
  • Ghast Tear
  • Diamond
  • Ink Sac
  • Lootbag
  • Emerald

Rare Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Apple
  • Blaze Rod
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Spider Eye
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Clay
  • Fire Charge
  • Ghast Tear
  • Diamond
  • Ink Sac
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Oak Bookshelf
  • Soul Sand
  • Lootbag

Legendary Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Apple
  • Blaze Rod
  • Bottle o' Enchanting
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Spider Eye
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Clay
  • Fire Charge
  • Ghast Tear
  • Diamond
  • Ink Sac
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Lootbag
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Pigiron Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Embark on the most epic and boundless Minecraft adventure ever with "MC Eternal." This modpack transports you to a world teeming with hundreds of Tinkers Construct materials, over 750 quests, and countless opportunities for exploration and creativity. Whether you seek science, magic, or farming, your journey begins here.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • /dank/null
  • [ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands
  • Actually Additions
  • Advanced Hook Launchers
  • Advanced Rocketry
  • AE2 Stuff
  • AE2 Wireless Terminal Library
  • Artifacts
  • Astral Sorcery
  • Atum 2: Return to the Sands
  • Baubles
  • Beast Slayer
  • Better Builder's Wands
  • Bewitchment (Legacy)
  • BiblioCraft
  • Biome Staff
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Blood Magic
  • AgriCraft
  • Akashic Tome
  • Ancient Spellcraft
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Arcane World
  • ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version
  • Armor Toughness Bar
  • Armory Expansion
  • Artifacts
  • Astral Sorcery
  • AttributeFix
  • Atum 2: Return to the Sands
  • Auto Ore Dictionary Converter
  • AutoRegLib
  • Baubles
  • Beast Slayer
  • Better Builder's Wands
  • BetterFps
  • Bewitchment (Legacy)
  • BiblioCraft
  • Biome Staff
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Blood Magic
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • Bountiful (Forge)
  • BountifulBaubles
  • Broken Wings
  • Buildcraft
  • Building Gadgets
  • Capsule
  • Career Bees
  • Chameleon
  • Champions
  • Chance Cubes
  • Charm
  • Cherished Worlds (Fabric/Forge/Quilt)
  • Chisel
  • Chisels & Bits - For Forge
  • Chocolate Quest Repoured
  • Clumps
  • Collective
  • Compact Machines
  • ConnectedTexturesMod
  • Construct's Armory
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • Corail Tombstone
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  • Crimson Warfare
  • Cucumber Library
  • Culinary Construct (Forge/Fabric/Quilt)
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Customized Dungeon Loot
  • Cyclic
  • Cyclops Core
  • DarknessLib
  • DimensionalDoors
  • Ding (Forge)
  • Doggy Talents
  • Dungeon Tactics
  • Dungeons Mod
  • Eerie Entities
  • Electroblob's Wizardry
  • Electroblob's Wizardry: Twilight Forest Spell Pack
  • Elenai Dodge 2
  • Enchantment Descriptions
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage 1.8.+
  • EnderCore
  • Energy Converters
  • Extra Bit Manipulation
  • Extra Utilities
  • ExtraCells2
  • Fairy Lights
  • Farming for Blockheads
  • Fish's Undead Rising
  • Flux Networks
  • Forestry
  • ForgeEndertech
  • Fossils and Archeology: Revival
  • Frozen Fiend
  • Future MC
  • Gas Conduits
  • GeckoLib
  • Gendustry
  • Ghost's Explosives
  • GottschCore
  • Grue
  • Guard Illagers
  • Hardcore Darkness
  • Hats
  • HT's TreeChop
  • Hunter'sReturn
  • Ice and Fire: Dragons
  • iChunUtil
  • Illagers+
  • Immersive Cables
  • Immersive Engineering
  • Immersive Petroleum
  • Immersive Posts
  • Immersive Technology
  • Improved Backpacks
  • In Control!
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • InstantUnify
  • Instrumental Mobs
  • Integrated Dynamics
  • Integrated Tunnels
  • Integration Foregoing
  • Inventory Pets
  • Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only]
  • Iron Chests
  • Item Filters
  • It's the little things
  • IvToolkit
  • JEI Bees
  • JourneyMap
  • Large Ore Deposits
  • Level Up! Reloaded
  • Lods of Emone
  • LootTweaker
  • Macaw's Roofs
  • Magic Bees
  • MalisisDoors
  • Mekanism
  • Mekanism Generators
  • Mekanism Tools
  • MixinBooter
  • Mob Grinding Utils
  • Modular Powersuits
  • Morph
  • Morpheus
  • Mowzie's Mobs
  • Mystical Agradditions
  • Mystical Agriculture
  • Mystical World
  • NuclearCraft
  • Open Modular Turrets
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenComputers
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Portal Gun
  • Practical Logistics 2
  • Progressive Bosses
  • Quark
  • Random Things
  • Rats
  • Reliquary Reincarnations
  • RFTools
  • Rise of the Animagus
  • Roguelike Dungeons -- Fnar's Edition
  • Roots
  • Simple Storage Network
  • Simply Cats
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Spell Bundle (Electroblob's Wizardry)
  • Spice of Life: Carrot Edition
  • Steve's Carts Reborn
  • Storage Drawers
  • Stupid Things
  • Stygian End: Biome Expansion
  • Tech Reborn
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumic Additions: Reconstructed
  • Thaumic Augmentation
  • Thaumic Periphery
  • The Aurorian
  • The Beneath
  • The Erebus
  • The Midnight
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Thermal Cultivation
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Thermal Innovation
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Tinkers' Tool Leveling
  • Totemic
  • Treasure2
  • Treasure2: Twilight Forest Loot Pack
  • Treasure2: Wizardry Loot Pack
  • Vampirism - Become a vampire!
  • Waystones
  • Wings
  • Wireless Crafting Terminal
  • Wireless Redstone CBE
  • Wizardry - Necromancer's Delight
  • XNet
  • xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (a PlusTiC fork without the evil, and apparently some new bugs idk)
  • YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)

Banned Items:

  • Chunk Loaders
  • Cursed Earth (Player abuse)
  • Time/Weather items and Spells

Banned Mods:

  • Dimensional Doors (Dimension Creator & Claim bypass)
  • FTB Money & FTB Utilities (Conflicts with our plugins)
  • RF Tools/ RF Tools DIM (Dimension Creator)
  • TombStone & Waystones (Conflicts with plugins - You cant break your grave)

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Totem of Undying
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Terrasteel
  • Iron Alloy Ingot
  • Dilithium Ingot
  • Basalt Ingot
  • Starmetal Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Pyrotheum Dust
  • Cryotheum Dust
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Basic Energy Cube
  • ME Export Bus
  • ME Import Bus
  • Advanced Solar Generator
  • Iron Golem Pet
  • Basic Universal Cable
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Basic Mechanical Pipe
  • Nucleum Ingot
  • Simple Machine Chassis
  • Industrial Machine Chassis
  • Soul Machine Chassis
  • Enhanced Machine Chassis
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • 1k ME Storage Component

Uncommon Key:

  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Terrasteel
  • Iron Alloy Ingot
  • Basic Energy Cube
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Ender Pearl
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Starmetal Ingot
  • Basic Universal Cable
  • Basic Mechanical Pipe
  • Simple Machine Chassis
  • Industrial Machine Chassis
  • Soul Machine Chassis
  • Enhanced Machine Chassis
  • Infinity Bimetal Gear
  • Z-Logic Controller
  • Dark Bimetal Gear
  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Reinforced Alloy
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Electromagnet
  • Infusion Crystal
  • Cold Iron Ingot
  • Pink Slime Ingot
  • Banana Pet
  • Pink Slime               
  • Certus Quartz
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • 4k ME Storage Component
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Terrasteel
  • Iron Alloy Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Basic Universal Cable
  • Basic Mechanical Pipe
  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Pink Slime Ingot
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • ME Export Bus
  • ME Import Bus
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Infinity Bimetal Gear
  • Energized Bimetal Gear
  • Vibrant Bimetal Gear
  • ME Storage Bus
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Loot Pet
  • Jetpack
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Superium Essence
  • Black Lotus
  • Signalum Fluxduct
  • Herculean Flux Storage
  • Dense Energy Cell
  • ME Controller
  • Elementium Ingot
  • Cold Iron Ingot

Legendary Key:

  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Terrasteel
  • Iron Alloy Ingot
  • Basic Universal Cable
  • Basic Mechanical Pipe
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • End Steel Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Dense Energy Cell
  • ME Glass Cable - Fluix
  • Z-Logic Controller
  • Black Lotus
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Supremium Essence
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Ultimate Control Circuit
  • Diamond
  • Gargantuan Flux Storage
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Greater Band of Mana
  • Insanium Essence
  • Master Infusion Crystal
  • Elementium Ingot
  • Cold Iron Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Do you like roguelike dungeon crawling games?  Or exploring Minecraft for dungeons and structures for loot?  Tired of all that tech stuff and just want more fun?  Then this pack is for you.  It is completely focused on adventuring and exploration, looting and fighting.  Fight your way through the dungeons, improve your skills and gear, complete quests and conquer new undiscovered dangerous dimensions.  There is no time to relax because as you grow stronger, gathering better equipment mobs will also increase your health and make you stronger!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • The Betweenlands
  • Lands of Icaria
  • Bone Torch
  • Lizard Doggo
  • /dank/null
  • Aether
  • AkashicTome
  • Apotheosis
  • Aquaculture
  • AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs
  • Atum 2: Return to the Sands
  • Beast Slayer
  • Bibliocraft
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Bloodmoon
  • Bonsai Trees
  • Bountiful
  • Building Gadgets
  • Capsule
  • Cavern 2
  • Chameleon
  • Chance Cubes
  • Chest Transporter
  • Chisel
  • Colossal Chests
  • Colytra
  • Comforts
  • CookingForBlockheads
  • Corail Tombstone
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked
  • Crimson Revelations
  • Cyclic
  • DimensionalDoors
  • Disenchanter
  • DoggyTalents
  • Doomlike Dungeons
  • Electrobob's Wizardry
  • Electrobob's Wizardry: Twilight Forest Spell Pack
  • Elenai Dodge
  • Embers Rekindled
  • End:Reborn
  • Extra Alchemy
  • Engineer's Workshop Reborn
  • Extra Utilities
  • Eye Of Dragons
  • Fancy Lamps
  • FutureMC
  • Hooked
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Hunter's Return
  • Ice and Fire: Dragons
  • Illagers+
  • Improved Backpacks
  • Inventory Pets
  • JourneyMap
  • LevelUpReloaded
  • Many Materials
  • Mega Loot
  • Mo' Spells
  • Mowzie's Mobs
  • Mystical Agriculture
  • Mystical Gears
  • Mystical World
  • Nature's Compass
  • NetherEx
  • NomadicTents
  • OpenBlocks
  • ProgressiveBosses
  • QualityTools
  • Quark
  • Quark Oddities
  • Rad Enchants
  • Random Loot Mod
  • Reliquary
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • Roost
  • Roots
  • Rope Bridge
  • Rough Tweaks
  • Rustic
  • Scaling Health
  • Sharing Tome
  • Signpost 
  • Simple Storage Network
  • Skewers
  • Soot
  • Spartan and Fire
  • Spartan Shields
  • Spartan Weaponry
  • Spartan Weaponry Arcana
  • Spice Of Life: Carrot Edition
  • Storage Drawers
  • Straw Golem
  • Subterranean Switcheroo
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumic Augmentation
  • Thaumic Periphery
  • Thaumic Restoration
  • Thaumic Wonders
  • Aether
  • The Beneath
  • Aether
  • The Midnight
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Tropicraft
  • Unique Crops
  • Unique Enchantments - ALL
  • Uppers
  • V-Tweaks
  • Vampires Need Umbrellas
  • Vampirism
  • Wizardry Golems
  • XP Tome
  • Yoyos

Banned Items:

  • Chunk Loaders
  • Drop of Evil
  • Cursed Earth

Banned Mods:

  • Chance Cubes
  • Nomadic Tents

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Gold Ore Chunk
  • Iron Ore Chunk
  • Diamond
  • Nether Quartz
  • Leather
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Paper
  • Book
  • Rib Bone
  • Zombie Heart
  • Inferium Essence
  • Prudentium Essence
  • Intermedium Essence
  • Wooden Hook
  • Jade
  • Inferium Coal
  • Prudentium Coal
  • Training Treat
  • Tome of Arcana
  • Storage Export Cable
  • Processing Cable
  • Magic Wand
  • Arcane Workbench
  • Magic Crystal Shard
  • Golden Diamond
  • Ancient Debris
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Storage Network Master
  • Storage Cable
  • Storage Link Cable
  • Storage Import Cable
  • Storage Remote
  • Storage Inventory
  • Ectoplasm
  • Amethyst
  • Inferium Watering Can
  • Storage Upgrade (Wood)
  • Hard-Carbon Clump
  • Rediron Clump
  • Crude Wooden Shield
  • Inferium Apple
  • Prudentium Apple
  • Garlic
  • Bonsai Pot
  • Nature's Compass
  • Normie Seeds

Uncommon Key:

  • Obsidian
  • Silver Ingot
  • Alchemical Brass Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Ender Pearl
  • Catalyzing Gland
  • Slime Pearl
  • Iron Hook
  • Magic Crystal
  • Dark Crystal
  • Mystical Crystal
  • Spectral Dust
  • Spectral Dust
  • Whetstone
  • Whetstone
  • Colossal Chest Wall
  • Colossal Chest Core
  • Colossal Chest Interface
  • Netherite Scrap
  • Super Treat
  • Apprentice Wand
  • Endorium Ingot
  • Tome Of Arcana
  • Blood Infused Iron Ingot
  • Iron Fishing Rod
  • Automatic Fishing Net
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Cooked Fish Skewer
  • Cooked Salmon Skewer
  • Roasted Veggie Skewer
  • Cooked Chicken Skewer
  • Cooked Mutton Skewer
  • Heart Crystal Shard
  • Storage Request Table
  • Controller
  • Simple Storage Remote
  • Intermedium Watering Can
  • Storage Upgrade (Stone)
  • Storage Upgrade (Iron)
  • Stone Braced Shield
  • Cow in a Jar
  • Hopping Bonsai Pot
  • Soulium Dagger
  • Fiery Ingot
  • Ironwood Ingot
  • Knightmetal Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Spectre Sapling
  • Eye of the Storm
  • Nebulous Heart
  • Diamond Hook
  • Stormy Crystal
  • Radiant Crystal
  • Spectral Dust
  • Spectral Dust
  • Whetstone
  • Colossal Chest Wall
  • Colossal Chest Core
  • Colossal Chest Interface
  • Super Treat
  • Tome Of Arcana
  • Upgraded Storage Remote
  • Superium Watering Can
  • Storage Upgrade (Gold)
  • Superium Essence
  • Intermedium Ingot
  • Thaumium Ingot
  • Intermedium Coal
  • Tier 3 Mob Chunk
  • Tier 4 Mob Chunk
  • Netherite Ingot
  • Intermedium Apple
  • Advanced Wand
  • Cooked Porkchop Skewer
  • Enhanced Blood Infused Iron Ingot
  • Golden Fishing Rod
  • Honeycomb
  • Iron Plated Shield
  • Miner's Stew
  • Southern Style Breakfast
  • Fried Feast
  • Heating Unit
  • Ice Unit
  • Preservation Chamber
  • Emperor's Chalice
  • Neptunium Ingot
  • Crystal Silver Ingot
  • Devoritium Ingot
  • Resplendent Thread
  • Crystal Silver Plating
  • Infused Endorium

Legendary Key:

  • Infernal Claw
  • Red Hook
  • Ender Hook
  • Fiery Crystal
  • Icy Crystal
  • Verdant Crystal
  • Spectral Dust
  • Spectral Dust
  • Whetstone
  • Whetstone
  • Colossal Chest Wall
  • Colossal Chest Core
  • Colossal Chest Interface
  • Advanced Storage Remote
  • Supremium Watering Can
  • Storage Upgrade (Diamond)
  • Supremium Essence
  • Superium Ingot
  • Supremium Ingot
  • Aquamarine
  • Hexcite
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Void Metal Ingot
  • Master Treat
  • Dragon Bone
  • Witherbone
  • Superium Coal
  • Supremium Coal
  • Tier 4 Mob Chunk
  • Tier 5 Mob Chunk
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Dire Treat
  • Spectre Coil Nr. 
  • Superium Apple
  • Supremium Apple
  • Master Wand
  • Astral Diamond
  • Disenchantment Table
  • Fire Dragonsteel Ingot
  • Ice Dragonsteel Ingot
  • Void Tear
  • Steak Skewer
  • Diamond Fishing Rod
  • Powered Diamond Anvil
  • Nautilus Shell
  • Honey Bottle
  • Diamond Reinforced Shield
  • Meat Feast Pizza
  • Corned Beef Breakfast
  • Gourmet Venison Burger
  • Korean Dinner
  • Thankful Dinner
  • Ethereal Crystalweave

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Welcome to "RLCraft," where the rules of Minecraft have been rewritten for the brave and the bold. Prepare yourself for a journey that's as unforgiving as it is exhilarating, where survival is a daily battle and the stakes couldn't be higher

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • ItemPhysic
  • Advanced Hook Launchers
  • Advanced Fishing
  • The Lost Cities
  • Aquaculture
  • Just Enough Items
  • Battle Towers
  • Baubles
  • Ice and Fire
  • Inspirations
  • Quality Tools
  • RLCombat
  • Rin's So Many Enchantments
  • Better Survival
  • YUNG's Better Caves
  • YUNG's Better Mineshafts
  • Better Nether
  • Classy Hats
  • Level Up! Reloaded
  • Lycanites Mobs
  • Bloodmoon
  • Bountiful Baubles
  • Bountiful
  • Recurrent Complex
  • Callable Horses
  • Carry On
  • Champions
  • Charm
  • Comforts
  • Reskillable
  • Coralreef
  • Wearable Backpacks
  • Corpse Complex
  • Defiled Lands
  • Disenchanter
  • Doomlike Dungeons
  • Serene Seasons
  • Traverse
  • Elenai Dodge
  • Familiar Fauna
  • First Aid
  • Fishing Made Better
  • Food Expansion
  • Forgotten Items
  • GooglyEyes
  • Grappling Hook Mod
  • Infernal Mobs
  • Locks
  • Macaaw's Bridges
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • Mo' Bends
  • No Tree Punching
  • Pigstep
  • Realistic Torches
  • Roguelike Dungeons
  • Ruins Mod
  • Rough Tweaks
  • Rustic
  • Scaling Health
  • Set Bonus
  • Shield Break
  • SimpleDifficulty
  • Sit
  • Spartan Defiled
  • Trinkets and Baubles
  • Spartan Weaponry
  • Spartan Fire: RLCraft
  • Spartan Shields
  • Scape and Run Parasites
  • Switch-Bow
  • Trumpet Skeleton
  • Tumbleweed
  • Waystones
  • Wolf Armor and Storage
  • XP From Harvest
  • XP Tome
  • YUNG's Law
  • Realistic Terrain Generation

