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Tekxit 3.14 PI updated to version 1.0.980
Topic Locked
Zilacon APOC Owner
23 posts
23 topics
7 months ago

Our Tekxit 3.14 PI server has been updated to version 1.0.980.
Please update your clients before rejoining our server at TKXP.APOCGAMING.ORG

Change Log: https://www.technicpack.net/modpack/tekxit-314-official-1122.1718228/changelog/2262141

Mod Additions:

  • Alfheim
  • CensoredASM
  • RedCore
  • VintageFix

Mod Removals:

  • CrashToMainMenu
  • FoamFix
  • NormalASM
  • Phosphor
  • PhosphorCrashFix

Mod Updates:

  • AppliedEnergistics2
  • AsgardShieldReloaded
  • ChocolateQuestRepoured
  • CraftTweaker2
  • EnchantmentDescriptions
  • EntityCulling
  • FutureMC
  • HadEnoughItems
  • InfernalMobs
  • LittleFrames
  • LittleTiles
  • MixinBooter
  • RoughlyEnoughIDs
  • Ruins
  • UniversalTweaks
  • VillageNames
  • Watermedia
  • XaerosMinimap
  • XaerosWorldMap

Additional Changes:

  • Blacklist minecolonies villagers and normal villagers from reliquary interdiction torch.
  • Disable "Better Harvest" for universal tweaks, because it is not better.
  • Disable paint press recipe for bibliocraft with crafttweaker.
  • Disable protection for minecolonies so machines and such work properly and reduce server load and crashes, players on servers will likely have other protection stuff anyways.
  • Disable teleport for natures compass to fix chunk corruption.
  • Internal testing shows reduction in loading times by 20% after the update.


Last edited: 3 months ago