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Tekkit 2 updated to version 1.2.4
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Zilacon APOC Owner
35 posts
35 topics
Minecraft: Zilacon
6 months ago

The Tekkit 2 server has been updated to version 1.2.4.
Please update your clients before rejoining our server at T2.APOCGAMING.ORG

Change Log: 


  • Added Railway Depot Worker, which fixes many long-standing Railcraft issues, as well as Particle Culling and JEI Area Fixer which offer their own improvements.
  • Updated 26 mods to their latest versions, which provide many new fixes and small improvements.
  • A lot of small configuration changes, which provide many fixes and small improvements, as well as a new little surprise in the loading screen.
  • Removed OpenEye, as it caused longer load times on some systems.