Banned Items:

  • None

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Oak Wood
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Flint
  • Ender Pearl
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Catfish
  • Spectral Silt
  • Bandage
  • Glowing Ingot
  • Plaster
  • Treasure Chest
  • Bacon and Egg
  • Crispy Bacon
  • Fried Egg
  • String
  • Slimeball
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Popped Chorus Fruit
  • Rock
  • Cactus
  • Paper
  • Blaze Rod

Uncommon Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Flint
  • Ender Pearl
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Catfish
  • Spectral Silt
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • String
  • Slimeball
  • Cactus
  • Paper
  • Bacon and Egg
  • Crispy Bacon
  • Fried Egg
  • Frost Rod
  • Cobblestone
  • Cincinnasite
  • XP Tome
  • Glowing Gem
  • Medikit
  • Disintegration Tablet
  • Bandages
  • Popped Chorus Fruit
  • Blaze Rod

Rare Key:

  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Pumpkin Pie
  • Bacon and Egg
  • Crispy Bacon
  • Fried Egg
  • Frost Rod
  • Cincinnasite
  • XP Tome
  • Popped Chorus Fruit
  • String
  • Slimeball
  • Cactus
  • Paper
  • Steel Ingot
  • Witherbone
  • Dragon Bone
  • Fire Dragon Blood
  • Ice Dragon Blood
  • Demonstone Brick
  • Demon Crystal
  • Blaze Rod
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Prismarine Crystals

Legendary Key:

  • Fire Dragon Blood
  • Ice Dragon Blood
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Ender Pearl
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Bacon and Egg
  • Crispy Bacon
  • Fried Egg
  • Frost Rod
  • Blaze Rod
  • Silver Ingot
  • Cincinnasite
  • XP Tome
  • Witherbone
  • Dragon Bone
  • Spectral Silt
  • String
  • Slimeball
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Catfish
  • Nether Star
  • Heart Container
  • Golden Apple
  • Neptunium Ingot
  • Sapphire
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Scales
  • Dragon Scales
  • Enchanted Medikit

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


Back again for more modded skyblock fun! SkyFactory 4 offers a brand-new experience never before seen in the series. Full automation, tech, magic, and bacon resources! This iteration offers over 30+ world types so you can play the pack like never before! While some world types are based on the classic tree on dirt others are designed with unique recipes and advancements.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Advancement Book 
  • AE2 Stuff Animal Crops
  • Apotheosis
  • Applied Energistics 2 
  • Astral Sorcery 
  • B.A.S.E Barrels Drums
  • Storage & More Baubles
  • BiblioCraft
  • Bonsai Trees
  • Bookshelf
  • Bouncy Creepers
  • Building Gadgets
  • Caliper Calm
  • Down Zombie
  • Guy Carry On Ceramics
  • Chargers
  • ChineseWorkshop
  • Chisel Chisels & Bits
  • Click Machine Client
  • Coloured Tooltips
  • CommonCapabilities
  • Compact Machines 3
  • CompactStorage
  • ComPatchedStorage
  • Construct's Armory
  • Controlling Cooking for Blockheads
  • CT-GU
  • I CTM 
  • Cucumber
  • Library
  • Culinary Construct
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Dark Utilities 
  • Deep Mob Learning 
  • DragonMurder 
  • Elevator Mod 
  • Enchantment Descriptions 
  • Ender Crop 
  • Ender Utilities 
  • EnderCore 
  • EnderStorage 
  • Extended Crafting 
  • Extra Cells 2 
  • Fancy Block Particles 
  • Farming for Blockheads 
  • Fence Overhaul 
  • Flux Networks 
  • Forge Microblocks 
  • CBE Forgiving Void 
  • Game Stages 
  • Horse Power 
  • Hunting Dimension 
  • HydroGel In Control! 
  • Industrial Foregoing 
  • Inspirations
  • Integrated Dynamics 
  • Integrated Tunnels
  • IntegratedDynamics-Compat
  • IntegratedTunnels-Compat 
  • Iron Jetpacks
  • Item Stages 
  • JourneyMap 
  • Just Enough 
  • Items KleeSlabs 
  • Limitless Structure
  • Blocks Loading 
  • Screens MalisisCore
  • MalisisDoors 
  • Mantle MatterOverdrive: Legacy Edition 
  • Mekanism [1] Mekanism: Generators 
  • Mercurius Minecraft Minecraft 
  • More Buckets 
  • More Cauldrons 
  • Morpheus 
  • Mystcraft 
  • Mystical Agradditions
  • Mystical Agriculture
  • Neat NuclearCraft OG Dragon+
  • Open Computers 
  • Pipe Master 2000
  • PortalGun 
  • Practical Logistics 2 
  • Prestige
  • Primitive Crafting 
  • ProjectE 
  • Ranged Pumps 
  • Simple Generators 
  • Simple Storage
  • SkyBonsais 
  • Slab Machines 
  • Snad 
  • Statues mod
  • Stuff A Sock In It Super Sound Muffler: Revived 
  • Sync 
  • TelePastrie
  • The Lost Cities 
  • The Twilight Forest 
  • The Weirding Gadget 
  • Thermal Dynamics 
  • Thermal Foundation 
  • Thermal Innovation 
  • Tinkers Tool Leveling 
  • Tinkers' Complement Tinkers' 
  • Construct Tiny Progressions
  • TogetherForever
  • Translocators 
  • Tree Growing Simulator 2016 
  • Triumph Twitchcrumbs uppers Universal Modifiers
  • ViesCraft Waddles
  • Waila Stages Wall-Jump! 
  • What Are We Looking At Wither Crumbs
  • World Book World Utils 
  • XL Food Mod 
  • XNet 
  • YNot 
  • Yoyos 
  • ZenStages

Banned Items:

  • Portal Gun (Any Kind)

Banned Mods:

  • None

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]
Common Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Energy Upgrade
  • Speed Upgrade
  • Storage Cable
  • Storage Link Cable
  • Storage Import Cable
  • Lead Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Diamond
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot
  • 1k ME Storage Component
  • Leadstone Fluxduct
  • Flux
  • Basic Energy Cube
  • Prosperity Shard
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Soot-covered Plate
  • Polymer Clay
  • Magic Bean
  • Uranium-235 Oxide
  • Uranium-235                
  • Signalum Ingot
  • LEU-235 Fuel
  • Pink Slime               
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Thorium Ingot
  • Growth Crystal
  • Fluxomagnet (Hardened)
  • Fluiduct
  • Flux Block
  • Plastic
  • Graphite Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Redstone

Uncommon Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Diamond
  • Prosperity Shard
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Plastic
  • Soot-covered Plate
  • Polymer Clay
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Uranium-235 Oxide
  • Uranium-235                
  • LEU-235 Fuel
  • Flux
  • Pink Slime               
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Reinforced Alloy
  • Basic Energy Cube
  • Hardened Fluxduct
  • Growth Crystal Tier 2
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Elytra
  • Basic Flux Storage
  • Prudentium Essence
  • Inferium Seeds
  • Advanced Solar Generator
  • 4k ME Storage Component
  • Cobblestone Generator Tier 5
  • Advanced Tier Installer
  • Fluxomagnet (Reinforced)
  • Fluix Seed
  • Nether Quartz Seed
  • Inscriber Silicon Press
  • Inscriber Calculation Press
  • Inscriber Engineering Press
  • Inscriber Logic Press
  • Hardened Fluiduct

Rare Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Plastic
  • Soot-covered Plate
  • Polymer Clay
  • Uranium-235 Oxide
  • Uranium-235                
  • LEU-235 Fuel
  • Flux
  • Pink Slime               
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Basic Energy Cube
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Thorium Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Flux Block
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Herculean Flux Storage
  • Soot-covered Redstone
  • Signalum Plated Fluiduct
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot
  • Red Pill
  • Glitch Infused Ingot
  • 16k ME Storage Component
  • Growth Crystal Tier 3
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Elite Tier Installer
  • Fluxomagnet (Signalum)
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Redstone Energy Fluxduct

Legendary Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Gold Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Crystalized Menril Chunk
  • Plastic
  • Soot-covered Plate
  • Polymer Clay
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Thorium Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Refined Obsidian Ingot
  • Flux Block
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Mana Infused Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Basic Energy Cube
  • Uranium-235 Oxide
  • Uranium-235                
  • LEU-235 Fuel
  • Growth Crystal Tier 3
  • Fluix Seed
  • Nether Quartz Seed
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Ultimate Control Circuit
  • Super-Laminar Fluiduct
  • Signalum Fluxduct
  • Cryo-Stablized Fluxduct
  • Soot-covered Redstone
  • Dragon Egg
  • 64k ME Storage Component
  • Superium Essence
  • Supremium Essence
  • Ultimate Tier Installer
  • Inferium Seeds (Tier 4)
  • Inferium Seeds (Tier 5)
  • Creative Modifier
  • Fluxomagnet (Resonant)
  • Gargantuan Flux Storage

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Those of you who are nostalgic for the early days of Tekkit (now known as Tekkit Classic), will love what awaits you in Tekkit 2!

With a collection of nostalgic mods and plenty of new improvements, Tekkit 2 is sure to capture the feeling of possibility and consequence that you felt while exploring the world of machines and contraptions that made the original fun. Keep an eye out for classics such as IndustrialCraft, ProjectE (Equivalent Exchange), Project Red (RedPower) and BuildCraft, alongside additions such as Galacticraft and Tekkit Jaffa Cakes! The world is yours to bend and exploit to your will, whether through alchemy or sprawling factories and mines.

What fresh horrors will you create?

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Industrial Craft Classic
  • ProjectRedCore
  • Advanced Solars Classic Edition
  • Akashic Tome
  • Had Enough Items
  • Galacticraft
  • Galacticraft Planets
  • Quark
  • Forestry
  • Binnie's mods
  • Blockcraftery
  • Buildcraft FE Adapter
  • Cable Flux
  • CC:Tweaked
  • Chisel 
  • Chisels & Bits
  • Railcraft
  • Computronics
  • craftingtableiv
  • Debark
  • Ender Storage
  • Energy Control
  • Exchangers
  • Fairy Lights
  • VoxelMap
  • Forge Microblocks
  • Gravisuit Classic
  • IC2C UU-Matter
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Inventory Tweaks
  • Iron Chest
  • Iron Tank
  • Jon's Exclusives
  • KleeSlabs
  • Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
  • Logistics Pipes
  • MFFS
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm
  • Nature's Compass
  • Netherending Ores
  • Plethora
  • ProjectE
  • Reforged
  • Steve's Carts 2
  • Flux Cables
  • Translocators
  • Zetta Industries
  • Tumbleweed
  • Tekkit Jaffa Cakes

Banned Items:

  • BC Quarry
  • Mining Well
  • Chunk Loaders
  • GC Space Stations

Banned Mods:

  • Plethora

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Ender Pearl
  • Blaze Rod
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Shulker Shell
  • Alchemical Coal
  • Mobius Fuel
  • Aeternalis Fuel
  • Reinforced Metal
  • Enhanced Galgadorian Metal
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Electrotine Alloy Ingot
  • Energy Condenser
  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Refined Iron Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Ender Pearl
  • Blaze Rod
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Shulker Shell
  • Alchemical Coal
  • Mobius Fuel
  • Aeternalis Fuel
  • Reinforced Metal
  • Enhanced Galgadorian Metal
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Electrotine Alloy Ingot
  • Energy Condenser
  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Refined Iron Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Ender Pearl
  • Blaze Rod
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Shulker Shell
  • Alchemical Coal
  • Mobius Fuel
  • Aeternalis Fuel
  • Reinforced Metal
  • Enhanced Galgadorian Metal
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Electrotine Alloy Ingot
  • Energy Condenser
  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Refined Iron Ingot
  • Dark Matter
  • Red Matter

Legendary Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Ender Pearl
  • Blaze Rod
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Shulker Shell
  • Alchemical Coal
  • Mobius Fuel
  • Aeternalis Fuel
  • Reinforced Metal
  • Enhanced Galgadorian Metal
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Electrotine Alloy Ingot
  • Energy Condenser
  • Philosopher's Stone
  • Golden Apple (Enchanted)
  • Meteoric Iron Ingot
  • Refined Iron Ingot
  • Dark Matter
  • Red Matter
  • Elytra
  • Energy Condenser MK2

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Experience the ultimate Minecraft adventure with Tekxit 3. This extraordinary modpack seamlessly combines the technical wonders of Tekkit with the thrilling quests and exploration of Hexxit, all within the captivating world of Minecraft.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • AI Improvements
  • Animania
  • AppleSkin
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Asgard Shield Reloaded
  • Attribute Fix
  • Atum 2
  • AutoRegLib
  • Backpack
  • BackTools
  • Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded
  • Battler Towers
  • Baubles
  • BiblioCraft
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • BuildCraft
  • BuildCraft Builders
  • BuildCraft Compat
  • BuildCraft Energy
  • BuildCraft Factory
  • BuildCraft Lib
  • BuildCraft Robotics
  • BuildCraft Silicon
  • BuildCraft Transport
  • CC: Tweaked
  • Chest Transporter
  • Chisel
  • Chococraft 3
  • Chocolate Quest Repoured
  • CodeChicken Lib
  • CoFH Core
  • CoFH World
  • Controlling
  • CosmeticArmorReworked
  • CraftStudio API
  • CraftTweaker JEI Support
  • CraftTweaker2
  • CreativeCore
  • CreativeCoreDummy
  • CT-GUI
  • CTM
  • Custom Loading Screen
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Default Settings
  • Dimensional Doors
  • Durability Show
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Enchantment Descriptions
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage
  • EnderCore
  • Energy Converters
  • EntityCulling
  • Extra Utilities 2
  • Fast Leaf Decay
  • Fast Workbench
  • FastFurnace
  • Foam Fix
  • Foam Fix Core
  • Forge Microblocks
  • Forge Mod Loader
  • Forge Multipart CBE
  • Galacticraft Core
  • Galacticraft Planets
  • GeckoLib
  • GunpowderLib
  • Hexxit Gear
  • iChunUtil
  • Industrial Craft Classic
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Infernal Mobs
  • InstantUnify
  • Integration Foregoing
  • Iron Chest
  • JEI
  • Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather
  • Little Tiles Core
  • LittleFrames
  • LittleTiles
  • LoliASM
  • Loot Capacitor Tooltips
  • Mantle
  • Micdoodle8 Core
  • Mine Colonies
  • Minecraft
  • Minecraft Coder Pack
  • Minecraft Forge
  • Minecraft Multipart Plugin
  • Mixin Booter
  • MoreOverlays
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  • Natura
  • Netherending Ores
  • NoMoreRecipeConflict
  • NVL's Force Fields
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenModsLib
  • OpenModsLib Core
  • Oreberries
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Patchouli
  • Phosphor Lighting Engine
  • Placebo
  • Quark
  • Quick Homes
  • Quick Teleports
  • Railcraft
  • Random Patches
  • Reach Fix
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Redstone Flux
  • Redwoods
  • Reforged
  • Reliquary
  • RenderLib
  • Ruins Mod
  • Shadowfacts' Forgelin
  • Simple Inventory Sorting
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Smooth Font
  • Smooth Font Core
  • Soul Shards Respawn
  • Structurize
  • Tesla Core Lib
  • Tesla Core Lib Registries
  • The Aether
  • The Twilight Forest
  • The Weirding Gadget
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Tinkers' Construct
  • Too Many Efficiency Losses
  • ToroHealth Damage Indicators
  • Traverse
  • Trumpet Skeleton
  • UniDict
  • Waila
  • WanionLib
  • Wireless Redstone-CBE
  • Worse Barrels
  • Xaero Minimap
  • Xaero World Map
  • Xaero's Minimap

Banned Items:

  • Cursed Earth
  • GC Space Stations
  • Chunk Loaders
  • Florbs & Morbs
  • Block Placers & Breakers
  • ELFN
  • Industrial TNT & Nukes

Banned Mods:

  • Dimensional Doors
  • RSWires

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Redstone
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Silver Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Emerald
  • Ender Pearl
  • Energy Conduit
  • Blaze Rod
  • Item Conduit
  • Leadstone Fluxduct
  • Invar Ingot
  • Glowing Bread
  • Tank
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Conduit Binder
  • 1k ME Storage Cell
  • ME Drive
  • Hardened Upgrade Kit
  • Inscriber Calculation Press
  • Steel Ingot
  • Inscriber Engineering Press
  • Seared Brick
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Inscriber Silicon Press
  • Printed Silicon
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Inscriber Logic Press
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Printed Calculation Circuit
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Printed Engineering Circuit
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Printed Logic Circuit
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Iron Chest

Uncommon Key:

  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Diamond
  • Silver Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Energy Conduit
  • Blaze Rod
  • Item Conduit
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Coal
  • Redstone
  • Tank
  • ME Drive
  • 4k ME Storage Cell
  • Signalum Upgrade Kit
  • Signalum Conversion Kit
  • Light Oxygen Tank
  • Gold Chest
  • BatBox
  • Lava Bucket
  • Hardened Fluxduct
  • Glowing Bread
  • Seared Brick

Rare Key:

  • Enhanced Energy Conduit
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Diamond
  • Silver Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Item Conduit
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Coal
  • Redstone
  • Tank
  • ME Drive
  • Glowing Bread
  • Seared Brick
  • MFE
  • Diamond Chest
  • Medium Oxygen Tank
  • 16k ME Storage Cell
  • Resonant Upgrade Kit
  • Resonant Conversion Kit
  • Printed Silicon
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Calculation Processor

Legendary Key:

  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Diamond
  • Silver Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Blaze Rod
  • Item Conduit
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Coal
  • Redstone
  • Tank
  • ME Drive
  • Glowing Bread
  • Seared Brick
  • Resonant Upgrade Kit
  • Resonant Conversion Kit
  • Printed Silicon
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • 64k ME Storage Cell
  • Crystal Chest
  • Ender Energy Conduit
  • Resonant Fluxduct
  • MFSU
  • Heavy Oxygen Tank
  • Gaia Spirit Ingot
  • Cryo-Stablized Fluxduct

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 20 days ago



Tekxit 3.14 Pi aims to provide the experience of both Tekkit and Hexxit at the same time, whether you want to travel to new worlds and create awesome machines like in Tekkit or have the exploration experience as in Hexxit, this modpack has you covered. Tekxit 3.14 Pi is essentially Tekxit 3, but personalized specifically by the modpack developer, so more polished and complete and remade from the ground up.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • AI Improvements
  • Animania
  • AppleSkin
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Asgard Shield Reloaded
  • Attribute Fix
  • Atum 2
  • AutoRegLib
  • Backpack
  • BackTools
  • Bad Wither No Cookie! Reloaded
  • Battler Towers
  • Baubles
  • BiblioCraft
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • BuildCraft
  • BuildCraft Builders
  • BuildCraft Compat
  • BuildCraft Energy
  • BuildCraft Factory
  • BuildCraft Lib
  • BuildCraft Robotics
  • BuildCraft Silicon
  • BuildCraft Transport
  • CC: Tweaked
  • Chest Transporter
  • Chisel
  • Chococraft 3
  • Chocolate Quest Repoured
  • CodeChicken Lib
  • CoFH Core
  • CoFH World
  • Controlling
  • CosmeticArmorReworked
  • CraftStudio API
  • CraftTweaker JEI Support
  • CraftTweaker2
  • CreativeCore
  • CreativeCoreDummy
  • CT-GUI
  • CTM
  • Custom Loading Screen
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Default Settings
  • Dimensional Doors
  • Durability Show
  • Enchanting Plus
  • Enchantment Descriptions
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage
  • EnderCore
  • Energy Converters
  • EntityCulling
  • Extra Utilities 2
  • Fast Leaf Decay
  • Fast Workbench
  • FastFurnace
  • Foam Fix
  • Foam Fix Core
  • Forge Microblocks
  • Forge Mod Loader
  • Forge Multipart CBE
  • Galacticraft Core
  • Galacticraft Planets
  • GeckoLib
  • GunpowderLib
  • Hexxit Gear
  • iChunUtil
  • Industrial Craft Classic
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Infernal Mobs
  • InstantUnify
  • Integration Foregoing
  • Iron Chest
  • JEI
  • Just Another Rotten Flesh to Leather
  • Little Tiles Core
  • LittleFrames
  • LittleTiles
  • LoliASM
  • Loot Capacitor Tooltips
  • Mantle
  • Micdoodle8 Core
  • Mine Colonies
  • Minecraft
  • Minecraft Coder Pack
  • Minecraft Forge
  • Minecraft Multipart Plugin
  • Mixin Booter
  • MoreOverlays
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod
  • Natura
  • Netherending Ores
  • NoMoreRecipeConflict
  • NVL's Force Fields
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenModsLib
  • OpenModsLib Core
  • Oreberries
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Patchouli
  • Phosphor Lighting Engine
  • Placebo
  • Quark
  • Quick Homes
  • Quick Teleports
  • Railcraft
  • Random Patches
  • Reach Fix
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Redstone Flux
  • Redwoods
  • Reforged
  • Reliquary
  • RenderLib
  • Ruins Mod
  • Shadowfacts' Forgelin
  • Simple Inventory Sorting
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Smooth Font
  • Smooth Font Core
  • Soul Shards Respawn
  • Structurize
  • The Aether
  • The Twilight Forest
  • The Weirding Gadget
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Tinkers' Construct
  • Too Many Efficiency Losses
  • ToroHealth Damage Indicators
  • Traverse
  • Trumpet Skeleton
  • UniDict
  • Waila
  • WanionLib
  • Wireless Redstone-CBE
  • Worse Barrels
  • Xaero's Minimap

Banned Items:

  • Chunk Loaders
  • Export Buses
  • EFLN
  • BC Quarry
  • Florbs & Morbs
  • Block Placers & Breakers
  • GC Space Stations

Banned Mods:

  • Dimensional Doors
  • RSWires

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Nether Quartz
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Blaze Rod
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Conduit Binder
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Ender Pearl
  • Coal
  • Augment: Fuel Catalyzer
  • Energy Conduit
  • Item Conduit
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • 1k ME Storage Cell
  • Printed Silicon
  • Inscriber Silicon Press
  • Printed Logic Circuit
  • Printed Engineering Circuit
  • Printed Calculation Circuit
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Glowing Bread
  • Redstone

Uncommon Key:

  • Fluix Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Glowing Bread
  • Printed Logic Circuit
  • Printed Engineering Circuit
  • Printed Calculation Circuit
  • Printed Silicon
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Blaze Rod
  • Energy Conduit
  • Item Conduit
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Conduit Binder
  • Nether Quartz
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Seared Brick
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Gold Chest
  • Batbox
  • Tank
  • Signalum Upgrade Kit
  • Lava Bucket
  • Light Oxygen Tank
  • 4k ME Storage Cell
  • ME Drive
  • Signalum Conversion Kit
  • Redstone

Rare Key:

  • Printed Silicon
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Conduit Binder
  • Coal
  • Tank
  • Item Conduit
  • Enhanced Energy Conduit
  • ME Drive
  • Seared Brick
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Printed Silicon
  • Engineering Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Logic Processor
  • MFE
  • Diamond Chest
  • Medium Oxygen Tank
  • Resonant Upgrade Kit
  • Resonant Conversion Kit
  • 16k ME Storage Cell
  • Signalum Fluxduct
  • Pulsating Iron
  • Fluix Crystal
  • Glowing Bread
  • Redstone

Legendary Key:

  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron
  • Manasteel Ingot
  • Terrasteel Ingot
  • Printed Silicon
  • Engineering Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Logic Processor
  • Seared Brick
  • ME Drive
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • ME Dense Covered Cable - Fluix
  • Conduit Binder
  • Coal
  • Tank
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Printed Silicon
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Fluix Crystal
  • 64k ME Storage Cell
  • Cryo-Stabilized Fluxduct
  • Resonant Fluxduct
  • MFSU
  • Resonant Upgrade Kit
  • Resonant Conversion Kit
  • Heavy Oxygen Tank
  • Glowing Bread
  • Redstone
  • Crystal Chest

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago

FTB Presents Direwolf20 1.12 Artwork


Join Direwolf, and follow along with his adventure, or gather your comrades and forge your own unique path. With a handpicked selection of mods, this pack offers something for everyone.

Craft, build, and automate to your heart's content, and witness your creations come to life. The possibilities are boundless - seize them in this extraordinary Minecraft journey!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • /dank/null
  • Actually Additions
  • Advanced Generators
  • AE2 Wireless Terminal Library
  • Akashic Tome
  • AppleSkin
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • Aroma1997Core
  • Aroma1997s Dimensional World
  • Astral Sorcery
  • AutoRegLib
  • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
  • Baubles
  • Better Advancements
  • Better Builder's Wands
  • Binnie's Mods
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Blockcraftery
  • Blood Magic
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • Brandon's Core
  • Building Gadgets
  • Chameleon
  • Chicken Chunks 1.8.+
  • Chisel
  • Chisels & Bits
  • CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+
  • CoFH Core
  • CoFH World
  • Common Capabilities
  • Compact Machines
  • Compact Solars
  • ConnectedTexturesMod
  • Controlling
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • CraftTweaker
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Cyclops Core
  • Dark Utilities
  • Deep Resonance
  • Default Options
  • Diet Hoppers
  • Draconic Evolution
  • ElecCore
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage 1.8.+
  • EnderCore
  • Environmental Tech
  • Exchangers
  • Extra Utilities
  • Extreme Reactors
  • FastFurnace
  • FastWorkbench
  • Flat Colored Blocks
  • Foam​Fix
  • Forestry
  • FTB Backups (Forge)
  • FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy)
  • FTB Utilities (Forge)
  • Funky Locomotion
  • Gendustry
  • GraveStone Mod
  • Guide-API
  • GunpowderLib
  • iChunUtil
  • Immersive Engineering
  • Industrial Craft
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Integrated Dynamics
  • Integrated Tunnels
  • Integration Foregoing
  • Inventory Sorter
  • Iron Backpacks
  • Iron Chests
  • JEI Bees
  • JEI Integration
  • JourneyMap
  • Just Enough Items (JEI)
  • Just Enough Resources (JER)
  • LetsEncryptCraft
  • Light Level Overlay Reloaded
  • Magic Bees
  • Mantle
  • McJtyLib
  • MCMultiPart
  • MeeCreeps
  • Mercurius
  • MineTogether
  • Mob Grinding Utils
  • Mod Name Tooltip
  • ModTweaker
  • Morph
  • Morph-o-Tool
  • Morpheus
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • MTLib
  • MysticalLib
  • NetherPortalFix
  • Not Enough Wands
  • OpenBlocks Elevator
  • OpenComputers
  • p455w0rd's Library
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Patchouli
  • Phosphor (Forge)
  • Placebo
  • PneumaticCraft: Repressurized
  • Portal Gun
  • Psi
  • Quick Leaf Decay
  • RandomPatches (Forge)
  • Ranged Pumps
  • ReAuth
  • Reborn Core
  • Reborn Storage
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Redstone Flux
  • Refined Storage
  • Refined Storage Addons
  • Resource Loader
  • RFTools
  • RFTools Control
  • RFTools Dimensions
  • Shadowfacts' Forgelin
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Storage Drawers
  • Storage Drawers Extras
  • SwingThroughGrass
  • Tesla Core Lib
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumic JEI
  • The Lost Cities
  • The Monk Mod
  • The One Probe
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Thermal Cultivation
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Thermal Innovation
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Toast Control
  • TOP Addons
  • UniDict
  • ValkyrieLib
  • WanionLib
  • Wireless Crafting Terminal
  • XNet
  • ZeroCore 2
  • Utility mod and multiblock API
  • bdlib-
  • TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.4.jar
  • ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-98.jar
  • EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76-core.jar
  • AutoSave-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Black Quartz
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Flint
  • Slimeball
  • Litherite Crystal
  • Blaze Powder
  • Ironwood Ingot
  • Bottle O' Enchanting
  • Clay
  • String
  • Thaumium Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Glowstone
  • Nether Wart
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Black Quartz
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Clay
  • String
  • Steel Ingot
  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Glowstone
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Bronze Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Black Quartz
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Flint
  • Slimeball
  • Litherite Crystal
  • Blaze Powder
  • Clay
  • String
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Glowstone
  • Nether Wart
  • Awakened Draconium Block
  • Nether Wart
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot

Legendary Key:

  • Diamond
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Litherite Crystal
  • Blaze Powder
  • String
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Black Quartz
  • Nether Quartz
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Wyvern Core
  • Draconic Energy Core
  • Awakened Core
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot

Resource Key:

  • Nickel Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Black Quartz
  • Redstone
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Grain of Infinity
  • Platinum Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


The hardest "fair" 1.12 Expert Pack! You'll need to progress through every single mod listed in the Progression Line, and most recipes are highly gated behind mods that come earlier in the list.
Over 1600 Quests through 30 Chapters! Use the Quest Book to progress through the pack. It provides guidance and rewards items that are actuall useful at each stage.
Automate everything! Most aspects of every single included mod need to be explored and automated. The bulk of the pack consists of magical crafting and automation, which you've been given the tools to set up!
Expert pack, but not grindy (tm)! There is no recipe you'll have to wait hours for. All items you need to craft in bulk are automatable. You'll only have to wait a short time to gather EMC in the lategame for Neutronium to pile up. You won't have to kill any boss more than twice. EMC is purely for lag reduction, to replace your old farms, mob spawners, and quarries.
Over 600 unique custom items!
Custom dungeons by the community!
Custom modular machines!
Over 5000 custom recipes!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • A Lib (by Dark_Arcana)
  • AbyssalCraft Integration (by Shinoow)
  • AbyssalCraft (by Shinoow)
  • Actually Additions (by Ellpeck)
  • Actually Baubles (by Jackyy)
  • Additional Resources (by Portablejim)
  • AE2 Unofficial Extended Life (by PrototypeTrousers)
  • AE2 Network Visualiser (by brandon3055)
  • AE2 Wireless Terminal Library (by TheRealp455w0rd)
  • The Aether (by GildedGames)
  • AgriCraft (by InfinityRaider)
  • Akashic Tome (by Vazkii)
  • Alchemistry (by Dark_Arcana)
  • AppleSkin (by squeek502)
  • AstralLevelTweak (by Mixu_78)
  • Astral Sorcery (by HellFirePvP)
  • atum
  • autoreglib
  • autorun
  • avaritia 1 10
  • avaritiaddons
  • bad mobs
  • bad wither no cookie reloaded
  • base
  • basic nether ores
  • baubles
  • baubley heart canisters
  • bed patch
  • better advancements
  • better builders wands
  • better questing standard expansion
  • better questing
  • betterfps
  • betternether
  • enhancedp2p
  • bewitchment legacy
  • bibliocraft
  • bigger crafting tables
  • biometweaker
  • blood magic
  • bnbgamingcore
  • bnbgaminglib
  • bookshelf
  • botania
  • bqtweaker
  • brandons core
  • building gadgets
  • cb multipart
  • chameleon
  • chisel
  • chisels bits
  • clumps
  • codechicken lib 1 8
  • cofh core
  • cofh world
  • common capabilities
  • contenttweaker
  • controlling
  • configanytime
  • crafting tweaks
  • crafttweaker
  • ctm
  • cucumber
  • custom main menu
  • cyclops core
  • dank null
  • default options
  • demagnetize
  • divine journey 2 addons
  • draconic evolution
  • draconicadditions
  • dupefix project
  • ender io endergy
  • ender io
  • ender storage 1 8
  • ender utilities
  • endercore
  • endertweaker
  • evilcraft
  • extended crafting nomifactory edition
  • extra cells 2 samlam140330s fork
  • extra utilities
  • extracpus
  • extreme reactors
  • featured servers
  • foamfix optimization mod
  • forgiving void
  • framed compacting drawers
  • ftb backups forge
  • ftb library legacy forge
  • ftb utilities forge
  • galacticrafttweaker
  • gas conduits
  • guide api
  • guidebook
  • hammer lib
  • hwyla
  • immersive engineering
  • industrial foregoing
  • infinitylib
  • initial inventory
  • integrated dynamics
  • integrated nbt
  • integrated tunnels
  • inventory tweaks
  • inworldcrafting
  • iron chests
  • ivtoolkit
  • jei utilities
  • jei
  • jetif
  • journeymap
  • just enough calculation
  • just enough reactors
  • just enough resources jer
  • knowledge sharer
  • laggoggles
  • lightningcraft
  • loottweaker
  • mantle
  • mcjtylib
  • mcmultipart
  • mekanism
  • mixin booter
  • mjrlegendslib
  • mmmmmmmmmmmm
  • moar tinkers
  • mob grinding utils
  • modtweaker
  • modular diversity
  • modular machinery
  • modular magic
  • more overlays
  • moretweaker
  • morph o tool
  • morpheus
  • mouse tweaks
  • mputils basic tools
  • mputils
  • mrtjpcore
  • mtlib
  • mystagrad cloche compat
  • mystical agradditions
  • mystical agriculture tiered crystals
  • mystical agriculture
  • mystical world
  • mysticallib
  • natura
  • natures compass
  • neat
  • notenoughids
  • oauth
  • official divinerpg
  • openblocks
  • openmodslib
  • ore excavation
  • p455w0rds library
  • packagedauto
  • patchouli
  • placebo
  • planefix
  • planet progression
  • plusticminusbad
  • project intelligence
  • project red core
  • project red integration
  • projecte
  • quantumflux
  • quark
  • randompatches forge
  • reborncore
  • recurrent complex
  • redstone flux
  • requious frakto
  • resource loader
  • restricted portals
  • rftools dimensions
  • rftools
  • roots
  • ruins structure spawning system
  • serializationisbad
  • shadowfacts forgelin
  • simple trophies
  • simple void world
  • simply backpacks
  • simply jetpacks 2
  • solar flux reborn
  • spark
  • spartan shields
  • startup timer
  • storage drawers extras
  • storage drawers
  • super sound muffler revived
  • tesla core lib
  • thaumcraft inventory scanning
  • thaumcraft
  • thaumic augmentation
  • thaumic energistics extended life
  • thaumic jei
  • the erebus
  • the twilight forest
  • thermal dynamics
  • thermal expansion
  • thermal foundation
  • tickcentral
  • tinkers addons
  • tinkers aether dman edition
  • tinkers construct
  • tinkers jei
  • tips
  • tipthescales
  • toast control
  • tomb many graves 2
  • too many efficiency losses
  • tool progression
  • torchmaster
  • totemic
  • traverse reforged
  • triumph
  • tweakers construct
  • uber conduit probe
  • underground biomes
  • unidict
  • universal tweaks
  • valkyrielib
  • VanillaFix
  • VillagerTradingBan
  • Waila Harvestability
  • WanionLib
  • Wasaila
  • What Are We Looking At
  • Wireless Crafting Terminal
  • AE2 Wireless Fluid Terminal
  • Wireless Redstone CBE
  • YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)
  • Zen Utils
  • ZeroCore 2

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Iron Ore
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Sand
  • Clay
  • Burning Essence
  • Dandelion Yellow
  • Leather
  • Industrial Hemp Seeds
  • Steel Ingot
  • Coal Coke
  • Blaze Powder
  • Coal
  • Emerald
  • Seared Brick
  • Grout
  • Oak Bark
  • Gravel
  • Obsidian
  • Blank Pattern
  • Tin Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Buffalo Tooth
  • Buffalo Hide
  • Industrial Hemp Fiber
  • Purple Blaze
  • Eagle Feather
  • Eagle Bone
  • Dewgonia

Uncommon Key:

  • Stalagnate
  • Reinforced Alloy
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Nether Reed
  • Cincinnasite
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Bone Mushroom Spores
  • Orange Mushroom
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Energized Osmium Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Sand
  • Clay
  • Burning Essence
  • Buffalo Tooth
  • Buffalo Hide
  • Coal
  • Eagle Feather
  • Eagle Bone
  • Steel Ingot
  • Coal Coke
  • Gravel
  • Diamond
  • Tin Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Lucis Spore

Rare Key:

  • Clay
  • Copper Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Burning Essence
  • Buffalo Tooth
  • Buffalo Hide
  • Eagle Feather
  • Eagle Bone
  • Steel Ingot
  • Coal Coke
  • Gravel
  • Sand
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Reinforced Alloy
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Stalagnate
  • Purple Blaze
  • Bone Mushroom Spores
  • Orange Mushroom
  • Iron Ore
  • Lucis Spore

Legendary Key:

  • Ultimate Control Circuit
  • Energized Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Bone Mushroom Spores
  • Orange Mushroom
  • Lucis Spore
  • Purple Blaze
  • Buffalo Tooth
  • Buffalo Hide
  • Eagle Feather
  • Eagle Bone
  • Iron Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Coal Coke
  • Coal                      
  • Copper Ingot
  • Energized Osmium Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Nether Reed
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Reinforced Alloy
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Stalagnate
  • Redstone

Resource Keys:

  • Osmium Ingot
  • Buffalo Hide
  • Eagle Feather
  • Eagle Bone
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Certus Quartz
  • Charged Certus Quartz
  • Nether Quartz
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Buffalo Tooth

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago



Do you wanna relax after hard work? Sit on the bench in the woods near your cozy hut, watching at pure nature and drinking wine or apple juice made in your garden while listening to how hard bees are working or what birds saw in other land.

This pack is based around Millenaire and Minecolonies mods and it can be casual or challenging as you want it to be. It's so called Vanilla+ modpack that will enhance your 'close-to-vanilla' gameplay and add some new features to explore and interact with, like new village system(Millenaire mod), different terrain generation, ore processing system and a lot more.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Biome Bundle (by MC_Pitman)
  • Creeper Confetti (by SR261097)
  • Dungeon Tactics (by PegBeard)
  • BiblioCraft (by JDSinclair)
  • Aquaculture (by Shadowclaimer)
  • Better Questing (by Funwayguy)
  • Controlling (by jaredlll08)
  • Chameleon (by jaquadro)
  • CoralReef (by primetoxinz)
  • Dynamic Surroundings (by OreCruncher)
  • CraftTweaker (by jaredlll08)
  • Cooking for Blockheads (by BlayTheNinth)
  • AppleSkin (by squeek502)
  • Better Builder's Wands (by Portablejim)
  • Bailey's Dailies (by ToroCraft)
  • Cucumber Library (by BlakeBr0)
  • AppleCore (by squeek502)
  • Doggy Talents (by Percivalalb)
  • Chisel (by tterrag1098)
  • Blur (by tterrag1098)
  • Baubles (by azanor)
  • Custom Main Menu (by lumien231)
  • ConnectedTexturesMod (by tterrag1098)
  • Better With Mods (by BeetoGuy)
  • Chest Transporter (by CubeX2)
  • Better Advancements (by Way2muchnoise)
  • AutoRegLib (by Vazkii)
  • No Mob Spawning on Trees (by oldjunyi)
  • Hwyla (by TehNut)
  • InGame Info XML (by Lunatrius)
  • ViesCraft - Airships! (by Viesis_Gaming)
  • Just a Few Fish (by Tmtravlr)
  • Better Questing - Standard Expansion (by Funwayguy)
  • Iron Backpacks (by gr8pefish)
  • Level Up! Reloaded (by BeetoGuy)
  • Neat (by Vazkii)
  • Waystones (by BlayTheNinth)
  • RealBench (by Prototik)
  • Farseek (by delvr)
  • Primitive Mobs (by Daveyx0)
  • Garden Stuff (by jaquadro)
  • ModTweaker (by jaredlll08)
  • Storage Drawers (by jaquadro)
  • Streams (by delvr)
  • Sound Filters (by Tmtravlr)
  • Just Enough Items (JEI) (by mezz)
  • Better Questing - Quest Book (by Drethic)
  • VeinMiner (by Portablejim)
  • Rustic (by mangoose3039)
  • Landlust - Furniture (by streifentier)
  • Potion Core (by Tmtravlr)
  • Fairy Lights (by pau101)
  • Waila Harvestability (by squeek502)
  • FoamFix for Minecraft (by asiekierka)
  • VanillaFoodPantry Mod (by The_Wabbit)
  • CplPibald's Tweaks (by CplPibald)
  • Terracart Reloaded (by kreezxil)
  • Improved Hoes (by Furgl)
  • Extra Alchemy (by zabi94)
  • Spice of Life: Carrot Edition (by LordCazsius)
  • Mo' Bends (by iwoplaza)
  • V-Tweaks (by oitsjustjose)
  • Minecolonies (by H3lay)
  • Millénaire (by Kinniken)
  • Quark (by Vazkii)
  • Inventory Tweaks (by Kobata)
  • Wawla - What Are We Looking At (by Darkhax)
  • Prefab (by WuestMan)
  • Notes (by ChaosTheDude)
  • Repurpose (by WuestMan)
  • Mantle (by mDiyo)
  • Quality Tools (by Tmtravlr)
  • Unique Crops (by bafomdad)
  • LunatriusCore (by Lunatrius)
  • Familiar Fauna (by Glitchfiend)
  • Roguelike Dungeons (by Greymerk)
  • Inspirations (by KnightMiner)
  • Mouse Tweaks (by YaLTeR97)
  • Fast Leaf Decay (by Olafskii)
  • Placebo (by Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Pickle Tweaks (by BlakeBr0)
  • TombManyGraves 2 API (by M4thG33k)
  • VanillaTweaks (by strikerrocker)
  • Resource Loader (by lumien231)
  • PinklySheep Mod (by The_Wabbit)
  • MegaLoot (by Winter_Grave)
  • MTLib (by jaredlll08)
  • Just Enough Resources (JER) (by Way2muchnoise)
  • Open Terrain Generator (OTG) (by team_otg)
  • stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict (by Oliv1er)
  • LibEx (by LogicTechCorp)
  • NetherEx (by LogicTechCorp)
  • JourneyMap (by techbrew)
  • BetterFps (by Guichaguri)
  • Paintings ++ (by senpaisubaraki)
  • Project: Vibrant Journeys (by solis_nova123)
  • Totemic (by ljfa)

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Clay
  • Nether Quartz
  • String
  • Blaze Rod
  • Honeycomb
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Coal
  • Training Treat
  • Dire Treat
  • Master Treat
  • Super Treat
  • Frost Rod
  • Ham an' Egg Sandwich
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Soulforged Steel Ingot
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Mocha Milk Drink
  • Cup of Tea
  • Cup of Coffee
  • Iron Brew
  • Chicken Nuggets and Fries
  • Steak Nuggets and Fries
  • Fish Nuggets and Fries
  • Holiday Cake
  • Chocolate Sprinkles Cake
  • Chocolate Milk Drink
  • Amethyst
  • Netherite Scrap
  • Cheese Cake
  • Cherry Cheese Cake

Uncommon Key:

  • Clay
  • Nether Quartz
  • String
  • Blaze Rod
  • Honeycomb
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Coal
  • Training Treat
  • Dire Treat
  • Master Treat
  • Super Treat
  • Frost Rod
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Soulforged Steel Ingot
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Amethyst
  • Netherite Scrap
  • Mochalicious Snocone
  • Mocha Icee
  • Pork Dinner
  • Mochi Dessert
  • Chocolicous Icee
  • Cheese Sandwich
  • SB&J Sandwich
  • Ender Bend Fizz
  • Steak Dinner
  • Steak and Potatoes
  • Muscle Milk
  • Lava Bucket
  • Water Bucket
  • Netherite Ingot
  • Steel Ingot

Rare Key:

  •     Clay
  • Nether Quartz
  • String
  • Blaze Rod
  • Honeycomb
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Coal
  • Training Treat
  • Dire Treat
  • Master Treat
  • Super Treat
  • Frost Rod
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Soulforged Steel Ingot
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Amethyst
  • Netherite Scrap
  • Netherite Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Sweet Milk Drink
  • Chicken Kebab
  • Strawberry Milk Drink
  • Corn on the cob
  • Soft Pretzel and Mustard
  • Cola Soda
  • Ginger Ale
  • Root Beer
  • Cherry Soda
  • Sweet Potato Pie
  • Ginger Snaps
  • Meat Kebab
  • Honey Bottle
  • Footlong
  • Fried Chicken
  • Lava Bucket
  • Water Bucket

Legendary Key:

  • Clay
  • Nether Quartz
  • String
  • Blaze Rod
  • Honeycomb
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Coal
  • Training Treat
  • Dire Treat
  • Master Treat
  • Super Treat
  • Frost Rod
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Soulforged Steel Ingot
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Amethyst
  • Netherite Scrap
  • Netherite Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Honey Bottle
  • Energy Drink
  • Wonton Soup
  • Chicken Dinner
  • BBQ Pulled Pork
  • Lamb With Mint Sauce
  • Cocoa Cookie
  • Steak and Chips
  • Steak Fajita
  • Slice of Cake
  • Green Eggs And Ham
  • Cookies and Milk
  • Epic Bacon
  • Fish Sausage Mashup
  • Pork Lo Mein
  • Bacon and Eggs
  • Lava Bucket
  • Water Bucket

Resource Key:

  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Coal
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Mithril Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Frost Rod
  • Lava Bucket
  • Water Bucket

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


Quests! Enigmatica 2 has over 800 quests, that help you get into different mods.

The pack offers over 250 different mods, such as Thermal Expansion, Biomes O' Plenty, Tinkers' Construct, Mekanism, Thaumcraft, Astral Sorcery & Immersive Engineering.

The pack aims to have everything as balanced as possible, without gating. Power generation has been tweaked heavily, so generators that aren't usually worth the effort, might be in this pack. IndustrialCraft2 EU can be converted to RF, and vice versa, with Mekanism.

A ton of new dimensions to discover and explore, and the ability to create your own!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • memory_repo
  • ActuallyAdditions-1.12.2-r152
  • ActuallyBaubles-1.12-1.1
  • AdvancedRocketry-1.12.2-2.0.0-250-universal
  • ae2stuff-
  • AE2WTLib-1.12.2-1.0.34
  • AIImprovements-1.12-0.0.1b3
  • AkashicTome-1.2-12
  • ancientwarfare-1.12.2-
  • animania-1.12.2-1.7.3
  • AppleCore-mc1.12.2-3.4.0
  • AppleSkin-mc1.12-1.0.14
  • appliedenergistics2-rv6-stable-7
  • architecturecraft-1.12-3.98
  • astralsorcery-1.12.2-1.10.27
  • AutoRegLib-1.3-32
  • backpack-3.0.2-1.12.2
  • badwithernocookiereloaded-1.12.2-3.4.18
  • Baubles-1.12-1.5.2
  • bdlib-
  • BetterAdvancements-1.12.2-
  • BetterBuildersWands-1.12.2-
  • BetterFps-1.4.8
  • BetterQuesting-3.5.329
  • BiblioCraft[v2.4.5][MC1.12.2]
  • binnie-mods-1.12.2-
  • BiomesOPlenty-1.12.2-
  • blockcraftery-1.12.2-1.3.1
  • BloodMagic-1.12.2-2.4.3-105
  • Bookshelf-1.12.2-2.3.590
  • Botania r1.10-364.4
  • BrandonsCore-1.12.2-
  • BuildingGadgets-2.8.4
  • capabilityadapter-1.1.1
  • careerbees-0.4.0
  • carryon-1.12.2-
  • cc-tweaked-1.12.2-1.89.2
  • Chameleon-1.12-4.1.3
  • Chisel-MC1.12.2-
  • chiselsandbits-14.33
  • Chunk Pregenerator-V1.12-2.5.0
  • Clumps-3.1.2
  • CodeChickenLib-1.12.2-
  • CoFHCore-1.12.2-
  • CoFHWorld-1.12.2-
  • colytra-1.12.2-
  • CommonCapabilities-1.12.2-2.4.8
  • compactmachines3-1.12.2-3.0.18-b278
  • conarm-1.12.2-
  • Controlling-3.0.10
  • CookingForBlockheads_1.12.2-6.5.0
  • CosmeticArmorReworked-1.12.2-v5a
  • CraftStudioAPI-universal-
  • CraftTweaker2-1.12-
  • CTM-MC1.12.2-
  • CustomBackgrounds-MC1.12-1.1.1
  • CustomMainMenu-MC1.12.2-
  • Cyclic-1.12.2-1.20.9
  • CyclopsCore-1.12.2-1.6.7
  • DankNull-1.12.2-1.7.91
  • DarkUtils-1.12.2-1.8.230
  • DefaultOptions_1.12.2-9.2.8
  • demagnetize-1.12.2-1.1.2
  • diethopper-1.1
  • Ding-1.12.2-1.0.2
  • dirt2path-1.8.0
  • DiscordSuite-2.2.4
  • Draconic-Evolution-1.12.2-
  • EmbersRekindled-1.18
  • EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76
  • EnderIO-1.12.2-5.3.70
  • EnderStorage-1.12.2-
  • engineers_doors-1.12.2-0.9.1
  • environmentalmaterials-1.12.2-
  • environmentaltech-1.12.2-
  • ExtraBitManipulation-1.12.2-3.4.1
  • ExtraCells-1.12.2-2.6.5
  • ExtraRails-1.12-1.3.0
  • extrautils2-1.12-1.9.9
  • ExtremeReactors-1.12.2-
  • FarmingForBlockheads_1.12.2-3.1.28
  • Farseek-1.12-2.5.1
  • FastFurnace-1.12.2-1.3.1
  • FastWorkbench-1.12.2-1.7.3
  • fencejumper-1.12-1.0.5
  • flatcoloredblocks-mc1.12-6.8
  • foamfix-0.10.14-1.12.2
  • forestry_1.12.2-
  • Forgelin-1.8.4
  • FpsReducer-mc1.12.2-1.20
  • FTBBackups-
  • FTBLib-
  • FTBUtilities-
  • funky-locomotion-1.12.2-1.1.2
  • GardenStuff-1.12-2.1.1
  • gendustry-
  • gendustryjei-1.0.2
  • generators-
  • grassburner-0.1.0
  • Guide-API-1.12-2.1.8-63
  • GunpowderLib-1.12.2-1.1
  • HorseTweaks_1.12.2-1.0.5
  • Hwyla-1.8.26-B41_1.12.2
  • ImmersiveEngineering-0.12-98
  • immersivepetroleum-1.12.2-1.1.9
  • incontrol-1.12-3.9.18
  • industrialcraft-2-2.8.164-ex112
  • industrialforegoing-1.12.2-1.12.13-237
  • IntegratedDynamics-1.12.2-1.1.11
  • IntegratedTunnels-1.12.2-1.6.14
  • IntegrationForegoing-1.12.2-1.11
  • InventoryTweaks-1.64+dev.151
  • IronBackpacks-1.12.2-3.0.8-12
  • ironchest-1.12.2-
  • IvToolkit-1.3.3-1.12
  • JAOPCA-1.12.2-
  • jeibees-
  • jeivillagers-1.12-1.0.2
  • jei_1.12.2-
  • jepb-1.12-1.2.1
  • jetif-1.12.2-1.5.2
  • journeymap-1.12.2-5.7.1
  • just-enough-harvestcraft-1.12.2-1.7.2
  • JustEnoughEnergistics-1.12.2-1.0.8
  • JustEnoughPetroleum-0.1
  • JustEnoughReactors-1.12.2-
  • JustEnoughResources-1.12.2-
  • JustSleep-
  • KleeSlabs_1.12.2-5.4.12
  • librarianlib-1.12.2-4.22
  • LibVulpes-1.12.2-0.4.2-83-universal
  • lootcapacitortooltips-1.3
  • lostcities-1.12-2.0.22
  • LunatriusCore-1.12.2-
  • MagicBees-1.12.2-3.2.25
  • malisiscore-1.12.2-6.5.1
  • malisisdoors-1.12.2-7.3.0
  • Mantle-1.12-
  • mcjtylib-1.12-3.5.4
  • MCMultiPart-2.5.3
  • MCTImmersiveTechnology-1.12.2-1.8.94
  • meecreeps-1.12-1.3.1
  • Mekanism-1.12.2-
  • MekanismGenerators-1.12.2-
  • MekanismTools-1.12.2-
  • MemoryTester-0.4.2
  • minecolonies-1.12.2-0.11.804-RELEASE-universal
  • modtweaker-4.0.18
  • modular-routers-1.12.2-3.3.0-33
  • moreoverlays-1.15.1-mc1.12.2
  • Morph-o-Tool-1.2-21
  • MouseTweaks-2.10.1-mc1.12.2
  • MTLib-3.0.6
  • mysticallib-1.12.2-1.10.0
  • mysticalworld-1.12.2-1.9.8
  • natura-1.12.2-
  • NaturesCompass-1.12.2-1.8.5
  • Neat 1.4-17
  • NoMobSpawningOnTrees-1.2.2-mc1.12.2
  • NoNVFlash-1.12.2-
  • NotEnoughIDs-
  • notenoughwands-1.12-1.8.1
  • NuclearCraft-2.18z-1.12.2
  • Nutrition-1.12.2-4.6.1
  • OldJavaWarning-1.12.2-1.1.11
  • OpenBlocks-1.12.2-1.8.1
  • OpenComputers-MC1.12.2-
  • OpenModsLib-1.12.2-0.12.2
  • OreExcavation-1.4.150
  • overloadedarmorbar-1.0.4g
  • p455w0rdslib-1.12.2-2.3.161
  • Pam's HarvestCraft 1.12.2zg
  • Patchouli-1.0-23.6
  • phosphor-1.12.2-0.2.6+build50-universal
  • Placebo-1.12.2-1.6.0
  • PlaneFix-1.12.2-1.0.0
  • playersdropheads-1.12.x-1.1.0
  • plustic-8.0.3
  • pneumaticcraft-repressurized-1.12.2-0.11.15-398
  • PrettyBeaches_1.12.2-1.1.0
  • ProjectIntelligence-1.12.2-
  • Psi-r1.1-78.2
  • Quark-r1.6-179
  • questbook-3.1.1-1.12
  • QuickLeafDecay-MC1.12.1-1.2.4
  • randompatches-1.12.2-
  • reauth-3.6.0
  • RebornCore-1.12.2-3.19.5-universal
  • RecurrentComplex-
  • RedstoneArsenal-1.12.2-
  • RedstoneFlux-1.12-
  • ResourceLoader-MC1.12.1-1.5.3
  • rftools-1.12-7.73
  • rftoolsctrl-1.12-2.0.2
  • rftoolsdim-1.12-5.71
  • Roots-1.12.2-3.0.35
  • rustic-1.1.7
  • Scannable-MC1.12.2-
  • Schematica-1.12.2-
  • ShadowMC-1.12-3.8.0
  • solcarrot-1.12.2-1.8.4
  • StandardExpansion-3.4.173
  • stg-1.12.2-1.2.3
  • StorageDrawers-1.12.2-5.4.2
  • Streams-1.12-0.4.9
  • supersoundmuffler-revived_1.12.2_1.0.2.10
  • TConstruct-1.12.2-
  • Tesla-1.12.2-1.0.63
  • tesla-core-lib-1.12.2-1.0.17
  • Thaumcraft-1.12.2-6.1.BETA26
  • ThaumicInventoryScanning_1.12.2-2.0.10
  • ThaumicJEI-1.12.2-1.6.0-27
  • thaumictinkerer-1.12.2-5.0-620a0c5
  • ThermalCultivation-1.12.2-
  • ThermalDynamics-1.12.2-
  • ThermalExpansion-1.12.2-
  • ThermalFoundation-1.12.2-
  • ThermalInnovation-1.12.2-
  • TinkerToolLeveling-1.12.2-1.1.0
  • Tips-1.12.2-1.0.9
  • TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.4
  • Toast Control-1.12.2-1.8.1
  • TombManyGraves-1.12-4.2.0
  • torchmaster_1.12.2-
  • torohealth-1.12.2-11
  • toughnessbar-2.4
  • twilightforest-1.12.2-3.11.1021-universal
  • UniDict-1.12.2-2.9.2
  • UnlimitedChiselWorks-0.3.5
  • unloader-1.2.0
  • valkyrielib-1.12.2-
  • villager-market-1.12.2-1.0.2
  • WanionLib-1.12.2-2.2
  • Wawla-1.12.2-2.6.275
  • WirelessCraftingTerminal-1.12.2-3.12.97
  • wizardry-0.11.1
  • WrapUp-1.12-1.1.3
  • xnet-1.12-1.8.2
  • YNot-0.2.4
  • zerocore-1.12-

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Ender Amethyst
  • Peridot
  • Ruby
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Calculation Processor
  • Aquamarine
  • Liquid Plastic Bucket
  • Litherite
  • Thorium Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Restonia Crystal
  • Void Crystal
  • Enori Crystal
  • Black Quartz
  • Draconic Core
  • Logic Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Lava Bucket
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Water Bucket
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Tanzanite
  • Sapphire

Uncommon Key:

  • Draconic Core
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Basic Control Circuit
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Prismarine Crystals
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Ender Amethyst
  • Peridot
  • Ruby
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Diamond
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Tanzanite
  • Sapphire
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Lava Bucket
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Water Bucket
  • Litherite
  • Liquid Plastic Bucket
  • Nickel Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Wyvern Core
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Water Bucket
  • Litherite
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Redstone
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Blaze Rod
  • Nether Quartz
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Ender Amethyst
  • Peridot
  • Ruby
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Lava Bucket
  • Aquamarine
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Draconic Core
  • Awakened Core
  • Thaumium Ingot
  • Emeradic Crystal
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot

Legendary Key:

  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Wyvern Core
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Black Quartz
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Nether Quartz
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Draconic Core
  • Awakened Core
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Enriched Alloy
  • Advanced Control Circuit
  • Reinforced Alloy
  • Atomic Alloy
  • Elite Control Circuit
  • Ultimate Control Circuit
  • Steel Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Chaos Shard
  • Chaotic Core
  • Awakened Draconium Block
  • Nickel Ingot

Resource Keys:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Coal
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Uranium Ingot
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Thorium Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Redstone
  • Nether Quartz
  • Black Quartz
  • Charged Certus Quartz
  • Certus Quartz

  • Sapphire
  • Amber
  • Ruby
  • Peridot
  • Ender Amethyst
  • Glowstone
  • Quicksilver
  • Prismarine Shard
  • Prismarine Crystal
  • Slimeball
  • Silicon
  • Rare Earths
  • Preserved Curiosity
  • Topaz
  • Malachite
  • Sapphire
  • Tanzanite
  • Lava Bucket
  • Lava Bucket
  • Lava Bucket
  • Lava Bucket
  • Steam Bucket
  • Steam Bucket
  • Steam Bucket
  • Steam Bucket

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


Revelation is a general all-purpose modpack with optimal FPS, server performance and stability. This is the largest pack ever built to date by the Feed The Beast Team. Ongoing development, support and updates ensure you will have the best experience as a player whether your a seasoned player or new to modded Minecraft.

Revelation is not a themed pack nor a focused pack, it’s a pack designed to cater to a large amount of players, whether you like tech mods, magic mods, exploration, building or all of those then this pack is for you. With a Forge Mod Loader count of well over 200, this pack has most everything a player is looking for with performance and stability being the main focus of design and mod choice. Minimal changes have been made to the mods so you experience each mod the way the developers intended. Also this proves very helpful when learning new mods using a Wiki.

Large well-known mods such as EnderIO, Applied Energistics, Thaumcraft, Botania, Thermal Expansion, Immersive Engineering and Project Red are present in Revelation, as well as some lesser known mods like Rustic, Gadgetry, Thut’s Elevators and Xnet. Twilight Forest also makes a comeback in Revelation v2.0.0+ for all the players that enjoy exploration.

Whether you want to build in a cave and reach the end of progression in a week, or build complex bases loaded with tech and magic infrastructure all while armoring up to take on the bosses in Twilight Forest, then Revelation is the perfect modpack for you.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • /dank/null
  • Actually Additions
  • Actually Baubles
  • Advanced Machines
  • Advanced Machines Patcher
  • Advanced Solar Panels
  • Advanced Solar Panels Patcher
  • AE2 Wireless Terminal Library
  • Akashic Tome
  • AppleSkin
  • Applied Energistics 2
  • ArchitectureCraft - TridentMC Version
  • Aroma1997Core
  • Aroma1997s Dimensional World
  • Astral Sorcery
  • AutoRegLib
  • B.A.S.E
  • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded
  • Baubles
  • Bed Patch
  • Better Advancements
  • Better Builder's Wands
  • BiblioCraft
  • Binnie's Mods
  • Biomes O' Plenty
  • Blockcraftery
  • Blood Magic
  • Bookshelf
  • Botania
  • Brandon's Core
  • Buildcraft
  • Career Bees
  • CB Multipart
  • CC: Tweaked
  • Chameleon
  • Chest Transporter
  • Chisel
  • Chisels & Bits
  • Clumps
  • CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+
  • CoFH Core
  • CoFH World
  • Compact Solars
  • ComputerCraft Addons
  • ConnectedTexturesMod
  • Construct's Armory
  • Controlling
  • Cooking for Blockheads
  • CraftTweaker
  • Custom Main Menu
  • Dark Utilities
  • Deep Resonance
  • Default Options
  • Diet Hoppers
  • Dirt2Path [FORGE]
  • Draconic Evolution
  • ElecCore
  • Ender IO
  • Ender Storage 1.8.+
  • EnderCore
  • Engineer's Doors
  • Engineers Workshop Reborn
  • Environmental Lunar Tech
  • Environmental Tech
  • Exchangers
  • Extra Utilities
  • Extreme Reactors
  • FastWorkbench
  • Fence Jumper
  • Flat Colored Blocks
  • Flux Networks
  • FoamFix
  • Forestry
  • FTB Backups (Forge)
  • FTB Guides (Forge) (Legacy)
  • FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy)
  • FTB Utilities (Forge)
  • Gendustry
  • Gravitation Suite
  • Guide-API
  • GunpowderLib
  • Immersive Cables
  • Immersive Engineering
  • Immersive Petroleum
  • Industrial Craft
  • Industrial Foregoing
  • Industrial Wires
  • Initial Inventory
  • Integration Foregoing
  • Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only]
  • Iron Backpacks
  • Iron Chests
  • JEI Bees
  • JEI Integration
  • JourneyMap
  • Just Enough Energistics (JEE)
  • Just Enough HarvestCraft (JEHC)
  • Just Enough Items (JEI)
  • Just Enough Resources (JER)
  • LetsEncryptCraft
  • Long Fall Boots
  • Magic Bees
  • Mantle
  • McJtyLib
  • MCMultiPart
  • MineTogether
  • Mod Name Tooltip
  • ModTweaker
  • More Overlays
  • Morph-o-Tool
  • Morpheus
  • Mouse Tweaks
  • MrTJPCore
  • MTLib
  • MysticalLib
  • Natura
  • Nature's Compass
  • Not Enough Wands
  • NotEnoughIDs
  • OpenBlocks
  • OpenModsLib
  • p455w0rd's Library
  • Pam's HarvestCraft
  • Patchouli
  • Phosphor (Forge)
  • Placebo
  • Platforms
  • Plethora Peripherals
  • Project Red - Compat
  • Project Red - Core
  • Project Red - Expansion
  • Project Red - Exploration
  • Project Red - Fabrication
  • Project Red - Illumination
  • Project Red - Integration
  • Quark
  • Quick Leaf Decay
  • Railcraft
  • RandomPatches (Forge)
  • Ranged Pumps
  • ReAuth
  • Reborn Core
  • Reborn Storage
  • Redstone Arsenal
  • Redstone Flux
  • Refined Storage
  • Refined Storage Addons
  • Reliquary v1.3
  • Resource Loader
  • RFTools
  • RFTools Control
  • RFTools Power
  • Rustic
  • Shadowfacts' Forgelin
  • ShadowMC
  • ShetiPhianCore
  • Simple Void World
  • SimpleHarvest
  • Simply Jetpacks 2
  • Snad
  • Sonar Core
  • Soul Shards Respawn
  • SplashAnimation
  • Steve's Carts Reborn
  • Storage Drawers
  • Storage Drawers Extras
  • Tesla Core Lib
  • Thaumcraft
  • Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon)
  • Thaumic JEI
  • The Lost Cities
  • The One Probe
  • The Twilight Forest
  • Thermal Cultivation
  • Thermal Dynamics
  • Thermal Expansion
  • Thermal Foundation
  • Thermal Innovation
  • Thut's Elevators
  • ThutCore
  • Tinkers Construct
  • Tinkers' Tool Leveling
  • TOP Addons
  • Torchmaster
  • Translocators 1.8.+
  • UniDict
  • ValkyrieLib
  • WanionLib
  • Waystones
  • Wireless Crafting Terminal
  • Woot
  • XNet
  • xNICEx
  • Xtones
  • ZeroCore 2
  • ChickenASM-1.12-
  • TipTheScales-1.12.2-1.0.4.jar
  • bdlib-
  • ftb-auxilium-forge-1202.1.0-build.38.jar
  • ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-89.jar
  • ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-91.jar
  • ImmersiveEngineering-core-0.12-98.jar
  • EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.57-core.jar
  • EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.59-core.jar
  • EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.68-core.jar
  • EnderCore-1.12.2-0.5.76-core.jar
  • AutoSave-1.12.2-1.0.10.jar
  • AutoSave-1.12.2-1.0.11.jar
  • ShetiPhian-ASM-1.12.0.jar

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Iridium Ingot
  • Advanced Processor
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Constantan Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Draconic Core
  • Engineering Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Logic Processor
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Improved Processor
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Basic Processor
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Electrum Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Draconic Core
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Iron Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Diamond
  • Redstone
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Advanced Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Calculation Processor
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Logic Processor
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Improved Processor
  • Basic Processor
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Wyvern Core
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Constantan Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Iridium Ingot
  • Steel Ingot

Rare Key:

  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Redstone
  • Coal
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Constantan Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Awakened Draconium Block
  • Silver Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Iridium Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Wyvern Core
  • Wyvern Energy Core

Legendary Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iridium Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Bronze Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Constantan Ingot
  • Awakened Core
  • Awakened Draconium Block
  • Draconic Energy Core
  • Enderium Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Chaos Shard
  • Chaotic Core
  • Diamond
  • Improved Processor
  • Advanced Processor
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Calculation Processor
  • Engineering Processor
  • Logic Processor
  • Basic Processor
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Wyvern Core
  • Draconic Core
  • Draconium Ingot

Resource Key:

  • Draconium Ingot
  • Yellorium Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Iridium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Diamond
  • Coal
  • Redstone
  • Emerald
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Tin Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


All the Mods started out as a private pack for just a few friends of mine that turned into something others wanted to play! 

It has all the basics that most other "big name" packs include but with a nice mix of some of newer or lesser-known mods as well.

For example; Thaumcraft, Ender IO, Thermal Expansion for the big names and Rustic, Traverse and FastWorkBench for the not as well known!

Can you get to the Creative items by making the "ATM Star"? 

In All the Mods 3 we will continue the tradition adding many new mods while going for more stability.

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • MobTotems(corwinj)
  • Project Red - Fabrication(MrTJP)
  • Waystones(BlayTheNinth)
  • MrTJPCore(MrTJP)
  • No Mob Spawning on Trees(oldjunyi)
  • Botania(Vazkii)
  • Wizardry Mod(Demoniaque1)
  • Additional Banners(DarkhaxDev)
  • ShadowMC(ShadowfactsDev)
  • Reliquary v1.3(P3pp3rF1y)
  • MysticalLib(EpicSquid315)
  • Pressure Pipes(bdew)
  • Real Filing Cabinet(BlueNeenja)
  • Ding(ohaiiChun)
  • Project Red - Illumination(MrTJP)
  • Project Red - Expansion(MrTJP)
  • Integrated Tunnels(kroeser)
  • Project Red - Integration(MrTJP)
  • Project Red - Exploration(MrTJP)
  • Project Red - Compat(MrTJP)
  • Extreme Reactors(ZeroNoRyouki)
  • JEI Integration(SnowShock35)
  • iChunUtil(ohaiiChun)
  • Water Strainer(Ruuubi)
  • Thaumic Inventory Scanning (Thaumcraft Addon)(BlayTheNinth)
  • Mantle(mDiyo)
  • Portal Gun(ohaiiChun)
  • All the Mods: Tweaks(BloodWorkXGaming)
  • AbyssalCraft(Shinoow)
  • Gendustry(bdew)
  • Tech Reborn(modmuss50)
  • RFTools(McJty)
  • BdLib(bdew)
  • Common Capabilities(kroeser)
  • AutoRegLib(Vazkii)
  • Binnie's Mods(_ForgeUser9116757)
  • CraftTweaker(Jaredlll08)
  • Platforms(ShetiPhian)
  • Brandon's Core(brandon3055)
  • BiblioCraft(Nuchaz)
  • CompatLayer(McJty)
  • Immersive Petroleum(Flaxbeard)
  • AE2 Wireless Terminal Library(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • Thermal Innovation(TeamCoFH)
  • Storage Drawers Extras(Texelsaur)
  • Quick Leaf Decay(Lumien231)
  • Soul Shards: The Old Ways(SgtPunishment)
  • Advanced Generators(bdew)
  • Draconic Evolution(brandon3055)
  • Controlling(Jaredlll08)
  • JAOPCAAdditions(TheLMiffy1111)
  • ExtraCells2(Forge_User_54797008)
  • Thaumcraft(Azanor13)
  • Cyclic(Lothrazar)
  • Terraqueous(ShetiPhian)
  • Diet Hoppers(Forge_User_06804776)
  • TOP Addons(DrManganese)
  • Redstone Arsenal(TeamCoFH)
  • Industrial Craft(sfPlayer1)
  • ShetiPhianCore(ShetiPhian)
  • PackMode(Sky_Som)
  • Biomes O' Plenty(Forstride)
  • Blood Magic (WayofTime)
  • AbyssalCraft Integration(Shinoow)
  • Cooking for Blockheads(BlayTheNinth)
  • Custom Backgrounds(Lumien231)
  • Unloader(Unnoen)
  • Iron Backpacks(gr8pefish)
  • Just Enough Items (JEI)(mezz)
  • Career Bees(Forge_User_06804776)
  • Toast Control(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Guidebook(gigaherz)
  • Plants(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Embers Rekindled(BordListian)
  • GunpowderLib(Jackyy)
  • Baubles(Azanor13)
  • Aroma1997Core(Aroma1997)
  • Tomb Many Graves 2(M4thG33k)
  • Modpack Configuration Checker(matt1235r)
  • FTB Utilities (Forge)(FTB)
  • Rustic(cadaverous_queen)
  • Foam​Fix(asiekierka)
  • Tinkers Construct(mDiyo)
  • Bed Patch(Mordenkainen3141)
  • Mystical World(EpicSquid315)
  • Akashic Tome(Vazkii)
  • FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy)(FTB)
  • WrapUp(TheLMiffy1111)
  • Sonar Core(sonar_sonic)
  • No Night Vision Flashing(TeamCoFH)
  • PneumaticCraft: Repressurized(desht_08)
  • MCMultiPart(amadornes)
  • Psi(Vazkii)
  • Chameleon(Texelsaur)
  • Applied Energistics 2(AlgorithmX2)
  • HelpFixer(matthewprenger)
  • JEI Bees(bdew)
  • Natura(mDiyo)
  • Thermal Cultivation(TeamCoFH)
  • CB Multipart(covers1624)
  • Nature's Compass(Chaosyr)
  • Ceramics(KnightMiner)
  • Cyclops Core(kroeser)
  • CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+(covers1624)
  • TombManyGraves 2 API(M4thG33k)
  • Angel Ring To Bauble(Portablejim)
  • Storage Drawers(Texelsaur)
  • Roots(EpicSquid315)
  • Mystical Agradditions(BlakeBr0)
  • Simply Jetpacks 2(Tomson124)
  • xXx_MoreToolMats_xXx (a PlusTiC fork without the evil, and apparently some new bugs idk)(TeamDman)
  • Redstone Flux(TeamCoFH)
  • Just Enough Resources (JER)(way2muchnoise)
  • Shadowfacts' Forgelin(ShadowfactsDev)
  • Astral Sorcery(HellFirePvP)
  • Better Builder's Wands(Portablejim)
  • ComputerCraft(Forge_User_79372905)
  • Mekanism(bradyaidanc)
  • Mekanism Generators(bradyaidanc)
  • Mekanism Tools(bradyaidanc)
  • Immersive Tech(Forge_User_11180423)
  • MalisisDoors(Ordinastie)
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked(LainMI)
  • SlimyBoyos(Jaredlll08)
  • MalisisCore(Ordinastie)
  • LibrarianLib(wiresegal)
  • Tinker I/O(GKBm2011)
  • Doomlike Dungeons(JaredBGreat)
  • Actually Additions(Ellpeck)
  • Woot(Ipsis)
  • OC XNet Driver(davenonymous)
  • Magical Psi(Forge_User_24091647)
  • NotEnoughIDs(fewizz_)
  • Useful Nullifiers(Bartz24)
  • Forestry(_ForgeUser7678633)
  • Ender Storage 1.8.+(covers1624)
  • QuantumStorage(GigaBit101)
  • p455w0rd's Library(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • RFTools Control(McJty)
  • WAIM - What am I missing?(Jaredlll08)
  • The One Probe(McJty)
  • Lost Souls(McJty)
  • Practical Logistics 2(sonar_sonic)
  • WanionLib(WanionCane)
  • Thermal Foundation(TeamCoFH)
  • Construct's Armory(TheIllusiveC4)
  • Integrated Dynamics(kroeser)
  • NuclearCraft(tomdodd4598)
  • KleeSlabs(BlayTheNinth)
  • EnderCore(tterrag1098)
  • Ranged Pumps(raoulvdberge)
  • Thaumic JEI(Buuz135)
  • XNet(McJty)
  • Xtones(TehNut)
  • Bookshelf(DarkhaxDev)
  • Morph-o-Tool(Vazkii)
  • Flat Colored Blocks(AlgorithmX2)
  • [SBM] Wooden Shears(BuiltBroken)
  • AE2 Stuff(bdew)
  • AI Improvements(QueenOfMissiles)
  • Refined Storage(raoulvdberge)
  • Ore Excavation(Funwayguy)
  • ConnectedTexturesMod(tterrag1098)
  • Thermal Dynamics(TeamCoFH)
  • Pam's HarvestCraft(pamharvestcraft)
  • FastWorkbench(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Industrial Foregoing(Buuz135)
  • Patchouli(Vazkii)
  • Chisel(tterrag1098)
  • Quark(Vazkii)
  • Crafting Tweaks(BlayTheNinth)
  • Immersive Engineering(BluSunrize)
  • Blockcraftery(EpicSquid315)
  • UniDict(WanionCane)
  • Just Enough Dimensions(masady)
  • OpenComputers(Sangar_)
  • MTLib(Jaredlll08)
  • Tinkers' Tool Leveling(bonusboni)
  • McJtyLib(McJty)
  • Custom Main Menu(Lumien231)
  • RandomPatches (Forge)(TheRandomLabs)
  • Initial Inventory(Jaredlll08)
  • Funky Locomotion(Forge_User_06804776)
  • Extra Rails(ShadowfactsDev)
  • RFTools Dimensions(McJty)
  • Traverse Reforged(Noobanidus)
  • AppleSkin(squeek502)
  • Compact Machines(davenonymous)
  • Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (JimeoWan)
  • Mod Name Tooltip(mezz)
  • Resource Loader(Lumien231)
  • Environmental Tech(ValkyrieofNight)
  • Project Red - Core(MrTJP)
  • Excore(Elix_x)
  • LibVulpes(zmaster587)
  • ValkyrieLib(ValkyrieofNight)
  • Reborn Storage(modmuss50)
  • KJLib(xkjmaster_1x)
  • Refined Storage Addons(raoulvdberge)
  • Actually Baubles(Jackyy)
  • Mouse Tweaks(YaLTeR)
  • Iron Chests(ProgWML6)
  • Advanced Rocketry(zmaster587)
  • Aroma1997s Dimensional World(Aroma1997)
  • BetterFps(Guichaguri)
  • Compact Solars(ProgWML6)
  • ReAuth(TechnicianLP)
  • Mystical Agriculture(BlakeBr0)
  • Cucumber Library(BlakeBr0)
  • ModTweaker(Jaredlll08)
  • RFTools Power(McJty)
  • Ender IO(idontwantthisaccount4)
  • Default Options(BlayTheNinth)
  • MineColonies(H3lay)
  • The Twilight Forest(Benimatic)
  • Integration Foregoing(Jackyy)
  • Industrial Wires(malte0811)
  • Dark Utilities(DarkhaxDev)
  • The Lost Cities(McJty)
  • OpenModsLib(OpenMods)
  • Armory Expansion(AshuraNoYami)
  • OpenBlocks(OpenMods)
  • Pam's Cookables - Pam's Harvestcraft Addon(BloodWorkXGaming)
  • Guide-API(TehNut)
  • Magic Bees(MysteriousAges)
  • Morpheus(Quetzi)
  • Default World Generator (port)(ezterry)
  • YNot(asiekierka)
  • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded(Kreezxil)
  • Chisels & Bits(AlgorithmX2)
  • JourneyMap(techbrew)
  • Overloaded(cjm721)
  • WirelessCharger(LainMI)
  • Fairy Lights(pau101)
  • Not Enough Wands(romelo333)
  • Steve's Carts Reborn(modmuss50)
  • CoFH Core(TeamCoFH)
  • Thermal Expansion(TeamCoFH)
  • FTB Backups (Forge)(FTB)
  • Placebo(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Tesla Core Lib(face_of_cat)
  • Extra Utilities(Forge_User_06804776)
  • Shield Parry(Drullkus)
  • Inventory Generators(xkjmaster_1x)
  • Wireless Crafting Terminal(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • ZeroCore 2(ZeroNoRyouki)
  • CoFH World(TeamCoFH)
  • Colossal Chests(kroeser)
  • AppleCore(squeek502)
  • Portality(Buuz135)
  • Project Intelligence(brandon3055)
  • [ANGRY PIXEL] The Betweenlands(MrCompost)
  • LunatriusCore(Lunatrius)
  • More Overlays(FeldiM245)
  • JAOPCA(TheLMiffy1111)
  • Fence Jumper(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • Pack Crash Info(BloodWorkXGaming)
  • Reborn Core(modmuss50)
  • Ore Excavation Integration(BloodWorkXGaming)
  • Better Advancements(way2muchnoise)
  • ComputerCraft Addons(n4meless9000)
  • Structurize(H3lay)
  • spark(Iucko)

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  •  Diamond
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Inferium Essence
  • Radaway
  • Slow-Acting Radaway
  • Rad-X
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire
  • Topaz
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Emerald
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Weak Blood Shard
  • Draconic Core
  • Litherite Crystal
  • Amethyst
  • Charged Certus Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Nether Quartz
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine

Uncommon Key:

  • Tin Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Emerald
  • Redstone
  • Wyvern Core
  • Ruby
  • Draconic Core
  • Weak Blood Shard
  • Litherite Crystal
  • Lead Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Redstone Alloy Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Boron Ingot
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Amethyst
  • Topaz
  • Rad-X
  • Slow-Acting Radaway
  • Radaway
  • Coal
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Diamond
  • Inferium Essence
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Sapphire
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine

Rare Key:

  • Lead Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Wyvern Core
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Coal
  • Sapphire
  • Redstone
  • Tin Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Ruby
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Draconic Core
  • Boron Ingot
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Topaz
  • Weak Blood Shard
  • Amethyst
  • Litherite Crystal
  • Inferium Essence
  • Rad-X
  • Slow-Acting Radaway
  • Radaway
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Nether Quartz
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Emerald
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine

Legendary Key:

  • Boron Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Soularium Ingot
  • Dark Steel Ingot
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Manyullyn Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Electrical Steel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Wyvern Core
  • Awakened Core
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Awakened Draconium Block
  • Draconic Energy Core
  • Draconic Core
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Chaotic Core
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Wyvern Energy Core
  • Chaos Shard
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Redstone
  • Coal
  • Rad-X
  • Slow-Acting Radaway
  • Radaway
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Nether Quartz
  • Iron Ingot
  • Black Quartz
  • Aquamarine
  • Ruby
  • Sapphire

Resource Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Draconium Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Ardite Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Osmium Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Topaz
  • Ruby
  • Boron Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Platinum Ingot
  • Lithium Ingot
  • Magnesium Ingot
  • Black Quartz
  • Emerald
  • Diamond
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Charged Certus Quartz Crystal
  • Glowstone Dust
  • Sapphire
  • Redstone
  • Tanzanite
  • Malachite
  • Coal
  • Aquamarine
  • Amber
  • Peridot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago


Nomifactory (ファクトリーのみ) is a quest-driven expert pack focused on building large-scale factories, where you will put your automation skills to the test as you progress from punching trees to creative-in-survival, climbing the power tiers of GregTech: Community Edition (GTCE) and its extension, Shadows of Greg. No complicated magic systems, no forced combat or exploration: Only Factories!

Sounds daunting? Not to worry!

While this is an expert pack, we have spared no effort in writing a Quest Book to guide you. Rather than simply being a checklist of stuff to do, it is a veritable encyclopedia of useful knowledge. We believe you can become proficient at this even if you've never used GTCE before! 

Worried about grind and tedium? Fear not, we don't do that here! We have adopted the philosophy "All of the complexity, none of the grind."

  • We disable various nerfs to recipes normally imposed by GregTech and skip the steam age entirely, fast-tracking you into GregTech Low Voltage where things get really interesting.
  • Particularly punishing mechanics like machine or reactor explosions and radiation are disabled in configs so you don't have to worry about your base disappearing if you make a mistake. You can still burn a few wires or disintegrate machines if you really mess up though.
  • The pack can be played entirely in Peaceful mode, so you can relax and build without worry. No need for laggy mob farms!
  • Rather than forcing you to hunt down materials in the world, you will quickly gain access to resource generation methods like Deep Mob Learning, Oil Drilling Rigs, and Micro Miners!
  • While we keep in the micro-crafting aspects, you will quickly gain access to automation tools like Applied Energistics 2 which are extremely effective when paired with GregTech's automation features!
  • Applied Energistics 2 channels are disabled by default so you can expand your crafting system however you like without concern for channels mechanics. If you prefer the added challenge, you can enable them in configs (just make sure to use the same config as everyone else if you're playing on a server).
  • We include GTEU / RF power conversion and integrate mods like Thermal Expansion and EnderIO to make power storage, generation, and routing less taxing. Rather than a bunch of redundant machines, we use unique features of each mod.

Our team strives for quality and stability. This pack is full-featured and can keep you occupied for hundreds of hours, but you can still play it on pretty low specifications (requires at most 4GB of heap under typical conditions, with as little as 2560MB for the client and 2G for the server). We try to remove all bloat and performance bottlenecks so your factory can run smoothly; we've had servers run for long periods of time just fine without restarts. 

Our development team consists of former Omnifactory community members who spent the last two years developing a spiritual successor. The initial release of this project, 1.2.2, is compatible with existing worlds from Omnifactory 1.2.1. This version was originally completed in April 2020 but we are re-releasing it shortly with some necessary bug fixes and security updates. We have been hard at work getting 1.3 ready ever since. It's a big update that we hope to have ready for you soon!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Xtones
  • _bansoukou
  • ActuallyAdditions
  • ActuallyBaubles
  • AdvancedRocketry
  • advsolars
  • ae2stuff
  • AE2WTLib
  • AppleSkin
  • appliedenergistics2
  • architecturecraft
  • armorplus
  • AttributeFix
  • Avaritia
  • badwithernocookiereloaded
  • base
  • Baubles
  • bdlib
  • bedpatch
  • BetterAdvancements
  • BetterBuildersWands
  • BetterQuesting
  • BetterQuesting
  • bloodylib
  • BNBGamingLib
  • Bookshelf
  • Bountiful
  • BrandonsCore
  • BuildingGadgets
  • Ceramics
  • CEU
  • Chameleon
  • ChestTransporter
  • Chisel
  • clearwater
  • ClientTweaks_1.12.2
  • Clipboard
  • Clumps
  • CodeChickenLib
  • CoFHCore
  • CoFHWorld
  • ContentTweaker
  • Controlling
  • CraftableElytra
  • CraftingNetherStar 1.12.1  
  • CraftingTweaks_1.12.2
  • CraftTweaker2
  • CreativeCore
  • CTM
  • Cucumber
  • CustomMainMenu
  • CustomStartingGear
  • DarkUtils
  • deepmoblearning
  • DefaultWorldGenerator
  • DenseMetals
  • diethopper
  • DimensionalEdibles
  • Draconic Evolution
  • effortlessbuilding
  • ElevatorMod
  • EnderCore
  • EnderIO
  • EnderIO
  • EnderStorage
  • EnderTweaker
  • ExtendedCrafting
  • extrautils2
  • FasterLadderClimbing
  • FastLeafDecay
  • FastWorkbench
  • foamfix
  • forestry_1.12.2
  • Forgelin
  • ForgivingVoid_1.12.2
  • framedcompactdrawers
  • FTBBackups
  • FTBLib
  • FTBUtilities
  • gregtech  
  • Guide API
  • hooked
  • ikwid
  • Inspirations
  • InventoryTweaks
  • jei_1.12.2
  • journeymap
  • JustEnoughCalculation
  • justenoughdimensions
  • librarianlib
  • LibVulpes
  • LittleTiles_v1.5.0
  • logisticspipes
  • LootTweaker
  • lostcities
  • lumberjack
  • Mantle
  • modnametooltip_1.12.2
  • modtweaker
  • Modular Diversity
  • modularmachinery
  • More
  • MoreFurnaces
  • morelibs
  • moreoverlays
  • moreplates
  • Morpheus
  • MouseTweaks
  • MTLib
  • multiblocktweaker
  • NoNetherPortals
  • NoRecipeBook
  • NuclearCraft
  • OpenGlider
  • OreSpawn
  • p455w0rdslib
  • PackagedAuto
  • PackagedExCrafting
  • Patchouli
  • Placebo
  • ProjectIntelligence
  • questbook
  • randompatches
  • rangedpumps
  • RealBench
  • RedstoneArsenal
  • RedstoneFlux
  • ResourceLoader
  • Scannable
  • ShadowMC
  • Shadows_of_Greg
  • simplefluidtanks
  • SimplyJetpacks2
  • Snad
  • SolarFluxReborn_1.12.2
  • StandardExpansion
  • StorageDrawers
  • supersoundmuffler
  • thedragonlib
  • theoneprobe
  • ThermalCultivation
  • ThermalExpansion
  • ThermalFoundation
  • ThermalInnovation
  • TipTheScales
  • Toast Control
  • TombManyGraves
  • topaddons
  • torchmaster_1.12.2
  • TrashSlot_1.12.2
  • WirelessCraftingTerminal
  • worleycaves

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Obsidian
  • Tin Ingot
  • Primitive Circuit
  • Primitive Processor
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Emerald
  • Uraninite Dust
  • Pulsating Polymer Clay
  • Coated Circuit Board
  • Red Alloy Cable
  • Tin Cable
  • 4x Conductive Iron Cable
  • Electric Motor (LV)
  • Robot Arm (LV)
  • Conveyor Module (LV)
  • Electric Pump (LV)
  • Certus Quartz
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • ME Conduit
  • CEU (LV)
  • Gallium Ingot

Uncommon Key:

  • Certus Quartz
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • ME Conduit
  • Gallium Ingot
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Obsidian
  • Tin Ingot
  • Primitive Circuit
  • Primitive Processor
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Emerald
  • Uraninite Dust
  • Pulsating Polymer Clay
  • Coated Circuit Board
  • Red Alloy Cable
  • Tin Cable
  • 4x Conductive Iron Cable
  • Charcoal
  • Cupronickel Ingot
  • Electronic Circuit
  • Electronic Processor
  • CEU (MV)
  • Conveyor Module (MV)
  • Electric Piston (MV)
  • Electric Motor (MV)
  • Emitter (MV)
  • 1x Copper Cable

Rare Key:

  • Certus Quartz
  • Pulsating Iron Ingot
  • ME Conduit
  • Gallium Ingot
  • Wrought Iron Ingot
  • Obsidian
  • Tin Ingot
  • Primitive Circuit
  • Primitive Processor
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Red Alloy Ingot
  • Conductive Iron Ingot
  • Coal
  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Redstone
  • Emerald
  • Uraninite Dust
  • Red Alloy Cable
  • Tin Cable
  • 4x Conductive Iron Cable
  • Charcoal
  • Cupronickel Ingot
  • Electronic Circuit
  • Electronic Processor
  • Conveyor Module (MV)
  • Electric Piston (MV)
  • Electric Motor (MV)
  • Emitter (MV)
  • Electric Motor (LV)
  • Robot Arm (LV)
  • Conveyor Module (LV)
  • Electric Pump (LV)
  • Electronic Processor Array
  • CEU (HV)
  • 1x Energetic Alloy Cable

Legendary Key:

  • Gold Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Cupronickel Ingot
  • Gallium Ingot
  • Primitive Circuit
  • Primitive Processor
  • Energetic Alloy Ingot
  • Vibrant Alloy Ingot
  • Coal
  • Charcoal
  • Redstone
  • Electronic Processor Array
  • Electronic Circuit
  • Electronic Processor
  • Silver Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Gallium Ingot
  • Titanium Ingot
  • Nichrome Ingot
  • Kanthal Ingot
  • Vanadium-Gallium Ingot
  • Lumium Ingot
  • Signalum Ingot
  • Nether Star
  • CEU (IV)
  • CEU (EV)
  • Invar Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Chrome Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Annealed Copper Ingot
  • Aluminium Ingot

Resource Key:

  • Emerald
  • Coal
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Tin Ingot
  • Cobalt Ingot
  • Diamond
  • Ruby
  • Clay
  • Blaze Rod
  • Gold Ingot
  • Certus Quartz
  • Sodalite
  • Redstone
  • Silver Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Iron Ingot
  • Nether Quartz
  • Pulsating Dust
  • Uraninite Dust

Last edited by Lightmare02 · 3 months ago


Welcome to the​ World of Dragons​ adventurer! 

In this world of technology and magic it is your quest to subdue the dragons, using
any combination of technology and magic you so desire. To help you in your quest there
are special armors that you can craft from the carcasses of the dragons you kill. You
may also encounter villages with a questing shopkeeper and village lords that have
special needs. Each has good rewards should you appease them. 

Go forth and conquer those Dragons​!

Launcher / Platform:

Mod List:

  • Advanced Chimneys(EnderLanky)
  • Alex's Mobs(alex1the1666)
  • AtomicStryker's Infernal Mobs(atomicstrykergrumpy)
  • AutoRegLib(Vazkii)
  • AzureDoom dotHack Mod(AzureDoomC)
  • Bad Wither No Cookie - Reloaded(Kreezxil)
  • Bailey's Dailies(ToroCraft)
  • Baubles - Reborn?(lazynessmind)
  • Bedspreads (Forge)(TheIllusiveC4)
  • Blood Magic (WayofTime)
  • Bookshelf(DarkhaxDev)
  • Bookshelf(DarkhaxDev)
  • Botany Pots(DarkhaxDev)
  • Botany Trees(DarkhaxDev)
  • Building Wands(nicguzzo)
  • CC: Tweaked(SquidDev)
  • Chameleon(Texelsaur)
  • Charset Lib(asiekierka)
  • Charset Transport - Carts and Rails(asiekierka)
  • Chest Transporter(cubex2)
  • Chisel(tterrag1098)
  • Chisels & Bits(AlgorithmX2)
  • Chunk Explorer(AtomicBlom)
  • Chunk-Pregenerator(Speiger)
  • Citadel(alex1the1666)
  • Coal Explosion(Kreezxil)
  • CodeChicken Lib 1.8.+(covers1624)
  • CoFH Core(TeamCoFH)
  • CoFH World(TeamCoFH)
  • Colossal Chests(kroeser)
  • Command Keybindings(The_Fireplace)
  • Compact Drawers(Forge_User_44161195)
  • Controlling(Jaredlll08)
  • Cooking for Blockheads(BlayTheNinth)
  • Cosmetic Armor Reworked(LainMI)
  • Crafting Tweaks(BlayTheNinth)
  • CraftTweaker(Jaredlll08)
  • CreativeCore(CreativeMD)
  • ConnectedTexturesMod(tterrag1098)
  • Cucumber Library(BlakeBr0)
  • Custom Backgrounds(Lumien231)
  • Custom NPCs(Noppes_)
  • Cyclops Core(kroeser)
  • /dank/null(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • Default Options(BlayTheNinth)
  • DEUF - Duplicate Entity UUID Fix(CAS_ual_TY)
  • Diamond Glass [Forge](Kreezxil)
  • Diet Hoppers(Forge_User_06804776)
  • Dimensional Cake Rebuilt(Kreezxil)
  • Dirt Deco(Kreezxil)
  • Divergent Underground(cleverpanda714)
  • DummyCore Unofficial(TheLMiffy1111)
  • Electroblob's Wizardry(Electroblob)
  • Ender Storage 1.8.+(covers1624)
  • EnderTanks(ShetiPhian)
  • EqualDragons(TechnicianLP)
  • Exact Spawn(Gaz_)
  • Extra Bit Manipulation(Phylogeny)
  • Extra Spells (Electroblob's Wizardry)(meldexun)
  • FancyMenu [Forge](Keksuccino)
  • Farseek(delvr)
  • Fast Leaf Decay(olafskiii)
  • Faster Ladder Climbing(maddachshund)
  • Featured Servers(Jake_Evans)
  • Fence Jumper(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • Flopper(kroeser)
  • Foamflower(Forge_User_22464418)
  • Forestry(_ForgeUser7678633)
  • ForgeEndertech(EnderLanky)
  • FPS Reducer(bre2el)
  • FTB Library (Forge) (Legacy)(FTB)
  • FTB Quests (Forge)(FTB)
  • FTB Utilities (Forge)(FTB)
  • Furnace Overhaul(TheCazadorSniper)
  • Gentle Harvest(_ForgeUser7513261)
  • Giselbaer's Durability Viewer(Giselbaer)
  • Gotta Go Fast(Thiakil)
  • Guide-API(TehNut)
  • Guidebook(gigaherz)
  • Harvestables(TechnicianLP)
  • HelpFixer(matthewprenger)
  • Hooked(Thecodewarrior1)
  • Hopper Ducts(FyberOptic)
  • Hwyla(TehNut)
  • Ice and Fire: Dragons(alex1the1666)
  • iChunUtil(ohaiiChun)
  • InstantUnify(KidsDontPlay)
  • Inventory Tweaks [1.12 only] (JimeoWan)
  • Iron Backpacks(gr8pefish)
  • Iron Jetpacks(BlakeBr0)
  • Item Blacklist(DoubleDoorDev)
  • Item Filters (Forge)(LatvianModder)
  • Item Scroller(masady)
  • JEI Villagers(Buuz135)
  • Just Enough Items (JEI)(mezz)
  • JourneyMap(techbrew)
  • Just Enough Calculation(towdium)
  • Just Enough Pattern Banners(Lorexe)
  • Just Enough Resources (JER)(way2muchnoise)
  • Just Mob Heads(Serilum)
  • Konkrete [Forge](Keksuccino)
  • LagGoggles(Terminator_NL)
  • Landlust - Furniture(Forge_User_61920152)
  • Lava Dynamics(Kreezxil)
  • Lever & Button Lights(Kreezxil)
  • LibrarianLib(wiresegal)
  • LittleTiles(CreativeMD)
  • LLibrary(_ForgeUser11902522)
  • LunatriusCore(Lunatrius)
  • Magic seeds for Electroblobs Wizardry(thetornadotitan)
  • Magical Psi(Forge_User_24091647)
  • Mahou Tsukai(stepcros)
  • MalisisAdvert(Ordinastie)
  • MalisisBlocks(Ordinastie)
  • MalisisCore(Ordinastie)
  • MalisisDoors(Ordinastie)
  • MalisisSwitches(Ordinastie)
  • MCDoom Mod(AzureDoomC)
  • McJtyLib(McJty)
  • Metal Chests(T145_irl)
  • Mine and Slash Auto Compatibility(AzureDoomC)
  • Mine and Slash(mcrobertx22)
  • MineColonies(H3lay)
  • MineTweaker RecipeMaker(DoubleDoorDev)
  • MmmMmmMmmMmm(bonusboni)
  • ModTweaker(Jaredlll08)
  • More Beautiful Buttons(Kreezxil)
  • More Beautiful Plates(Kreezxil)
  • More Refined Storage(JayJay1989BE)
  • More Variants Reloaded(Kreezxil)
  • MrCrayfish's Furniture Mod(MrCrayfish)
  • MrCrayfish's Gun Mod(MrCrayfish)
  • MrCrayfish's Vehicle Mod(MrCrayfish)
  • MTLib(Jaredlll08)
  • Mystical World(EpicSquid315)
  • MysticalLib(EpicSquid315)
  • Nature's Compass(Chaosyr)
  • NetherPortalFix(BlayTheNinth)
  • Nevoka Core(JayJay1989BE)
  • No Auto Jump(Jackyy)
  • No Recipe Book(Seneschal_Luwin)
  • Nomadic Tents(skyjay1)
  • NotEnoughScaffold(kordum0801)
  • Obfuscate(MrCrayfish)
  • OMLib(Keridos)
  • OpenBlocks Elevator(vsngarcia)
  • Open Modular Turrets(Keridos)
  • Ore Excavation(Funwayguy)
  • Oxygen Core(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Exchange(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Friends List(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Groups(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Mail(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Market(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Menu(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Player Interaction(austeretony)
  • Oxygen: Players List(austeretony)
  • p455w0rd's Library(TheRealp455w0rd)
  • Patchouli(Vazkii)
  • Placebo(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • PortableCraft(White_Draco)
  • Psi(Vazkii)
  • RandomPatches (Forge)(TheRandomLabs)
  • Ranged Pumps(raoulvdberge)
  • Reborn Core(modmuss50)
  • Reborn Storage(modmuss50)
  • Redstone Flux(TeamCoFH)
  • Redstone Paste(FyberOptic)
  • Refined Storage Addons(raoulvdberge)
  • Refined Storage(raoulvdberge)
  • RE-Sound(Zeitheron)
  • Resource Loader(Lumien231)
  • RFTools(McJty)
  • RoleplayCraft Mod(Kreezxil)
  • Roots(EpicSquid315)
  • Rustic Thaumaturgy(Voxel_Friend)
  • Rustic(cadaverous_queen)
  • Security Craft(Geforce132)
  • Shadowfacts' Forgelin(ShadowfactsDev)
  • ShadowMC(ShadowfactsDev)
  • ShetiPhianCore(ShetiPhian)
  • SignEdit(ToroCraft)
  • Simple Storage Network(Lothrazar)
  • Stackie(Lunatrius)
  • stimmedcow : NoMoreRecipeConflict(Forge_User_08823382)
  • Storage Drawers(Texelsaur)
  • Storage Tech(LithimzTV)
  • Streams(delvr)
  • Structurize(H3lay)
  • TBone(T145_irl)
  • Techguns(pWn3d_1337)
  • Tech Reborn(modmuss50)
  • Terracart Reloaded(Kreezxil)
  • Thaumcraft 6 Aspects for JEI(zabi94)
  • Thaumcraft(Azanor13)
  • Thaumic Grid(ロ_ロ)
  • Disenchanter (The Disenchanter Mod)(impelon)
  • Thermal Cultivation(TeamCoFH)
  • Thermal Dynamics(TeamCoFH)
  • Thermal Expansion(TeamCoFH)
  • Thermal Foundation(TeamCoFH)
  • Thermal Innovation(TeamCoFH)
  • TickCentral(Terminator_NL)
  • TipTheScales(Jaredlll08)
  • Toast Control(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Torch Optimizer(Kreezxil)
  • ToroQuest(ToroCraft)
  • Totemic(ljfa2)
  • Trample Stopper(UnRealDinnerbone)
  • Underp Hangables(masady)
  • UniDict(WanionCane)
  • Unloader(Unnoen)
  • VanillaFoodPantry Mod [FORGE](The_Wabbit0101)
  • Vending block(Forge_User_22464418)
  • Waila Harvestability(squeek502)
  • WanionLib(WanionCane)
  • Waystones(BlayTheNinth)
  • Wings Horns & Hooves, the Ultimate Unicorn Mod(KaneApollo)
  • Wither Skeleton Tweaks(Shadows_of_Fire)
  • Wizardry Mod(Demoniaque1)
  • WorldEdit Wand Items(SuperPupperDoggo)
  • WorldEdit(sk89q)
  • WorldEditCUI Forge Edition 2(hexosse)
  • YUNG's Better Caves (Forge)(YUNGNICKYOUNG)

Banned Items:

  • Testing Phase

Banned Mods:

  • Testing Phase

Key Rewards [All Odds Equal]

Common Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Diamond
  • String
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Brick
  • Nether Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Emerald
  • Sapphire
  • Coal
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Dimensional Shard
  • Common Ore
  • Rare Ore
  • Epic Ore
  • Legendary Ore
  • Mythical Ore
  • Gunpowder
  • Copper Ingot
  • Uncommon Ore

Uncommon Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Diamond
  • String
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Brick
  • Nether Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Emerald
  • Sapphire
  • Coal
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Dimensional Shard
  • Common Ore
  • Rare Ore
  • Epic Ore
  • Legendary Ore
  • Mythical Ore
  • Gunpowder
  • Copper Ingot
  • Uncommon Ore

Rare Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Diamond
  • String
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Brick
  • Nether Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Emerald
  • Sapphire
  • Coal
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Dimensional Shard
  • Common Ore
  • Rare Ore
  • Epic Ore
  • Legendary Ore
  • Mythical Ore
  • Gunpowder
  • Copper Ingot
  • Uncommon Ore

Legendary Key:

  • Iron Ingot
  • Invar Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Steel Ingot
  • Electrum Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • Diamond
  • String
  • Nether Star
  • Nether Brick
  • Nether Quartz
  • Amethyst
  • Emerald
  • Sapphire
  • Coal
  • Lead Ingot
  • Silver Ingot
  • Aluminum Ingot
  • Dimensional Shard
  • Common Ore
  • Rare Ore
  • Epic Ore
  • Legendary Ore
  • Mythical Ore
  • Gunpowder
  • Copper Ingot
  • Uncommon Ore

Resource Keys:

  • Amethyst
  • Diamond
  • Emerald
  • Silver Ingot
  • Tin Ingot
  • Lead Ingot
  • Nickel Ingot
  • Copper Ingot
  • Coal
  • Iron Ingot
  • Gold Ingot
  • Slimeball
  • String
  • Preserved Curiosity
  • Ender Pearl
  • Blaze Rod
  • Legendary Ore
  • Rare Ore
  • Epic Ore
  • Uncommon Ore
  • Common Ore
  • Mythical Ore
  • Sapphire
  • Aluminum Ingot

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago

Launcher / Platform:


Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago

Launcher / Platform:


Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago

Tasks is a reward system provided to all players on every server by our custom economy plugin, Payday.

While logged in and actively performing various tasks, players are rewarded with economy.

Each task has a required amount of experience in its specific field. When achieved, the task will level up and reward the player for achieving this milestone. 
The amount of rewards you earn increases as your level increases (higher levels = greater rewards)

Tasks have levels, which by default are capped at level 75. You can increase your cap by purchasing a supporter rank on our shop.
The time investment required for  a standard player to reach level 75 on all tasks is quite large, so you can earn economy and item rewards long into your APOC gameplay without the necessity for a cap increase.

Special tasks reward you keys on top of economy. Special tasks are achievable by all players through daily logins, hourly gameplay, PvP (Voltz Only), and referrals. Note: Voltz has specific feature and item restrictions to provide fair and equitable gameplay for all players. 

You can view your task progress by typing /tasks in chat, and view the rewards/status for each task by doing /task [taskname].

The task system attempts to be compatible with most modded items and blocks, but it is not guaranteed.

Tasks and Expertise work together, enabling actions to be counted for both the tasks and expertise systems.

The more you play the more perks you unlock from the item you are using.

To learn more go to the Expertise Page.
Expertise is not live on our servers as it is still under development.

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago

Server Shops are server shops setup by the APOC staff.
These shops are available to browse and purchase items from in spawn or through the use of /shops.

The server shop provides every vanilla item for the Minecraft version you are running.
Certain impossible/hard to obtain modded items may also be listed in this shop for player convenience.

Players can find the server shops physically in spawn by using the command /warp servershop or load the GUI with the command /shops.

Players can click on the signs to purchase items.
Server Shops do not allow players to sell items.

If you would like to request an item to be added to the server shop please contact us

The prices of the server shops are based on component pricing. If the item uses several components to be crafted, each component is used to determine the final price.

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago

Player Shops on APOC are available to all players on every server.

Players may buy a plot in the spawn to build a shop and setup sign shops for others to browse and buy your wares.

To buy a plot simply click on the plot sign. You will be provided with plot information as well as the command to buy/rent it.
The player shop plots in spawn have a height limit of 64 blocks.
Players may build anything as long as it doesn't tick (no forms of machines, automation, pipes or cables, energy sources, redstone, etc) and follows all other gameplay rules. 

To create a player shop, players should place a chest. This chest can be a normal chest, double chest, or trapped single/double chest.
Note: Players can place a normal/trapped/normal/trapped side by side to utilize more space.

Place a sign in the following format:

  • Line 1: [playershop]
  • Line 2: Item Name
    [does not need to be exact, this is simply a description of the item]
  • Line 3: Quantity
    [how many of the items are being sold at once, for the price listed]
  • Line 4: buyprice:sellprice
    [sell price is optional, if you place a sell price players can sell the same item to the shop and they get paid from your economy balance]

Once completed, the sign will be placed into a PENDING state. Hit the sign with the item you want to sell in your hand and the shop will be created and active. 

These shops work with all modded items, so you can sell anything.

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago

APOC is the originator of the key & crate system
We programmed our custom plugin "Payday" back in 2014 which has "KEYS" instead of physical items

All APOC rewards and purchases are in the form of a key on APOC
Keys can be redeemed from anywhere while logged into the server

Available keys include, but are not limited to:

  • Ranks
  • Resources
  • Rewards
  • Gear Sets
  • Boosters
  • Chunk Loaders

For more information on what keys are currently available please see our store

Keys can be obtained through various methods such as:

  • Daily Login Rewards
  • Hourly Play Rewards
  • PvP (Voltz Only)
    • PvP restrictions are in place to ensure fair and equitable gameplay
  • Player Referrals
  • Voting
  • Reviews
  • Purchase in the shop

Every tier of reward key has a higher tier key in its reward pool, meaning its possible to obtain another (higher tier) key instead of items/exp/economy
There are 4 key tiers, common/uncommon/rare/legendary
The higher the tier, the better the items in the reward pool, and the more exp and economy they give
Our keys do not give anything that's banned or disabled on our servers
You can view your list of keys by using the command /keys and redeem them by using the command /redeemkey [keyname] [amount].

Keys are global across our entire network
For a full list of possible rewards see the Key Rewards page
For a full list of available in-game commands related to keys, use the command /apockeys

The purchase price for keys in-game is listed below. Purchase them using the command /buykey [keyname] [amount]
You may also sell keys for 10% of their buy value. Sell them using the command /sellkey [keyname] [amount]

  • Common Key: $600/key
  • Uncommon Key: $1200/key
  • Rare Key: $1800/key
  • Legendary Key: $2400/key
  • Resource Key: $5000/key

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago

Rewards for keys are "all odds equal"
The possibility of obtaining any specific item is the same for all items within that prize pool
To view a full reward list for any specific server, please follow the links provided below
If the desired page does not load properly, select the link again or use the links provided in the navigation box to the left

1.5.2 Modpacks:

1.6.4 Modpacks:

1.7.10 Modpacks:

1.12.2 Modpacks:

1.16.5 Modpacks:

1.18.2 Modpacks:

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago


Players may use referrals to bring others to APOC Gaming. Referrals are reserved for players who have not connected to our network yet.
Using the command /referral [username] will generate a referral for the designated player.

Upon joining, both players will be rewarded with:

  • Economy: $500
  • Common Key: 10
  • Uncommon Key: 5


Players may review APOC Gaming Network on vote sites listed here. These reviews are intended to be HONEST feedback. Please note that if you are experiencing any specific issues you can contact us so that we may resolve them as quickly as possible. 

Upon successful completion of their first review, players are given the following rewards:

  • Economy: $2500
  • Rare Key: 3

Upon successful completion of all subsequent reviews, players are given the following rewards:

  • Economy: $1000
  • Rare Key: 3

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago

Vote Sites allow one vote every 12-24 hours.
Each successful vote provides a Vote Key.
Redeeming this votekey will give players the following rewards:

  • Economy: $100
  • Common Key: 1
  • Experience: 1 Level
  • Grief Prevention Claim Blocks: 5

To learn more about our key system in-game, use the command /apockeys.

Ensure that the HUB server is online before voting! All vote sites send their confirmation packets to the HUB server.

If the HUB is offline, no votes will be registered and rewards will not be given. We are not responsible for missing vote rewards!

For a complete list of current active vote sites see https://www.apocgaming.org/vote/

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 8 months ago

On this Page we will detail how the GriefPrevention claims system works on APOC, and it's relevant commands.

Creating a Claim:

  • New Claims can be created using the command /claim [range] or by right-clicking with a golden shovel 
  • Claims can be expanded with a golden shovel by right-clicking at the current corner, then again at the new corner
  • Claims can be subdivided using a golden shovel while using the command /subdivideclaims 
    • Subdivided parts of your claim can have separate permissions set from your regular claim
    • Return to basic claim mode using the command /basicclaims

Adding Friends to your Claim:

  • Give players complete access using /trust [player]
  • Give players access to chests, machines, furnaces, etc using /containertrust [player]
  • Give players access to pressure plates, levers, doors, etc using /accesstrust [player]
  • Give access to machines in your claim using /autotrust 
    • Usage of this command will trust ALL players and machines used for 30s. Use with caution.
  • Using /untrust [name] will remove access to the claim

Abandoning your claim:

  • Using /abandonclaim will delete the claim you're standing in and refund your claimblocks
  • Using /abandonallclaims will delete all of your claims across the server and refund your claimblocks

Gaining Claimblocks:

  • Using /buyclaimblocks [amount] will purchase claimblocks for $5 each
  • Additional claimblocks are included with ranks over at our SHOP and in monthly subscriptions to our DISCORD 

Selling Claimblocks:

  • Using /sellclaimblocks [amount] will sell claimblocks for $1 each

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago

On this Page we will detail how the Towny claims system works on APOC, and it's relevant commands.

Starting a Towny:

  • Starting a new Towny can be done using /t new [name]
  • Creating a town costs $2,500
  • Adding residents to your town can be done with  /town add [name]
  • Remove residents from your town with /town kick [name]

Town Bank:

  • The town bank holds funds used to advance and sustain your town
  • View the funds available to your town on the main Towny information screen  /t
  • Deposit funds into the town bank with /t deposit [amount]
  • Withdraw funds from the town bank with /t withdraw [amount]
    • This action is not available for standard resident


  • Enable chunk borders with F9 to view which chunk you will be claiming
  • Each chunk claimed with Towny will cost $1,280 
    • This money is taken from the town bank
  • Claim a chunk for your town using the command  /t claim
    • This will claim the chunk you're currently inside
    • You can view your total available town claims on the main Towny information screen /t
  • To mark plots for sale use /plot fs [amount]
  • To mark plots NOT for sale use /plot nfs
  • The Maximum number of plots a resident can own is 25
    • This can be increased with ranks purchased over at our SHOP 
    • The amount of chunks available to your town is 4 times the number of residents
      • EXAMPLE: If your town has 2 residents you will have 8 chunks available (2 x 4 = 8) 
  • Additional Towny chunks may be purchased using /t buy bonus [amount]
    • Each bonus claim will cost $2,560
    • The maximum amount of bonus claims available for purchase is 100


  • Town daily upkeep will withdraw $250 from the town bank
    • This action happens automatically every 24 hours in real time 
    • In the event the town bank has insufficient funds, the town will be disbanded
  • Set the town's taxes using /town set taxes [amount]
    • This collects taxes from all residents
    • This is a daily flat tax collected every 24 hours automatically
      • In the event a resident cannot afford this tax, they will be kicked from the town
  • Set the town's plot tax using /town set plottax [amount]
    • This collects daily plot tax from all plot owners
    • This tax is multiplied by the amount of plots a player owns


  • Mayors may toggle permissions for explosions, fire spread, mob spawning, public access, PvP, tax percentage, and open residency
    • Turn on/off explosion block damage using /town toggle explosion
    • Turn on/off fire spread using /town toggle fire
    • Turn on/off hostile mob spawning using /town toggle mobs
    • Toggle permissions for public access using /town toggle public
      • Turns on/off public access to /t spawn
      • Turns on/off public sharing of the town spawn coordinates
    • Turn on/off PvP within the town using /town toggle pvp
    • Turn on/off taxing by percent rather than flat rate using /town toggle taxpercent
    • Turn on/off public joining to your town using /town toggle open
  • There are 4 groups within Towny which may have permissions assigned to them. They are OutsidersResidentsAllies, and Friend
    • Outsiders are players who are not part of your town
    • Residents are players who are part of your town
    • Allies are players who belong to an allied town or nation
    • Friends are players who you have added to your friend list
      • Add players to your friend list with /res friend add [name]
  • Set permissions in the town using /t set perm [group] [permission] on/off
    • This will be the default for all unowned chunks within the town
    • Available permission values include switchitemusebuild, and destroy
      • Switch controls whether a group can use chests, machines, and multiblock structures
      • Itemuse controls whether a group can use items such as buckets and bonemeal
      • Build controls whether a group can place blocks
      • Destroy controls whether a group can break blocks
  • Residents may set plot permissions using /plot set perm [group] [permission] on/off
    • This will set permissions for only the current plot
  • There are 3 ranks within Towny that may be assigned to residents. They are Assistant, Helper, and VIP
    • Assign players a rank using /town rank add/remove [resident] [rank]
    • Assistant gives ability to manage/assign plots to people
    • Helper allows players to help with town related tasks
    • VIP grants the player tax immunity


  • Creating a nation can be done using /nation new [nation] [capital]
    • The cost of making a nation is $10,000 (removed from the town bank)
    • [nation] is the name for your new nation
    • [capital] is the town you designate to be the capital of the nation
      • If no capital is used it will default to your current town
  • Add funds to the nation bank using the command /nation deposit [town]
    • Can only be performed by the King
  • Withdraw funds from the nation bank using the command /nation remove [town]
    • Can only be performed by the King
  • Kings may be reassigned using the command /nation set king [player]
  • Set friendly nations as allies using the command /nation ally add/remove [nation]
  • Set opposing nations as enemies using the command  /nation enemy add/remove [nation]
  • Set taxes within the nation using the command /nation set taxes [amount]
  • Invite towns into your nation using the command /nation add [town]
  • Remove towns from your nation using the command /nation kick [town]
  • Reassign the capital city of your nation using the command /nation kick [town]
  • Assign player ranks within the nation using the command /nation add/remove [player] [rank]
  • Change the name of your nation using the command /nation set name [name]
  • Delete your nation using the command /nation delete [nation]
    • Can only be performed by the King

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago
APOC Gaming Network (AGN) is a privately owned gaming community that hosts modded minecraft servers from many versions and platforms as well as clans and guilds on many other games. AGN is not affiliated with Mojang, Microsoft, Digital Extremes, or any other game company, developer, or publisher we provide services or a community for.

Terms and Conditions
  • By participating in this website or any affiliated services, you are agreeing to our website rules and any laws which may apply to this content sourced from private organizations. The term APOC refers to the Apocalyptic Gaming Network, and all included associations.

Accounts and Services:

  • The APOC administration reserve the right to change these terms and conditions or any rules, without warning. It is the responsibility of both users and management to check these terms and the rules for changes at any point. APOC Gaming Network also reserves the right to alter any feature, gameplay element, hosted server, or purchased content at any time. Changes that directly affect the functionality of daily products will be forewarned, baring any errors with Development.
  • You agree to all of our rules, terms, and policies when joining our website, discord, or game servers. Violation of any of these, regardless of standing on our services, may result in the banning, termination, or restriction of our services rendered to you without refund. This also includes but is not limited to any accounts that have been compromised by malicious software or programs.
  • Sharing with users any form of scam, malware, token grabbers, fake domains, invites to alternate sites or servers not approved by APOC, sending manipulated media such as screenshots or video which has been generated or manipulated by any program, repeated message on any of our services using a program, botnet, or other malicious methods to circumvent our networks rules, terms, or policies is strictly prohibited.
  • APOC is not affiliated with Microsoft or Mojang in any capacity, nor affiliated with any game studio, publisher, or business involved with the game servers hosted. Please do not contact any of these entities for issues with our services. For assistance, submit a support ticket on the site or discord.


  • All donations and purchases are final, and will not be refunded for any reason. All purchases come with a guarantee of delivery, and if unable to do so, such purchases will substituted with others of equal value within the APOC Gaming Network scope. Assistance will be provided for manual delivery of digital purchase if errors occur. Transaction issues should be reported to staff by way of support tickets mentioned prior, but is entirely dependent on the consumer. Usage of stolen payment methods is considered fraud regardless of age and current whereabouts. Filing any form of dispute or chargeback to obtain refunds after services have been fully rendered (delivery of game server access and digital goods purchase to the account used for the purchase) will result in the forfeit of access to all APOC services.
  • Please do not make any purchases or donations using payment methods not of your own. Friends’ or family’s accounts for any form of transaction on APOC not performed by the owner of the payment method is considered fraud and will be investigated. You must be of at least 16 years of age (legal age may vary based on country) and have legal access to a banking institution or account under your name to perform any transaction on APOC. No personal or financial information is saved or obtained during  any transaction.
  • Any revenue made by donations or purchases is used to help pay for the network’s expenses and payments to staff for work rendered. These expenses include web hosting, server hosting, domains, emails, ddos protection, data backups/storage, databases, electricity, bandwidth, internet access, physical server hardware, and payments to staff or developers for services rendered. Apocalyptic Gaming Network is privately owned and hosted, and uses of contributions do not have to be disclosed.

Social Media:

  • You are allowed to contribute to any social media post we make to any platform, however you need to get our permission to stream or advertise yourself or any of your social media on our platform.
  • Recording videos or streaming are allowed without our consent, but if you wish to advertise your social media on our servers, site, or discord you must contact staff or make a support ticket to be given a "Content Creator" rank/role to allow you to advertise on our services. You are only allowed to advertise your social media when the content involves our network. So if you are streaming on our game servers, advertising is allowed. However playing on other games or servers advertising of your socials will not be allowed on APOC. This only applies to the time frame of when the post was made for the stream. Please only post your socials when you are actively involved with our network.
  • Any form of direction or guidance to get a player or member of our network to join another network or community through your socials to bypass our no-advertising rules will result in account termination and banning.

Last updated on: 11JAN2024. This page is still being worked on, and it may not be in a finalized state.

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago
APOC Gaming Network (AGN) is a privately owned gaming community that hosts modded minecraft servers from many versions and platforms as well as clans and guilds on many other games. AGN is not affiliated with Mojang, Microsoft, Digital Extremes, or any other game company, developer, or publisher we provide services or a community for.

Privacy Policy

The following privacy policy outlines how your data is used on our website.

Basic non-identifiable information about your user on the website is collected; the majority of which is provided during registration, such as email addresses and usernames.
In addition to this, IP addresses for registered users are stored within the system to aid with moderation duties. This includes spam prevention, and detecting alternative accounts.

Accounts can be deleted by a site administrator upon request, which will remove all data relating to your user from our system.

Our game servers do not collect any account data at all. Data we collect is your MC Username, UUID, Gameplay (such as blocks broken, mobs killed, etc), server location, world location, and other activites are recorded. Such data is un usable outside of our server. All account information is held and controlled by Microsoft/Mojang which is used to login to your minecraft client/launcher using OAuth before joining our servers.

We also do not collect any private information for any donation or purchase. All transactions are processed through payment processors such as Paypal or Stripe. We do not require verified addresses for any purchase or donation as the transaction is for a digital goods product, which does not need to be shipped. So no address or personal identification is needed.

We do not manage any information at all regarding our Discord server. All accounts, emails, ips, etc are all managed by Discord. Only information we can see, collect, or delete are the messages posted on our discord server. However we cannot see or access any direct messages to your account, or any groups or servers you are in. If you have any questions about your data or discord account please contact discord for more information.

Cookies are used to store small pieces of non-identifiable information with your consent. In order to consent to the use of cookies, you must either close the cookie notice (as explained within the notice) or register on our website.
Data stored by cookies include any recently viewed topic IDs, along with a unique, unidentifiable hash upon logging in and selecting "Remember Me" to automatically log you in next time you visit.

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 3 months ago
  • /help
    • Displays the help menu
  • /apockeys
    • Root command for our custom keys plugin. When used displays available commands for keys.
    • See the Keys & Kits Wiki for more information on Keys
  • /is
    • Skyblock Island command root
  • /is help
    • Displays a full list of available exclusive commands for skyblock packs
  • /sethome
    • Sets a player home
  • /home
    • Teleports a player to their /sethome
  • /back
    • Teleports a player back to a previous position
  • /warps
    • Displays a list of available warps
  • /warp [warp]
    • Teleports a player to the designated warp location
  • /rtp
    • Teleports a player to a random position in their current dimension
  • /vote
    • Displays a list of available voting sites
  • /shop
    • Provides a link to the APOC Shop
  • /amps
    • Opens the amp GUI
  • /wc loadchunk [online/offline]
    • Command based chunkloading for the chunk you're currently in
    • Online loaders must be refreshed upon login
    • F9 will display chunk borders
  • /tools
    • Opens the GUI to adjust tree-capacitator, mass miner, vein miner, auto-planter, and trench digger
  • /spawner
    • Changes the spawner to the designated monster
  • /towny
    • Root command access for Towny
    • See the Towny Wiki for more information on Towny
  • /claimslist
    • Shows a players current claims and their available blocks
    • See the Grief Prevention Wiki for more information on Grief Prevention
  • /tpa [player]
    • Requests teleportation to designated player target
    • Must be accepted by the other party to teleport
  • /tpahere [player]
    • Requests teleportation of designated player to you
    • Must be accepted by the other party to teleport
  • /profile
    • Displays your server profile
  • /glist
    • Displays a list of players and their respective servers

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago


  • /compass - Shows direction & position
  • /clearinventory - Wipes inventory
  • /ptime - Set your own personal time to night or day permanently
  • /jump - Jump several chunks in front of you
  • /near - Show players near you
  • /enderchest - Access your enderchest
  • /hat - Places the selected block on your head


  • /workbench - Open crafting table anywhere
  • /speed [1.0-1.4] - Increase walking/sprinting speed
  • /top - Moves you to the surface
  • /fix all - Repairs all items in inventory
  • /feed - Fills your hunger bar
  • /vchest - Access a virtual chest to store items
    • Does not support inventoried items like shulkers or backpacks
  • /nick - set a nickname


  • /fly - Allows flight, and protects from falling damage
  • autotool - Automatically swap tools for the block your breaking (In Development)


  • /heal - Full recovery for HP, hunger, status
  • /salvage - Gives resources for tools, weapons, armor
  • /powertool - Allows the binding of commands to an item
    • Only commands which the player is already able to use are usable with this command


  • /gmc - Access to Restricted Creative Mode
    • Restricted to not allow sharing, storing, or dropping items from creative
    • Restricted to not allow rewards for tasks or expertise while in creative
    • Restricted to blocks/items which are deemed to be building materials or decorative items only
    • Restricted to usage only within the overworld
    • Restricted to not allow advancement through quests
    • Restricted to not provide advantage over players without this gamemode through any means
      • Bugs/Glitches/Exploits involving Creative Mode are a bannable offense. If one is discovered please report it to administration

*Note: All features listed above are available through various in-game methods through standard gameplay

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago

Discord Specific Rules

  • Excessively tagging individuals that are DnD or offline is not allowed
  • Mention @onlinestaff if you have a problem that requires immediate attention
    • You will lose tagging permissions if you do this excessively; one tag per issue is sufficient

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 2 months ago

Rules are subject to change at any point deemed necessary by the APOC Team.

Do not excessively use foul language

  • This includes bypassing the chat filter on the server. 
  • Please keep it PG13.

Do not use racist language

  • This includes judging by color, using racist remarks, or slang/abbreviations of insults.

Do not speak non-English language in global chat

  • Use private messaging for non-English discussion.

Do not discuss politics or religion in-game or on Discord

  • This includes government, policies, foreign or domestic military actions, riots or protests, any type of religious book or quotes, or judging someone based on your personal beliefs.
  • Politics/Religious discussions allowed in designated Discord channels or private messages.

Do not use excessive caps

Do not advertise any server/pack or website for a server

Do not advertise any personal social media unless it involves APOC

Do not harass players in any way

Do not argue with staff if asked to do something within reason

Do not use your rank as a bragging tool against others

Do not scam others. If you agreed on a trade it must be completed

Do not request real world details of other players. This includes, but is not limited to: name/age/gender/location.

Do not specifically reference the real world details of another player in a manner non-consistent with a PG-13 environment. This includes, but is not limited to: name/age/gender/location.

Do not use any form of cheats, x-ray, hacked clients, spoofing, exploits, duping, etc on our servers

Do not insult the server

  • If you have an issue with a server a support ticket should be submitted.

Do not make threats against others or the network. This includes hacking or ddosing threats

Do not roleplay

  • Not everyone is into that stuff, and our chat is global.

Do not raid or grief any claimed base in the overworld

  • If there is a claim nearby an unclaimed area, this applies to the unclaimed portion.

Do not craft, use, or distribute banned items

  • If the item is on the ban list for the server you're playing, but is craftable or obtainable in-game, it still is not allowed.

Do not damage the spawn in any way

Do not PVP bypass

  • PvP is not allowed (excluding Voltz)
    • Voltz has command/item restrictions on shop items allow fair and equitable gameplay


  • We do not support name changes. 
  • Changing your name on Minecraft will forfeit your:
    • Claims
    • Towns
    • Inventory
    • Economy
    • Keys
    • Ranks
    • Experience
    • Homes
    • MCMMO levels
    • Ars Magica
    • Thaumcraft
    • Blood magic
    • Quest progress
    • And much more!

DO NOT request help for crashes if you are not using the intended launcher for the pack.

  • ATL, Curse, Technic, FTB launchers are the only ones we support.
  • Use the Wiki to make sure you are using the recommended launcher for each server.

Towny issues must be handled by the mayor of the Towny.

  • We can provide command guidance but the mayor must perform the commands.

Last edited by Clutch_Cabbage · 7 months ago

Rules are subject to change at any point deemed necessary by the APOC Team.

Do not excessively use foul language

Do not use racist language

Posts should be in English language only

Do not discuss politics or religion

Do not use excessive caps

Do not advertise any server/pack or website for a server

Do not advertise any personal social media unless it involves APOC

Do not harass others in any way

Do not argue with staff if asked to do something within reason

Do not use your rank as a bragging tool against others

Do not scam others

Do not insult the server

  • If you have an issue with a server a support ticket should be submitted.

Do not make threats against others or the network. This includes hacking or ddosing threats

Do not roleplay

DO NOT request help for crashes if you are not using the intended launcher for the pack.

  • ATL, Curse, Technic, FTB launchers are the only ones we support.
  • Use the Wiki to make sure you are using the recommended launcher for each server